Chapter 1

It happened in one night

It had been a little over two months since dahyun first noticed the new girl that happened to be minatozaki sana. It was hard to not notice her, the arrival of a gorgeous, charming girl would never go unnoticed. The whole school seemed to take to the adorable squirrel faced immediately and she was instantly accepted under the wings of everyone at the school. 


Although talk at the school never seem to silence over the Japanese beauty, dahyun new very little about her. She hadn’t ever spoken to sana, through no avoidance on her part the short young women simply kept herself to herself. She spent most of her time alone, it wasn’t that she had no friends she had gotten used to the peace and quiet that time alone provides. 


It was June 4th that dahyun was seated next to sana for a week-long project they would need to prepare for their English language class. For some reason she felt nervousness slowly spread its way throughout her entire body as she approached the desk that would now be shared by the pair. Two bright warmth eyes turned as she finally reached her seat, a soft smile also rested upon those the girls beautiful face. Dahyun had never seen her this close before, if it weren’t for the fact she could sense the pain etched all across the face of the beautiful girl in front of her dahyun May have found her level of beauty intimidating.


“Are you alright, you look rather sad” the first words the quite girl ever said to her new partner. It was clear on the girls face she was confused. A bigger smile was forced on to the taller girls face now “ of course! I am fine. ummm dahyun is it?” She slowly nodded her head in answer to the question, considering how she should continue. She knew the girl was lying it was obvious but they had met only seconds ago is it rude to pry? Dahyun builds up the courage to ignore the fact it may be rude and asks “I’m sorry if I’m being to intrusive right now, it’s just I know a face trying to pull off happy when it’s sad when I see one and yours I spotted instantly”. 


The normally perky young women in front took a deep breath, Dahyun started to panic ‘oh know I’ve done it I’ve made her hate me already by being so nosey and we’ve only just met!!’. That was until a small smell of sad amusement made its way onto the girl opposites face. “ you know I’ve been like this all day and you are the first to notice. My close friends haven’t even asked me what’s wrong because they can’t see that I’m upset” This completely took Dahyun by surprise, a far less than impressed response was expected although she thought it would be aimed her way. 


Curiosity now as to why the girl known so well for her bright and bubbly personality, looked so upset set in. “ do you want to talk about it? We may have just met but I’ll listen if you need it” For the first time since Dahyun had made her way over to the table had she witnessed a genuine smile, even if small, appear. In a slightly sulky voice sans complained “ Dahyun chan, we just met and you want me to open up to you about my pain?!” She could sense the attempt to be playful even though Sana was so clearly upset, it warmed her heart the girl was joking. “ I know I’m sorry it’s so rude of me to pry but I couldn’t let it go unnoticed!” 


She heard a small chuckle escape the lips of her partner, ‘that must have came out more rushed than planned!’. “Even though this is slightly intrusive for the first conversation, you are very cute when panicked! So I will let it slide this time and also it is very sweet of you to ask” it was dahyun’s turn to sigh now although this was one of sheer relief, she had not offended the Japanese beauty. “ I haven’t even mentioned this to my friends yet!”. Sana shook her head almost as if to ask herself if she should really pore her heart out to this almost stranger. 


“Back in Japan I was dating this girl for 2 years, it turns out that since I got here she has cheated on me” Girls? So Sana is gay? Or she is at least attracted to women that’s for sure. As i was staring into her eyes I could see the sadness she was letting me witness, no hiding. Tears were slowly building in her eyes again and the long pause made me think she was likely struggling with her words. I know I don’t really know her yet but I can’t help but question why someone would want to hurt such a sweet, lovely girl or at least that’s how she seemed. 


“Before I left things were great we were still in love or so I thought anyway. Since I got here calls have shortened as the months have gone on and she’s been messaging less too. I should have noticed that something clearly wasn’t right, I think maybe looking back at it now I didn’t want to see it. I was happy keeping the memories of what it once was back in Japan and ignoring how it was in the present” My heart was starting to pain for her, it must be so hard to talk about it when her heart is so clearly broken. She doesn’t deserve this. 


Dahyun reached out her hand and softly held it on top of Sana’s. She was careful not to startle the girl with the sudden contact, she wanted to let her know she was listening and to try and help the her continue the pain so clear in Sana’s face now. “She called me last night, it was so harsh she told me that the love was gone and she moved on a while ago. I could feel my heart cracking, It felt so stupid because she was so blunt it was over in less than 5 minutes” I brought my hand up to her face now wiping the tear that managed to escape. 


“Sana I am so sorry you had to go through that, I don’t understand how someone who once loved you could be so cold” Her composure never once from the start of class until now broke enough to garner attention from the rest of the class, they were too busy in their own worlds to notice even if it had. “I’ve not told my friends yet, I’m not ready to really deal with it. I want to keep some semblance of normality, my heart is broken but I’m not ready to deal with it yet. I want to forget, I want to be swept away with something else” 


She looked into my eyes, almost pleading with them to grant her wish. Who am I to refuse, so when she asks “ Dahyun when class ends take me out of here, let me escape even just for tonight show me what it really means to be alive. Right now I feel as if I’m only surviving” With the hand that I had rest upon hers I intertwined our fingers. I met those eyes again and for the first time this entire lesson, they did not look on the verge of tears. All that filled the beautiful eyes now was the pleading of her question that hung in the air. I had hope that was showing in the eyes now staring back at me. “ I’ll show you Sana, I’ll show you what it’s like to be alive”. 







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Kk16ir #1
Chapter 1: Look forward for more!