
My Donsaeng's Baby is Mine


                So now he’s stuck with a baby in his house. He sighs when thinking about the upcoming days of his life. He basically still has approximately two weeks before he needs to go to work. His boss said that the holidays he gave him isn’t really enough since he never take a leave before but he can’t afford to have his best worker to be gone for such a long time.

                Suddenly, Yoogeun starts crying. Minho starts to panic; the baby had been sleeping the whole time when his parents were leaving him. Why is he crying now when they’re probably on a plane? He paced back and forth while thinking over what he should do to make the baby stop crying. He’s suddenly thankful that the apartment he’s living in is soundproof so outsiders can’t hear a single thing except if a bomb explodes in there. His neighbors might think he’s abusing a child in his house. Unconsciously, his hand picks up his phone and he dials a number that he always does when he’s in trouble.

                “Yoebosayo, Myung Hee-ah, its Minho, where are you? Are you busy right now?” he said as soon as the person on the line picks up her phone.

                “Yoebosayo, Minho-oppa, are you okay? Why do you sound like you’re in panic? Is everything alright? I’m not really busy now, today’s my day off,” said Myung Hee sending Minho questions as well as answering him.

                  They’ve been friends since elementary school. They always helped each other through all the hardships. He was there for her when her parents died in a car crash when she was 11 leaving her with no one else in the world because her parents are both the only child of her grandparents and they died before she was even born. He helped her get over the sadness and stayed by her side until now, 10 years later. She never really feels burdened when he got into problems and tell her about it because they were usually normal ones that they face every day. But now she can faintly hears the sound of a baby crying in the background.

                 “Oppa, is there a child in your house? Why is the child crying, oppa? Oppa, what’s happening in your house right now?” she bombarded Minho with questions.

                 “Myung Hee-ah, can you come to my house quickly now? I don’t know what to do anymore, please, just come here and I’ll explain everything to you later,” said Minho desperately. Myung Hee has never heard him sounding so desperate before. He sounds so helpless, like the situation is completely out of his control. They quickly end the call and she arrives at his apartment within minutes since she doesn’t really live far from him.

                    The sound of a crying baby can be heard as soon as the front door is opened. Myung Hee steps into Minho’s apartment and quickly finds her way to the source of the sound. Minho just follows her quietly to his bedroom. She looks surprised to see the baby on Minho’s bed and she decides to make him explain after she deals with the crying baby. She picks him up gently and rocks him back and forth before asking Minho where he puts the baby’s bottle.

                   He quickly takes the bottle and a thermos out from the bag Taemin’s girlfriend gave him before the left Yoogeun with him. He pours contains of the thermos into the bottle and tests the hotness of the milk like how Taemin’s girlfriend taught him. After making sure that the milk is not too hot or too cold for Yoogeun, he gives the bottle to Myung Hee and she feeds the baby, successfully putting him to sleep again. Minho sighs in relive.

                “Thank you so much, Myung Hee-ah. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t know what to do with him,” he said to her gratefully. She just looks at him questionably wanting to ask how he ended up with the baby in her arms. Minho understands her expressions immediately.

                “Why don’t we sit at the living room, Myung Hee? It’s much more comfortable there,” he suggests to her and she  just nods her head before they make their way to the living room with Yoogeun still in her arms. They sit on the couch without saying anything to each other. Minho takes a deep breath before telling her how Yoogeun ended up in his care. Myung Hee can just shake her head in disapproval after hearing Minho’s story.

                “Oppa, you’re barely home and you don’t even know how to take care of a baby. How can you agree to your friend’s plan? Even though he is your best friend, you can’t just agree to take care of his child, and you do know that this decision can affect your entire live, right?” she asks him. He’s too nice for his own good.

                 The carpet suddenly looks very interesting to Minho as the words escaped from Myung Hee’s lips. He knows that he risked a lot of things when he agreed to take care of Yoogeun. How would he know if Taemin would the same thing he did if he was in the same situation? The younger might’ve told him to send his baby to an orphanage or tell his parents about it. He shuddered at the thought of Taemin betraying him.

                 “I know, Myung Hee, that I made the decision too rashly. But I can’t regret it now, can’t I? The point is now I don’t know how to take care of a baby and I have to take care of him. What should I do, Myung Hee? Since you’re my only friend that knows how to handle with kids, you have to help me,” he said, pleading to Myung Hee so she would agree. She glares at him before sighing in defeat.

                 “Arraso, but first you need to hold him in your arms like I do now,” she said to him. He widens his eyes in fear.

                  “No, Myung Hee-ah, don’t make me do that. He’s too small, I might drop and hurt him,” he said, declining the offer.

                  “Oppa, gwenchana, I’m right here to make sure he won’t fall from your arms. Plus, you need to know how to hold a baby if you want to take care of one,” she said, smiling to reassure the man in front of her. Just when she’s about to place Yoogeun in his arms, the door opens revealing Minho’s mom. Her face is showing a smile at first but the smile quickly turns into a frown when she sees the sight in front of her. She looks at both of them questioningly. Her eyes studied each of them thoroughly from Minho to Myung Hee and lastly to the baby in between them. Time seems to have stopped while the four human beings in the living room stay still like statues.

                   Blood rush down from Minho’s face the moment his mom got into the room. ‘Oh God, not now,’ is all he could think of when she stepped in his living room smiling. He panics as he sees the smile disappear from his mom’s face. Tension is rising inside the living room right now. ‘What should I do now?’ he can’t seem to think of any ideas to cover up the situation he is in right now. Telling the truth to his mom would probably be the best solution. But the problem is would she believe it? She might think that he made the story up and that Yoogeun is his own son. Plus, he doesn’t have any evidence to prove that the baby is not his as the baby’s parents are probably on a plane right now.

                   He looks at Myung Hee helplessly, not knowing what he should do next. He sends her the question through his eyes and she just shrugs as a response. They need to think of something very fast. Suddenly, an invisible bulb lights up in his head. He looks at Myung Hee apologetically, as if wanting her to forgive him in case he does something bad.

                  “Omma-,” he tries to explain but the older woman cuts him.

                  “Care to explain what is going on here, Choi Minho?” she said in a dangerously low voice. Minho flinches at his mom’s voice. She’s mad and he knows it. He pushes Yoogeun back to Myung Hee and takes a deep breath before motioning them to sit down. Mrs. Choi walks towards the couch slowly while throwing daggers through her eyes at Minho. 


A/N: There goes chapter two. I'm so sad, it seems like nobody is reading this.......sobs.......If you are reading, please make yourself known, I'd like to thank you for sparing your time to read my story......That's all. Please, please do comment so I can get motivated to finish this.......Thank you in advance to whoever who's reading!      





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Plmokn #1
Update soon
four days?!<br />
their soooo cute:))<br />
update soon
OMG! It's so cute, I love it!! <3<br />
Update soon~ ^___^
AFT-Sheyla- #4
Thanks so much for your comment. Currently brainstorming on what to do to all my stories. I'm planning to finish all of them as soon as possible.......Maybe......
don't delete your stories!<br />
excited for the next chapter:)<br />
don't forget to update this story and also your other stories:))<br />
update soon as possible
AFT-Sheyla- #6
*sighs* <br />
I thought the chapter looks far longer in my Word Office.....Anyway, I apologize again for not updating this for a looooonnnngggg time<br />
*bows deeply*
update soon...
can't wait for the next chapter:)<br />
update soon
weeww<br />
i like your storyy.. gyaa~<br />
so interesting.. update soon..<br />
pls update soon....