Try Again

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Chaeyoung sometimes believes that maybe, maybe, long distance relationship wasn’t really made for her.

Being 5000 miles away from Jaehyun made her realize that she’s such a clingy person.

It’s winter break but Chaeyoung couldn’t go anywhere since she applied for a part time job as a museum curator assistant and she got accepted. It was actually a favor from her senior, and it will boost her college gpa, that’s why she’s willing to do it in the first place.

She didn’t know winter break could be this lonely though. Even though she only work 2 days per week, she couldn’t really hang out because most of her friends are on holiday. Even her family left her alone. Alice is in Bali, her parents are travelling around Europe since it’s their 26th wedding anniversary and lastly her other half, Jaehyun, is in Seoul, enjoying the sun while she’s here in Melbourne freezing to her bone. At this time, she hates Australia. Just the fact that it’s not freezing cold in Seoul already made her envious, moreover all of her best friends; Jisoo, Jennie and even Lisa are there makes it even more unfair. It’s like they’re throwing the best party of the year and she isn’t invited.

As if being lonely isn’t saddening enough, her so called boyfriend keep testing her patience by not calling her or reading any of her messages for the past 5 days. She gets it, being a college student is hard, it takes a lot of your time, you’re constantly stressed 24/7, thinking makes you hungry and at some point you just want the world to swallow you whole, so when it’s summer/winter break, all you want to do is just play, drink, eat, sleep and repeat, she believes that’s what he’s doing right now.

Not only he kept ignoring her, they’ve also been in constant fight. Mostly because of college stress, they became so sensitive everything seems so wrong in both of their eyes. They argue over stupid things and sometimes both of them just couldn’t believe it.

Although, they usually don’t fight for a long time. They love each other too much they couldn’t really go a day or two without contacting each other. But it has been 5 days now, to Chaeyoung it feels like Jaehyun is declaring a war and with her current situation she’s ready to fight all the way. 

It’s Tuesday and it’s almost 3pm, she finally gets out from her bed and walks to her desk to turn on her iMac. As soon as she logs in, her facetime rings and it’s Jaehyun calling. She clicks the green button and his face pops up.

            “Hi Rosie”

She just stared at the monitor. How dare he even say hi to me like he hadn’t gone for 5 days.

From what she can see, Jaehyun is probably in a café near his house, but it isn’t the usual café he goes to since the interior looked different from what she could remember. He was wearing his favorite blue cotton button up shirt that Chaeyoung got him when she was in Japan. Even though she hates to admit, he looks really good today, he even did his hair.

            “ah right today is Tuesday, you’re free, not going anywhere?” he asks. Probably because he saw her still in her pajama even though it’s already noon.

She shook her head as an answer. I won’t talk until he apologizes.

            “I met Jisoo, Johnny, Lisa and Ten today at Mapo-gu, they were on a double date” he paused as he took a sip of his coffee. “we only met for 30 minutes but they caused so much trouble, we literally got kicked out from the café because Lisa and Ten laughed so loud the people who were sitting beside us complained to the owner”

Chaeyoung held her laugh and just nodded. She actually could imagine how loud they must be since it’s not really the first time Lisa and Ten got kicked out of some public space. Recalling the moment in her head makes her miss being around her treasured ones so much. I swear I'm going to find an excuse so just that I can book a  flight to Seoul.

            “also yesterday all of us gathered in Nayeon’s noona house, it was siiick, literally everyone showed up, Mark surprised us all the way from Canada and bought us so much smoked salmon you probably would’ve loved it, we had a very great time until Yuta hyung made us drink his 푹탄* drinks, it was literally the worst, Winwin even threw up, I almost too but gladly I have high tolerance towards alcohol, it was epic and I haven’t told you the best part yet; we’re planning to go to New Zealand together, Jennie noona is planning to rent a big house so all of us could come, has she told you that?”

She looked at him in disbelief. She’s really mad right now she couldn’t help but to frown at him. How can he even talk happily to me right now without feeling guilty, like hello? You ignored me for 5 days?

            “why aren’t you saying something?” Jaehyun complains.

As much as she wanted to answer him, words wouldn’t come out. Her emotions are mixed up she’s having a hard time keeping up her composure.

            “is this because I’ve been gone for the past five days?”

so he knew.

            “I have my reasons Rosie, but I can’t tell you for now”

            “why?” asks Chaeyoung, her curiosity finally made her opened .

            “I can’t tell you, I’m calling you right now because I miss you so much”

            “I don’t think you do”

            “I truly do Chaeyoung-ah, can you just please believe me?!”

Without even realizing, tears rolled down her cheek and she’s 100% sure Jaehyun saw it. She hates how she can’t get mad without crying. “I’m sorry but I have to go”

With that, Chaeyoung ended the call and went straight back to her bed sobbing.

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Deathgod10 #1
Chapter 4: Ahh my jenyong heart....
Chapter 3: ah no i cant seem to log into my wattpad, thats a shame, hope you update here as well! Jenyong used to be one of my ships idk why it isnt anymore but this is cute and so realistic~
Chapter 1: AHHH YAy you started another story. Im here for it. I needed this jaerose story tbh. I started a story with them as my main ship and then kinda stopped shipping them so i was conflicted but i think im back on the ship, maybe, lmao. also love the video on chapter 2, your editing is also impeccable! hope to see more!
Chapter 1: Ah this is so cute! I need more Jaerose in my life