Chapter 1

Intense Attraction

“You are one lucky little weasel you know Nani?” Her friend stirred her mocha latte and sipped it daintily.

The said girl’s eyebrows shot up and she gave Yun Na a dead-pan expression.

“And why’s that?”

“You’re dating Zelo. Zelo.”

“I know that.” She snapped, “And he prefers to be called JunHong.”

Yun Na raised her hands in self-defence and then lowered them at the other girl’s stare.

“Well anyway, I don’t see what your problem with him is. You’re real lucky to have a guy like him when you’re… yeah. I have to go. Tee tee why el! (TTYL)” she waved with two fingers clutching her house keys and walked off, her Flora by Gucci perfume leaving a thick stench in the air.

Nani and her best friend Ji Young stared after their friend and made a face.

It was quiet for a moment as the two of them went back to their hot drinks. “I don’t see why you’re so tolerant of her, she’s not great.” Ji Young stated calmly.

Nani gazed at her friend. Ji Young was quiet, studious and pretty but had very strong morals and believed in everlasting loyalty. They were features of hers that Nani saw in the two-years-older-than-her girl.

“Yun Na… was there for me when I first came into the school. Yeah, she’s not great but what can you do?”

“Babe,” another thing Ji Young loved was American tv shows. She would always come up with a new phrase in English to say every day. “I’m two years older than you. Two. I’ve never had a boyfriend, but I have had crushes and I can definitely say that you and Zelo- JunHong” she corrected herself, “Are made to be.”

“That fan fiction stuff, the loving glances and are what you two are made of.” Ji Young stabbed a long finger in Nani’s direction. “Sure you fight, and when you do it’s like the apocalypse but he loves you.”

Nani’s right eye twitched in annoyance. “Why do you say he loves me?”

She interrupted before Ji Young could speak again. “For one, we are sixteen. I am fifteen. Two, he’s a trainee, now an idol with a life of a star!”

Exasperated, the tears came pooling in her eyes. “He’s so far away from me, sometimes even in literal sense! Sure, one day maybe I’ll be famous and have a great life but that’s after I graduate and go to college and all that.”

“Zelo is amazing,” she used his stage name. “But I can’t help but wish he was… Zelo with me and not JunHong.”

Ji Young frowned. “But you love Jun-“

“Yeah.” A sudden incredulous laugh from Nani made Ji Young jump. “He’s charismatic on stage, and he’s so eye catching, and everything about him is like a dream.”

Nani used her index finger to wipe a tear away from her eye. “But the thing is, it is a dream. When I see him and his band mates, there’s not one word from him that is directly to me.”

She jabbed her finger on her own chest. The tears were unable to stop. “Not one word is ever at me. He held my hand last week on the couch, but even that was the first time in a month! He kissed my cheek but I swear that there’s only ever been two of those, and when I ask a question, he turns a blind eye and someone else like Young Jae oppa or Jong Up oppa answers.”

“Am I only there as an accessory?”

“Now don’t you dare say that. You can ask that question but your heart knows that’s not true.”

And it was true. Nani didn’t say that out loud though. There were times where JunHong shot her looks that took her breath away and left her lightheaded. There were times where he would say things that made Prince Charming sound like a frog.

“Yun Na said-“

“Now you’re just being a stupid little girl.” Ji Young harshly said, pushing the cups to the side.

She gave Nani a good hard stare before continuing. “Yun Na was born with almost everything. And when she didn’t have those rare things, in the end she was y enough to her parents to get them. Remember the pencil case?”

Nani smiled a little at the memory.

“Yun Na may be everything we normal people want to be, but she will never ever experience the hardships we have. Someday she will fall and because she never came from the house, she won’t know how to get back up.” Satisfied with her own speech, Ji Young leaned back.

“And who will be there to pick her up?” Nani asked, confused.

Ji Young smiled slyly. “Who do you think? You.”

You will be the only person kind enough to pick someone like her up, and she will learn that you are irreplaceable. At that moment, you can ask for whatever from her and she will give it to you.”

“But that’s using someone.”

“So? Yun Na’s only JunHong’s age but already she’s used and thrown away people like a box of tissues. There will be one day that you will have to throw away all inhibitions and be a selfish, sour little .”

There was nothing Nani could say to open up her worries again. Ji Young was right, and Nani knew that.

“Nani, babe,” Ji Young used the English term and smirked. “You’re one of those people who when they want something, they go to all costs to get it.”

“So tell me. Do you want JunHong?”


“Do you want Zelo?”


“And are you prepared to sacrifice a lot for it?”


“How much are you willing to sacrifice?”

“Everything. Absolutely everything.” Nani breathed.


It was getting late, and Nani needed to go home for some late night cramming. “See you unnie.” She said and left the little shop, the jingling of the bell making a nice sound as she left.

Ji Young bent her head around the booth to make sure that Nani was gone before she took out her mobile from her -pocket.

She was so nervous that she fumbled with it, and it made a loud clattering sound on the table. The people beside her glanced over and she cursed.

“Did you get that?” she breathlessly asked the person over the phone.

The line crackled. Please don’t have hung up, she prayed, and almost jumped for joy when Young Jae’s voice came over the line.

“Yeah, we did. Now JunHong would like to speak with you.” The sound died away before becoming stronger again, and this time, a more youthful voice came on.


“Yeh JunHong.”

A sniffle.

“You coming down with a cold JunHong?” Ji Young asked.

“Yeh actually.”

“What did you want to say Zelo? Spit it out. It’s getting late and you have a schedule tomorrow I’m assuming.”

“Noona you know that I love Nani right? She’s the best thing that happened to me, even better than our debut right? Nani is so important to me and you know that I would, I could never deliberately hurt her. Right?”

Ji Young sighed. “I know JunHong, I know. You need to tell Nani that.”


“JunHong, you’re young and you’re cute. But don’t let fame get in the way. Whatever image TS gave you, you throw that into the ocean when Nani comes over. You heard her, she wants the confidence of Zelo but the sweetness of JunHong. She believes that they are two people. You know that they are one. Don’t let your company image change your own mind. Same goes with the other members!”she reminded him.

“Noona, thanks. Really.”

“Alright alright, don’t use your aegyo on me. Have a good night Zelo.”

She hung up.

Three minutes later she received a text.

[Received at 10:04 pm]

<3 noona. From Zelo (I’m still using Young Jae hyung’s phone)

[From Young Jae]


Dae Hyun eyed the maknae as he scurried out of the room, grabbing his dark cloak. He walked as quickly as possible to JunHong’s room with a glass of milk almost spilling over his hand and pushed the door open.

Young Jae sat on the bed with a confident smirk. In his hand was his shiny new mobile phone.

He muttered a few sentences before hanging up and looking at Dae Hyun. “What did you do?” Dae Hyun asked.

“Well, I got a date with the hottest chick on Earth; Ji Young.”

“No, I meant with Zelo.” Dae Hyun rolled his eyes.

“Pfft. Love quarrels.” Young Jae waved the problem away with his hand as though it were air and left the room, Dae Hyun hot on his trail.

Jong Up was in the kitchen with Yong Guk, talking about some game. Young Jae shot them a smirk. “Let’s just say that our dear maknae has been… enlightened.” He left for his bedroom, leaving the others in a puddle of confusion.

Yong Guk turned to Dae Hyun, “Was it Ji Young?”


“Did he get a date?”


“Sneaky little bastard.”


This chapter is based on the fact that what Ji Young said is what I feel. I watched ‘Ta-dah, it’s B.A.P’, and I despise the fact that Dae Hyun has a mask. I despise the fact that Zelo is always wearing a scarf and never speaking unless spoken to.

They are the first group which I can safely say that I love all of them. TVXQ for me is amazing too but at first a disliked a few members. B.A.P is equally amazing in their own way.

I would love to see more of Dae Hyun and Zelo in their normal lives in the future.

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ehhhhhhhh. her friends=.=
Well I think that Zelo was loyal too!! >< If he wasn't then at least he was TRYING to be.

Lol hormones :33 /bricked
Omg the ending :O
But really, her and Zelo's moment was sweet <3
Lol at Zelo not being able to control his hormones Cx
But he's too young to do some...stuffs anyway. Cx
Update soon! <3
I like this alot, Please update soon! ^^ You lift many problems with the K-pop world and the great thing ( hot charismatic guys ;)) So i rly looking forward to the next chapter! ^^