
Mood Pill

...she was back here again.

A young woman watched on some kind of screen all of the moments that even she couldn't believe it was real. It was as if...

It was all a dream

It shouldn't be possible

Her members

Her sisters

Her best friends

They couldn't...possibly like let along love her

What was there to love anyway? She was the same as any aspiring vocalist out there.

"You're too blind."

The young woman turned around and sighed "You again..."

At this point where it's been more than months now stuck in this place, she was not anymore surprise that this...other her is here to once again torment her mind. 

Her doppleganger rolled her eyes and crossed her arms "This is why the lady targeted you, you know?"

"Yeah yeah, something about my future being interesting and all but..." The young woman flickered her eyes to the screen where she saw herself having different...romantic moments with her members.

"How does my members have to do with this?"

"Isn't it obvious Park Chaeyoung?" Her doppleganger sat next to her in this clouded space they're in "They have strong feelings for you that may affect not only the group but the world."

"I understand about the group...but how the hell does the world have to do with this?" It was weird talking to herself...especially since she wants to hide herself underground whenever this...doppleganger of hers will sometimes take over her consciousness and confuse the hell out of her members because of the whiplash they're getting from her. 

"The four of you will make it big in the world. That, I'm sure of." Her doppleganger laughed when Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow at her, acting more and more like well...her

"It's not like you're going to be heroes and all" The doppleganger shrugged her shoulders "You'll just have a big impact on the world, don't get it through your head that you'll decide what the Earth's fate and all. The old lady just probably saw your future as one of those in a million rare and interesting one."

"So...I'm just unlucky huh"

"You could say that"

"So, why am I here again?" Park Chaeyoung asked her doppleganger who just sat with a serious look on her face

"Because it's time."

"Time for what?"

"Time for your own self catch up on what's happening right now."

The 'real' Park Chaeyoung seemed to be quiet but her heart is beating a bit out of nervousness. Whenever the Mood Pill is mentioned around her in the real word, she seems to be attacked by an unknown source causing her to pass out or have a massive headache. Her heart ached seeing the worried and panicked faces of her members whenever that happens.

"I see..."

"And, she's here"

A bright light suddenly appeared and the both of them looked on in anticipation; the 'real' Park Chaeyoung trapped in this limbo and the 'doppleganger' Park Chaeyoung whom was probably created by that old lady who gave this crazy pill. 

And now joining them...

Is the outside-world Park Chaeyoung.

"Ugh, where am I?"

"Some kind of limbo" The doppleganger said making the outside-world Park Chaeyoung panic

"Wait what?! Am I dead?"

(Now to avoid any confusion, let's use simple nicknames to distinguish the three of them. Rosie - 'real', Roseanne - 'doppleganger', and Chaeyoung - outside-world, basically the one we're basically seeing from the start of the Mood Pill.)

Rosie elbowed Roseanne and hissed at her "You're scaring her!" 

Roseanne giggled and Chaeyoung watched in confusion and fascination

"Wait...the both of you" Chaeyoung said "You're" She said incredulously

Rosie nodded eagerly and said "That's true!"

"What's happening...? If I'm not dead that is?" Chaeyoung asked


Rosie suddenly collapsed making Chaeyoung panic

"Wha?! Why did she suddenly pass out?" Chaeyoung looked at Roseanne who was not surprised at all

"She was supposed to reveal will upset the balance." Roseanne sighed; and here she thought Rosie would not meddle too much.

Well, it is her body and mind that they're messing with right now.

"upset...the balance?"

Roseanne nodded before speaking in a serious voice

"You will have to choose Park Chaeyoung."

"Choose what?"

"Who will be your partner for life."

A moment of silence and Chaeyoung closed her eyes

" has come to that" 

Roseanne widened her eyes slightly but she didn't made it too obvious. 

This part of Chaeyoung...this confident part of hers.

It's a scary side.

"My relationship with Jisoo, Jennie, and Lisa..." Chaeyoung took a deep breath and looked at Roseanne in the eyes and said "What if...I still can't choose? I...I'm really confused. My heart is in conflct all the time and I can't seem to resist these...feelings."

Roseanne glanced at the sleeping Rosie and could feel herself soften. 

Clearly, unknown to Rosie herself, these feelings were not a lie. Not caused by the Mood Pill. But rather, the true feelings of Rosie herself being projected right now thru Chaeyoung. 

"You will have to choose. The longer this goes will be a tragedy for the group."

"For the mean Blackpink?"

Roseanne nodded


"What will happen?"

"...the longer you drag this on, your feelings for any of them will disappear

Chaeyoung froze


Roseanne nodded "Gradually, you will lose your feelings to them. You will forget special things and moments that you have with any of them. Special memories with Jisoo, Jennie, and Lisa."

Chaeyoung crashed to her knees, putting a hand to her chest

" way..."

"You may not feel it right now, but soon your mind and heart will reach that point where you will be attracted to other people and gradually forget your feelings with any of the three."


"It's why you're here." Roseanne walked closer to Chaeyoung "You have reached the point where you're catching up with things that are happening around you even this very moment. Your heart is fighting so much that your mind has no choice but to follow it."

She put a hand on Chaeyoung's shoulder who looked at her own face in despair

"I-I can't..."

Roseanne closed her eyes and gently pat Chaeyoung's head

"The fight between the heart and will soon drain you to the point of despair. You will soon be attached to other people as the very group that holds you all together, will crumble in pieces." Roseanne said coldly

"You may not remember this meeting at all...but you will soon notice it by yourself when you're back to the real world."

Chaeyoung gritted her teeth and shouted angrily "Shut up! Who are you to tell me what to do?!"

"I'm you" Roseanne said just as strongly 

"Oh shut it" 

Roseanne turned her head and was utterly shocked seeing Rosie slowly standing up with fatigue on her face. She watched as Rosie smirked 

"You think this stupid Mood Pill is enough to change my future?" Rosie laughed before spitting back with fire in her eyes "You got another thing coming. You don't get to dictate how my life is going to happen."

Chaeyoung nodded alongside with Rosie and pushed away Roseanne's hand on her 

"I don't know what the hell is going on or what this Mood Pill is, but you are defintely not controlling me!"

Roseanne is starting to panic when Rosie suddenly started floating towards Chaeyoung as if...

"No stop!"

Roseanne stopped Rosie from getting close to Chaeyoung

"You can't...go back!" 

"I-I can't stop it idiot!" Rosie whispered harshly at her 

"You stupid..." Roseanne cursed "It's not time yet. You're still not allowed to return to your consciousness!"

"You do know what happens if you force yourself to..."

Rosie let out a 'tsk' before turning her back to them

"Just...get out of here"

Rosie looked at Chaeyoung who was looking confident despite the confusion in her eyes

"Never let anyone dictate how your future goes. You have my heart...go and follow it" 

Chaeyoung slowly nodded before suddenly feeling sleepy and both Rosie and Roseanne watch as a bright light consumed her and left no trace.

"You're stupid" Roseanne scoffed "The Mood Pill is already a part of you. Its effect won't just go away with ideals like that."

"I don't want to be cringe and all but," Rosie looked at Roseanne in the eye and said confidently "Love overcomes all odds doesn't it?"

Roseanne looked at Rosie for a good while before bursting out in laughter

"I never would have thought you'll be the one saying that!" Roseanne laughed as if she hasn't laughed for years "Earlier you couldn't believe that three of them likes you in the first place"

"And I still can't believe it now." Rosie said calmly before closing her eyes, whispering even though Roseanne could still hear it "Even you know it..."

Roseanne finally stopped laughing, processing what the real Rosie said

"Yeah I do..." Roseanne muttered, she sat down besides Rosie, her eyes at the flickering screen in front of them and the familiar ceiling of their room, meaning that Chaeyoung has now awakened and the warmth of hugs surrounding them even to this very limbo.

"Hey," Roseanne spoke up


"If you were going to choose...who would it be?"

"'re really asking me that?" Rosie said with a deadpan look making Roseanne laugh

"What? I'm just curious" Roseanne mused "Maybe the answer is simple you know?"

"It isn't" Rosie sighed; this...Roseanne may be a headache for her with her mind games and all but...

It did made her feel less lonely in this space she's trapped in. 

"Well if you ask me, I'll pick Jennie." 

Rosie's heart skipped a beat when Roseanne said it so casually


"What? I did have that one interaction with her" Roseanne grinned like a Chesire cat


"And also she's hot when she's angry or jealous"

"Shut it"

Chaeyoung woke up with a splitting headache, causing her to groan softly in discomfort.

"Chae? What's wrong?" Lisa's voice, thick with sleep, came from beside her as she sleepily hugged Chaeyoung.

"Lisa..." Chaeyoung looked at her friend, feeling her heart race unexpectedly at their close proximity. How could Lisa look so stunning with her messy hair and sleepy face?

"N-nothing, just a really bad headache," Chaeyoung replied, wincing slightly as pain pulsed through her head.

"Is it the virus going around? Are you okay?" Lisa asked, her eyes widening with concern.

Chaeyoung chuckled and gently tapped Lisa's forehead. "No, silly. It's not that kind of virus. This headache will pass, don't worry," she reassured with a smile.

Lisa sighed in relief and hugged Chaeyoung tighter. "I'm glad... I'm really going to miss you, Chae."

Chaeyoung returned the embrace, feeling a pang of sadness knowing they would soon part ways. "I'll miss you too, Lisa. But we'll call each other, okay?"

Lisa nodded slowly, savoring the warmth of their morning hug without any interruptions.

The atmosphere in the living room was tense with unspoken emotions, and Chaeyoung glanced around, noticing only Jisoo beside her, gripping her shirt like a lifeline. The absence of Jennie struck her as odd.

"Do you know where Jennie is?" Chaeyoung asked, her brow furrowing in concern.

"I don't... but please don't look for her," Lisa replied quietly.

Chaeyoung was taken aback. "Why?"

"I was here first... I should be the one you're always looking for," Lisa muttered, her voice tinged with rare possessiveness and vulnerability. "I was the one who found you first, the one who's closest to you."

Chaeyoung's gaze softened, understanding the depth of Lisa's feelings in this rare moment of openness.

"Have you... do you..." Chaeyoung started, hesitating.

"Have I what?" Lisa's expression shifted, a hint of hurt flickering in her eyes.

"You... don't remember, do you?" Lisa sighed sadly.

"Remember what?" Chaeyoung asked, puzzled.

Lisa sighed heavily, mumbling, "It must be the Mood Pill interfering again..."

Chaeyoung winced at the mention of the Mood Pill, a wave of pain washing over her head once more.

"It doesn't matter," Lisa continued, her voice firm as she cupped Chaeyoung's cheek gently. "I love you, Chae. And I'll keep saying it until that stupid pill leaves you alone."

Chaeyoung's eyes widened at the unexpected confession. Her mind struggled to process it, but her heart soared, especially when Lisa leaned in and kissed her tenderly on the lips.

Chaeyoung felt something wet on her cheek and realized Lisa was crying.


"Shhh," Lisa murmured, tears staining her cheeks. "Just... let me have this, please."

Chaeyoung responded by confidently grasping the back of Lisa's head, deepening their kiss. It was a gentle, silent exchange, each movement careful and deliberate, as if they were trying to protect their fragile bubble of intimacy from the outside world.

Lisa couldn't be sure if Chaeyoung's response meant she reciprocated her feelings. She needed to know.

Especially after confessing in the vulnerable quiet of the night.

Lisa woke up feeling irritated as she noticed Jennie and Jisoo monopolizing Chaeyoung's attention. From where she stood, it was hard to tell if Chaeyoung was truly comfortable, but just the sight of them together was enough to sour Lisa's mood.

"I need a drink..."

She grumbled to herself, walking over to the fridge and instinctively reaching for the half-empty bottle of Soju inside.

"Just a sip..."

Lisa recalled her first encounter with Soju in Korea, where she was astonished by how casually Koreans could drink it. Back then, she had even vomited after her first taste. Now, years later, she found herself taking another sip to numb her frustrations.

The burning sensation down provided some relief, and with the lingering scent of alcohol on her breath, she sighed heavily.

"How long until we see each other again? Will we be... far from each other?"

The uncertainty gnawed at her. Could she handle everything alone? Living in a dorm was worlds apart from living independently.

"I'm going to miss that chipmunk's cooking."

Lisa was known as the most affectionate member of Blackpink, rivaling even Jennie's clinginess. Being an only child, she had never experienced the bond of siblings until she met the girls. 

However, the intimacy of a romantic partner was something that made her curious and somehow...crave for it.

In truth, Lisa rarely developed crushes on anyone. She tried checking out both men and women but none of them were enough to stay on her mind and heart.

Until Park Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung was the only exception, and it took some damn years for Lisa to realize her feelings. 

"She was always the only exception..." Lisa murmured softly, pouring another shot of Soju into her glass.

Chaeyoung had always been the one she teased the most; they were the same age, which had excited trainee Lisa as she looked forward to bonding with someone her own age.

It wasn't about age discrimination for Lisa; rather, she often felt a twinge of jealousy witnessing the unique and profound friendship between Jennie and Jisoo over the years. Their bond was something special, one that had elevated "Jensoo" to become one of the most cherished ships among fans.

True, Lisa and Jennie had been together at YG for the longest time, but Lisa had always admired Jennie as a kind of badass-y unnie who would fiercely defend her against any bullying due to nationality or language barriers.

Deep down, Lisa yearned for that kind of special friendship too—a soulmate who would share their days with her without awkwardness, someone to break rules with, someone to argue with but ultimately laugh it off and make things right.

Someone who was truly her other half.

Then she spotted Chaeyoung, the chipmunk-like girl, standing there with a large guitar strapped to her back, looking nervous and perhaps even scared about what lay ahead.

But Lisa saw something entirely different.

She saw someone who was like her—something scarily intriguing deep inside. Those almond eyes that met Lisa's doe-like gaze instantly struck the maknae with a sense of...


Lisa was the first to make a move, and she never regretted it. She just knew she had met someone special.

But she never expected to fall in love in the process.


Lisa felt cold hands on her warm face; she wasn't sure how many glasses she had consumed, but judging from her blurry vision and the persistent warmth on her face despite the chill of the hands cradling her...

She must have had quite a bit to drink.

"You've finished the bottle," Chaeyoung observed calmly.

"Oh... I didn't notice," Lisa mumbled, her words slightly slurred.

"Lisa, what's wrong? You've never been one to drink unless there's a special occasion," Chaeyoung whispered, concern etched on her face.

"I'm tired of those two pulling you away from me," Lisa muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm tired, Chae... why? Why does it always have to be them?"

"Lisa, what do you mean?" Chaeyoung whispered back, their conversation feeling like a secret affair.

"What's so special about them, Chaeyoung?" Lisa stared intensely into Chaeyoung's eyes. "What is it that attracts you to them so much?"

"Lisa, I don't understand," Chaeyoung furrowed her eyebrows, trying to comprehend.

"Is it because Jennie is your 'wifey'? Does Jisoo make you laugh the loudest? Is it their beauty? Their confidence?" Lisa's grip on Chaeyoung's shoulder tightened, causing the older girl to wince slightly.

"Just what is it, Chaeyoung?"

"Lisa, you're hurting me," Chaeyoung murmured, her discomfort evident. But before she could say more, Lisa pulled her into a tight hug, a hug that felt both comforting and familiar.

"I miss the times when we first debuted," Lisa's voice was low and sensual as she whispered into Chaeyoung's ear, making the vocalist shiver. "We had so many moments..."

"So many dates..."

"So many deep talks..."

"So many moments of closeness and skinships..."

Chaeyoung gasped softly as Lisa released the hug only to grip her neck firmly, pulling her closer until their faces were mere inches apart. Lisa's dark, intense eyes bore into hers, silently demanding answers, emotions raw and palpable between them.

"What happened to us, Chaeyoung?" Lisa's voice was soft, filled with a mix of longing and confusion.

"We're still close, Lisa," Chaeyoung replied calmly, trying to reassure her.

"How... how are you so confident?!" Lisa's scowl betrayed her inner turmoil.

"Because I know you," Chaeyoung smiled gently, her expression serene. "And you know me."

Lisa fell silent, lost in thought, before a chuckle escaped her lips. Chaeyoung watched in fascination as Lisa's eyes sparkled and her lips curled into that sultry smile—the Lisa who always stirred up feelings she didn't quite understand, the Lisa who made her heart race.

"You know me?" Lisa's voice was a whisper now, filled with a hint of vulnerability.

Chaeyoung felt Lisa's arm wrap around her waist, pulling them closer together. It felt like an intimate dance, their bodies moving in sync.

"I do," Chaeyoung whispered back, her hand gently cupping Lisa's cheek.

"Chaeyoung..." Lisa took a deep breath, her courage bolstered by the Soju she had consumed.

She met Chaeyoung's expectant gaze, her heart pounding in her chest. And then, with all the love she had been holding back, she whispered softly but fervently,

"I'm in love with you."

Chaeyoung's eyes widened slightly in surprise, but they quickly softened into an affectionate gaze.

Lisa couldn't tear her gaze away from the warm eyes staring back at her, her heart racing as she whispered more strongly,

"I love you."

She leaned in closer, her breath mingling with Chaeyoung's soft lips, barely a whisper away. "Push me away if you don't feel anything towards me..."

Seconds stretched into what felt like minutes, and Lisa exhaled slowly, feeling Chaeyoung's breath tickle her nose, which made the vocalist's nose crinkle in a cute, playful manner.

"I can smell the soju on you," Chaeyoung giggled, breaking the tension gently. Lisa couldn't help but laugh too, relieved by the lightness in Chaeyoung's tone.

Unexpectedly, Lisa leaned in and kissed Chaeyoung gently on the lips. She felt Chaeyoung's hand grip her waist affectionately, while the other tenderly Lisa's cheek.

Lisa released the chokehold and lovingly ran her fingers through Chaeyoung's blonde hair, savoring the moment of closeness and the newfound depth of their relationship. It was a tender gesture, filled with unspoken promises of understanding and acceptance between them.

Their lips moved together in a dance, each kiss choreographed with a sensuality that seemed to transcend mere physical contact. They rolled their bodies closer, their movements synchronized as if they were performing a private ballet just for themselves, truly proving why they were called the dance line of the group.

Lisa finally pulled away from the kiss, a smile spreading across her face as she observed Chaeyoung's lips, which seemed to follow hers longingly. Feeling desired felt incredibly satisfying, especially when it came from the woman she loved and who held her now.

"You make me crazy over you" Lisa murmured softly, her voice filled with affection.

Chaeyoung responded with a confident smirk and leaned in to peck Lisa's lips once more. "I could say the same about you."

Lisa knew that the effects of the Mood Pill might cause Chaeyoung to forget this intimate moment they shared. Despite that, she chose to savor every second of it, imprinting the sensations, the emotions, and the love they exchanged in her heart. It was a memory she would treasure, no matter what the future held.

She lifted Chaeyoung onto the smooth surface of the kitchen counter, a soft gasp escaping her lips as their bodies melded together. With a hunger that ignited their senses, she pressed her lips against Chaeyoung's, feeling the heat radiating between them like a flame dancing in the darkness.

As their mouths met in a feverish embrace, Chaeyoung's legs instinctively wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer, their breaths mingling in a deliciously intoxicating rhythm. Each kiss was a symphony of desire, a melody composed of longing and need.

Their kisses grew more fervent, each touch igniting a wildfire of passion within them. The sensation of Chaeyoung's soft lips against hers was intoxicating, sending shivers down her spine and setting her skin ablaze with desire.

In that moment, nothing else existed but the two of them, lost in the throes of their shared passion. The kitchen around them faded into obscurity as they surrendered themselves to the euphoria of their embrace, their bodies entwined in a sensual dance of love and lust.

Cutting this into parts...if you get what I mean ;)

Chaelisa made me soft towards them so much :(( I miss our girls but they deserve the rest after touring for almost a year all around the globe. I hope you enjoyed some background about the Mood Pill and this Chaelisa moment that I think some are waiting for. 

Thank you once again for all of your support! 

P.S. I'm absolutely loving BabyMonster so I would really suggest listening to their songs!

P.S.S Lisa's new song "Rockstar" is coming! Let's support our maknae

P.S.S.S Jennie's songs this year has been mwa, our gal truly promoting her talents better than anyone! Of course let's not forget our vocal line Chaesoo! Let's always support our girls to their new future!






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Chapter 37: It has been incredibly too long since the last update I can't believe how incredibly lucky I am to get to finally read this again after a long time of waiting, thank you for coming back❤ :)
Lali16 #3
Chapter 36: Chaennie are sooooo cute I can’t 😭😭😭and I don’t mind time skip 👍🏻👍🏻
Chapter 36: YOU'RE ALIVEEEEEEE🤩!!!!!! I hope your doing well and I don't mind a huge time skip. Whatever you think is best, I'm sure it'll be great😄 I'm looking forward to seeing you continue this amazing story😌❤!!!
Chapter 35: This is the third time I've read this story. Every time I reread it, I feel a lot of emotions, but the most important thing is that I can say that it is perfect. As selfish as it sounds, I would like you to continue this story. And I would like to thank you, because when you read this story, you inspired me. I recently started my story on another forum and I know how hard it is to write, especially if you have a job and study. Hell, if necessary, I'll wait another year, maybe two. But I sincerely ask you not to give up this story, you can write later, but do not give up. I hope you're alive, and I'm sincerely sorry if I cause pity, but if it works, I won't be sorry :)
Chapter 35: I've read the last chapter and it was really bittersweet, because Jisoo suffered when Rosé left to comfort Jennie, but Jisoo tries to be strong until the end.
Rosé is an angel who loves Jennie...
haha jennie's mom is already planning to marry them soon!!🤯
I would like to be Rosé to kiss with jisoo, jennie and lisa🤭
Chapter 34: I remember that at first I started following your story for chaesoo.
Chaesoo it's one of my favorites ship... although I'm more of a chaennie warrior, but in this story jisoo is so cute, she's always taking care of Chaeng and she always sees beyond situations... and I have a theory... I think that Rosé does have strong feelings for someone but... until the effect of the pill wears off... we won't know Rosé's real feelings
Jisoo is a treasure 🥰
Thanks autor
Chapter 33: I am reading the past chapters to understand the latest update well. 😁😁😁
babyblackpink #9
Chapter 35: Jisoo's Fam and Jennie's Mom huhuhu they like you chaeng for jisoo and jennie. Huhu i bet lisa's fam will love you too, i hope you have three hearts for all of them haha

As a reader i am torn between chaesoo and chaennie XD

Lets have Friendly Chaeng to everyone Mood. Haha
Bananajoo #10
Chapter 35: Yay !my chaennie babies .. umm what if the next mood is honest chaeng that would be nice ..the girls would get to know what's going inside her mind