Indirect Kiss (ChoJoo)

Indirect Kiss One-shot Collection


DESCRIPTION: Where as Chorong finds it annoying when Namjoo is so loud, and to make the girl silent, she just have to put her pointy finger to the girls lips then the girl will immediately know that Chorong want her to shut up...

(Inspired by their 'Snow Black Storytelling' in Birth Of A Family)

Namjoo and Chorong were roommates. They were quite opposite to each other. 

Namjoo prefer to sing along loudly when listening to her favorite song while Chorong prefer to wear earphones and let the music be her world; Namjoo prefer to wake up late than to wake up early like how her roommate always does; or let's just simply say, Namjoo wanted to be the exact opposite of Chorong.

Chorong has been hiding her annoyingness towards Namjoo, she doesn't want the younger one to be offended or hurt.

But everything has a limit. Enough is enough.

Namjoo who was a first time in playing mobile game can't stop expressing her feeling to it through shouting, she's just so bad in playing compared to Bomi and Hayoung.

"Ya! Bomi-unnie, Hayoung, how do you guys play so well?!" She asked the other two who was still playing.

"We're born for it." Hayoung simply answered while still focusing on her game.

Namjoo felt disappointed, she threw her phone on the couch, "I'll just sing instead."

Namjoo turn on the karaoke tv and chose a song to sing.

'nae mameun deomdeoreoreom deoreoreom
nuguboda chagapdeon niga tteonan geoya
jal dwen geoya jeom jeom jeom
Bye bye baby'

Namjoo was singing so loudly and offpitch. Bomi and Hayoung doesn't mind the noise, Eunji and Naeun were both busy in their own solo schedules so they didn't witness Namjoo's outburst; then nothing left other than Chorong.

Chorong slowly approached Namjoo and snatched her microphone

Namjoo was dumbfounded, she annoying look at Chorong, "Yah unnie! Why did you get my microphone?!"

"You're SO noisy." Chorong calmly said.

Namjoo just rolled her eyes and continued to sing loudly without using the microphone.

Chorong can't control her temper anymore, so she used her pointy finger to cover Namjoo's mouth, and gave her a stern look.

Namjoo was shocked.

Namjoo shifted her eyes to Chorong, she can tell that the elder is not happy with her.

Namjoo slowly nodded her and avoid Chorong's stare.

Chorong then remove her finger from Namjoo's mouth.

"Sorry." Namjoo apologized while still putting her head down.

Chorong didn't utter a word and just leave the young girl alone.

Namjoo sigh when she doesn't feel the presence of the leader anymore.

She then lift up her head, "She's so damn scary."


New day had begun but Namjoo was still in her bed,not able to get up. She was feeling lazy but it wasn't the only thing that kept her in bed. She thought a lot about what happened yesterday. She didn't expect for Chorong to get so angry at her singing. Annoyed,yes,but not that angry. 

Namjoo shook her head remembering angry look in Chorong's eyes. "I hope she's not mad anymore"Namjoo though hopefully. Maybe she could make things right. Yes,she apologised yesterday but she wanted to make it up for all other thimes she had annoyed the leader. Now she only needed to figure out the best way to do it. 

Namjoo thought for a while,tapping her chin with her finger not noticing Bomi coming in her room. 

"Hey,Namjoo! Get ready fast or we will be late for our schedule!"and with that Bomi left the room leaving now nervous Namjoo alone.

"Oh no! If we are late to our schedule because of me Chorong will be angrier than yesterday!" Namjoo thought to herself while getting dressed quickly. 

She ran out of the room with other members waiting for her already. 

"I am so sorry,I won't be late again,I just played the game too much and." her rambling was stopped when Chorong put her finger on Namjoo's lips. 

"Be queit" the leader scolded Namjoo. She took her things and went to the car. Other girls started to follow her with Namjoo trailing behind them like a lost puppy. 

It was awkward between Chorong and Namjoo. Namjoo could sense that Chorong was still somewhat angry at her so didn't mutter a word unless needed. It was a long day before members returned home. Namjoo went to her room and found Chorong already there,looking at her phone,acknowledging Namjoo with a simple nod. 

Namjoo made her way closer to the girl feeling more nervous than before. Taking a deep breath Namjoo started to talk. "I am sorry Chorong,I know that I annoy you and are probably doing it now with my rambling but I just want to end the akwardnesa between us and for us to stop fighting" 

When Namjoo noticed Chorong moving her pointy finger towards her lips she expected to for Chorong to get angry again so she closed her eyes but was surprised when she felt something soft touching her lips. Namjoo opemed her eyes and widened her eyes in shock seeing Chorong kissing her. Before she could kiss back Chorong pulled away causing other girl to whine softly. 

"This seems to be better way to make you shut up." Choronh aaid with now softer tone that before. She turned around and was about to leave the room before she turned to look at Namjoo again.

"And don't tell other members"she said and then left leaving Namjoo quite in shock. Then she started laughing softly. "Have to make her annoyed with my singing more" Namjoo thought and laughed to herself.

The beautiful poster is made from: Playdate Graphics Shop 

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bluevela1919 #1
awaiting for ep 3.
Can you make yujuna/97line please
Sinrin juseyo...