His Boxy Smile


The popular kid, Jungkook has a crush on the school nerd.  Why?  Because of his boxy smile.


The popular kid Jungkook has a crush on the school nerd.  Why?  Because of his boxy smile.


Written for heclgehog's Openwriting Club, Week 1


If you would also love to joing in writing a story please join the openwriting club.


Week 1: 

Prompt:  Sweetheart by Seenroot

Theme:  Confession, Love, Fluff, Light-hearted Sentimental Things




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48 streak #1
Chapter 1: Sooo cutee wow
AHHAHAHA I knew it was Taehyung when I read the title :))
Chapter 1: Ahh, too sweet, my teeth! Too bright, my eyes! *covers eyes*

I think the story is okay. :D The last part of the story is kinda out of nowhere though, and the part where Taehyung should be going to the infirmary just kinda disappeared. I think it would be nice (and kinda funny, in my opinion) if one of them suddenly mentions about the infirmary, at least then we know that they didn’t just stay in the hallway and kissed all day.
There were also a few grammar and spelling errors, but nothing big so it’s okay.

Other than that, this is a nice read, me likey! <3
Chapter 1: Aw, so cute! I love such theme for fanfiction; the 'opposites-attract' idea ^3^ Jungkook crushing on nerdy Taehyung was so freaking adorable! And Tae reciprocated his feelings! DFSdshgdsjd How nice :3 Thank you for this story ^^
Chapter 1: This was really cute! There were some grammatical errors but it wasn't really distracting, especially because I understand it was written in under a week. I did think that the beginning was a little heavier than the ending, which had shorter sentences and less dense paragraphs. Even though the plot itself wasn't rushed necessarily, the less dense sentence structure can give that feeling to a reader. But that's just something random to take note of, since I think it tends to help with better flow. Overall, you did a great job and I can't wait to see what you write next prompt!!
Chapter 1: hdufiahdsfuiadfhd
yes, so cute <3
of course, there's always room for improvement. I think that the flow of your story was a little hard to find, as it seemed very blunt, and the sentences did not run as smoothly as I would've liked. still really good!
Chapter 1: This was so adorable..
11 streak #8
Chapter 1: Oooo, Tae Take a nerdy student... I am trying imagine. Jungkook is really bold. So cute.

I am not good at commenting at ones writing style since I am not a good writer myself. But I just find that words keep repeating in first paragraph... Not that it's bad.. Just my opinions. But the story is good. Well my second Vkook story that I read.
-You've expressed a light romance nicely through your writing style but there's always room for improvement :)
-For example, I think the use of the words "waiting" (first sentence) and "specific" (second sentence) were redundant, so watch out for stuff like that.
-I think I felt my heart flutter when JK took Tae out of the classroom omg. So yeah I liked that scene :)

Keep writing ^^
Chapter 1: This is super cute!!! \(♥ヮ♥)/ I like that you did it in the perspective of the popular kid crushing on the nerd instead of the other way around like most authors do. It was a very nice touch!!!!

One tip I have is to maybe edit a bit more for typing errors. There are quite a few, especially near the end, which kinda pulled me out of the story a bit (if you don't have a beta to help with that, then you could always use Grammarly. It has a free version that works really well) There were also a few sentences that I felt like could have been broken up or simplified and it would have made the flow of reading a little better, but that's something that gets better naturally the more you write (⌒ヮ⌒)b