The Beginning

I love you too

Mingyu has been a fan of Woozi for a year now, but he still doesn’t have the guts to tell him how much he admires the famous dancer in their school. Every activity of the dance club, Mingyu would be there to support Woozi, a.k.a Lee Jihoon. He would secretly leave flowers in the dance club room with a handwritten letter which is full of encouraging words and at the bottom of the paper states the words “I love you”. 

Everytime he tries to approach the boy, someone else is already confessing which leads to Mingyu giving up several times. Especially how Jihoon is smiling every time someone is confessing their love for him.  With that hurtful scene, Mingyu would turn  to his back and let tears fall down. Cursing in his mind, he would tell himself how weak and coward he is for not telling Jihoon what he feels, and worst Jihoon doesn’t know he even exists. 

“Can you please stop crying? You’ve been like that for a year now, please just stop and let my soul rest from all you whining.” Minghao, his roommate and a film major, has the right to complain after witnessing Mingyu cry for the nth time. “You know Gyu, it’s your fault for not giving him a reason to know you.” Minghao grabbed a box of dark chocolate, Mingyu’s favorite, and gave it to Mingyu which has no sign of ending his cries. Mingyu grabbed the box and opens it. “What should I do Hao, everytime I would try confessing, he would be grabbed by someone, it feels like faith does not allow us to be together” With that, Mingyu cried out loud making Minghao cover his ears. Minghao took the chocolates and shoved it in Mingyu’s mouth. He ended up coughing and glared at his roommate. “Now stop crying, wear something presentable and come support me in the competition.”  His roommate’s department is currently having a short film competition and Minghao was part of the semi-finalist. 

When they enter the school’s gym where they held the competition, the seats are almost full. “You go find a seat, the finalists would be seated in front.” Mingyu searched for an empty seat and saw some at the left side near the exit. Minghao introduced his short film and after that the lights started to turn off one by one and they start watching the film. 

Mingyu started sobbing when the film finally hit the part where the lead character started to lose hope in achieving his dreams. Because he remembered how Minghao almost gave up finishing his study because his father died, his inspiration in life. Minghao did not go out of his room for 3 months, Mingyu witnessed how sad his friend had become after the incident. Which is why he started crying while watching the short film that Minghao did, without anyone knowing that the film was based on a true story. 

Mingyu did not notice that the guy who just arrived and sat beside him is looking confusedly at him. The guy offered a handkerchief because Mingyu certainly doesn’t have one with how he uses his hands to wipe his tears. Without looking, Mingyu took the handkerchief and saying thank you to the guy. And when the time comes when Mingyu finally stopped crying, he remembered that the handkerchief wasn't his. He turned to his side and with no avail, the guy already left. He then placed the hanky in his pocket and focused on the ending film.

Minghao got the 2nd place, making his boyfriend, Jun, win the competition. Jun was the reason why Minghao managed to stand back up and pursue his dreams again. The two already decided before the competition that they would celebrate in Mingyu and Minghao's apartment, win or lose. They went straight to their apartment and Mingyu started to prepare the foods and some beer while waiting for Jun's friends. 

"I can't believe they didn't support me, I even won the competition." Jun started to sulk, making his boyfriend worried. "Jun, babe, don't be sad, maybe they have something important to do." Jun nodded, the same time they heard a knock on the door.
"They're here", Minghao opened the door and let Soonyoung and Wonwoo in. There, Mingyu realized how nice it must be to be in a relationship, how nice it feels to be in love. He is supposed to go to his room and start contemplating when he notice someone coming in. 

His heart started beating hard, his hands sweating and legs trembling after realizing that the person coming in is none other than Jihoon, the person he loves. 

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