May the Force be with you


Title: May The Force Be With You
Author: Julietspet
Pairing: Krisho
Rating: PG
Genre: AU, fluff idk? comedy?
Summary: In which Junmyeon is a huge star wars fan and his cat keeps breaking into his hot neighbour’s apartment. Inspired by the following prompts.

Originally posted on my tumblr, I decided to repost it here because it's one of my faves. 

For Kit. 


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2438 streak #1
Chapter 1: HAHA this is really cute!!!
too short for me tho since I feel like the plot could be continued still... I mean I still need to see them get together! but, ofc we're free to imagine that on our own, right? HAHAHAHA

anyway, Han Solo must be Cupid? HAHAHAHA
but let's be honest, either Yifan was kinda interested in Jun coz if that cat always came to my house, I'd have gone to war with the owner already! HAHAHA
or he really is just the laziest human being to exist and that's really his sole reason for accepting Jun's invitation to dinner...

seeing how dinner went contrary to Yifan's expectations, maybe how he regards Jun will be different from this point on, and it'll be the start of their developing relationship more than neighbors

short and sweet! wish there's more... but alas, it's cute as it is already anyway :)
HunieMineNahLuluis #2
Chapter 1: soo where the other part? like not that i ask you, but am ask you in the manner of asking nut begging and i even doesn't know what am write cuz i just have soo much stress
but cute fic tho, am sure lil by lil their relationship gonna escalated from neighbors to lover
Chapter 1: This was so cute *-*
I loved it :')
Is it just a one shot?
Or are there going to be other chapters too?
Chapter 1: I'm excited!