Chapter 4

For Better or For Worse?


Taemin scrunched his eyes brows wondering what the object that just hit his foot was. He assumed Minho foot had hit him, he probably thinking that Taemin’s foot was the pole holding up the table. He moved his foot next to the other giving Minho’s spider like legs room but his foot followed Taemin’s over to the new position. Soon Minho’s other foot knocked against Taemin’s left foot, locking both of his feet together with Minho’s

“Ok, well your cute obviously,” Key looked over at Jonghyun and gave him a fiery gaze. “But it seems like people avoid you. People have even told me to avoid you, why is that?”

Key whacked Jonghyun on the arm “Don’t be so rude, maybe he doesn’t want to talk about it.” Jonghyun held his sore arm, thinking about Key having more power in his slim body than anyone really knew about.

Taemin placed a hand on Key’s shoulder but quickly took it away, not feeling comfortable touching people that he just met fearing their reaction might be a look of disgust. “No its ok, you actually might want to know why before you sit at this table again.”

“What do you not like chicken, cause if that’s it I’m leaving,” Onew placed his hands on the table and pushed himself up, he looked over at Taemin’s face that once smiled but now faced the table. Onew placed himself back into his sit and gave a toothy grin “Don’t worry I was just joking, you can continue but just make sure you don’t bash on my chicken, got it.”

Onew squinted his eyes and stared at Taemin, waiting for him to nod his head making sure that their deal was sealed. He finally bobbed his head causing Onew to immediately beam .He waved his hand permitting Taemin to continue.

“Well one time everyone in my class was talking about how someone could really only love the opposite and that it was weird to love the same . They asked me about it and I told them that people could not really choose who they wanted to love.” Taemin eyes darted to the others trying to see their expression, which remained blank.

He placed a finger on the tabletop he faced and gently rubbed at its surface. “Well I had to explain to them that technically everyone is biual if you’re supposed to love someone for whom they are instead of what they look like. Everyone then assumed I called them gay so they started to despise me, it’s no big deal.”

Taemin shrugged his shoulder while the others continued to stare at him, he chuckled from the weird, silence that filled the air. “You can leave now if you really think I’m strange, I’ll understand besides it wouldn’t be the first time that happened.”

Minho took Taemin’s hand and circled the back of the pale limb, which made Taemin stop worrying about them leaving him. “Why would we go? It’s just your opinion nobody should take that right from you or hold it against you.”

Key placed his hand on top of Taemin’s blonde mop “Plus why would we kick you out of our family it’s finally complete.”

 Taemin face scrunched up “Huh? What are you talking about?”

Jonghyun leaned back trying to look over Key’s back to talk to Taemin “It’s another one of his role playing games.”

Key’s cheeks inflated with air “yeobo!” he nudged Jonghyun “It’s not a game, we really are set up like a family, wanna know how?” Taemin glanced at everyone fearing he may regret the answer. He slowly nodded his head, the feet that surrounded his pushed further together leaving no space on either side of Taemin’s feet.

“Ok well I’m the umma because I love to take care of everyone. While Jonghyun is the appa because we’re always by each other’s side no matter what happens. Taemin you are our little baby because you’re the youngest and for some reason you just make me want to take care of you.” Key ran his finger through Taemin’s soft hair “And Onew’s Jonghyun’s brother since they’re know each other forever. That would make him your uncle and my brother in law.”

Key stopped speaking missing one key person that should have completed the loop “What about Minho?” Taemin finally questioned.

“Oh his supposed to be baby Taemin’s boyfriend that umma highly disapproves of.” Key gave Minho a stare even the devil would fear with a low chuckle to follow. The huge items that once enclosed Taemin’s feet disappeared retreating back to their side of the table practically whining like a puppy who was just disciplined

“Ok since we are supposed to be a family let’s walk home together today!” Jonghyun yelled bouncing up and down in his seat.

Onew shook his head ‘how was he the appa, he acted just like a child himself’ “What if we don’t live by each other. You know Minho and Taemin might not live by us.”

Minho spoke up in what seemed like ages to Taemin “I live just past the park, what was its name?” Minho tapped his skull a few times “Oh yea Destiny Park, I live about a block or two past it.”

Taemin’s lips curled “Really me to! What about you guys?”

“We live right before the park begins so we can walk together!” Key popped out of his seat and started to sway his hips, matching with the invisible music.

Jonghyun placed his hands on Key’s hips, they moved together until Jonghyun pushed Key back into his seat “Calm down now, you can get excited later ok?”

The bell buzzed signaling everyone to go back to class “See you later!” Key sang hooking his arm with Jonghyun, walking into a crowded hallway.

“Bye Taemin” Onew dipped his head “Minho” he bowed his head once again before taking off to his classroom.

Minho grabbed Taemin shoulder “Let’s go back to class and um.” Minho’s cheeks flushed with a shade of red “Can I borrow your textbook again.”

Taemin giggled “Of course.”

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Waterdroplet #1
Yoogeun is too cute!! Those people who hurt Taemin can go die and I'm curious about Key and his feeling toward Jonghyun
Awwwe yoogeun!!! I love yoogeunie!!!
Sunrise_dream #3
WTF! The ones that threw the bottles and rocks need to die!!! What a bunch of s and bastards!!!! >:(
*can go DIE in a hole*
Just saw my old comment and stupid autocorrect wrote something without me noticing. Grr.
But yeah.
Whoever wrote Minnie that note can go for in a hole.
bluerose #7
Sunrise_dream #8
Okay really want punch the ,that left the note, right in the face! What a !! >:P
aoiworld #9
more please...
this is so cute! ^^
Update soon!