Chapter nine :

The Hidden Feeling
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Jongwoon scrolled through his phone trying to pass time while waiting for ryeowook whom is running late, they decided to meet up in this antique Cafe named cafe Armoire

While enjoying the unique atmosphere his order have arrived and at the same time ryeowook entered the special door Slash closet door of the cafe, Jongwoon was about to take a sip from his second ice coffee, his sight caught ryeowook pacing towards him
" Hyung!! I'm terribly sorry!!! My manager got lost in the the cafe..." While painting with little drops of sweat sliding from the side of his forehead, evidence of him being running
Jongwoon stand up while waving his hand from side to side "it's alright don't worry.." while smile warmly " I was enjoying the cafe antics anyway..hehehe " while gesturing with his hands for ryeowook to sit " please... sit you look exhausted..." 
" Oh~ thanks Hyung... you're the best! " While setting ryeowook exhaling and pulled out a tissue from his posh
" Let's order a drink first... you must be thirsty..." While laughing
" Hehehe Hyung~ you still the same, you didn't change Hyung~ " while laughing " we always meet in multiple occasions but never got the chance to talk freely "
Jongwoon replies shyly " I know, am happy to finally work with you "
" Ever since you left high school I wanted to talk to you... specially that we ended up in the same company but never got the opportunity to do so " 
" Yeah... " While rubbing his back neck nervously
Ryeowook shakes his hands in the air  " oh no sorry... Hyung I didn't mean to... I.."
Jongwoon cut him off " it's okay..I know you didn't mean anything.." while lowering his gaze to the table " and you probably still wondering what happened...." 
Ryeowook titles his head with a smile " Hyung I know you must have your reasons, plus you're right let's order first " while laughing
Jongwoon left his head up to meet ryeowook sweet smile, giggles " we started very dramatic our first meeting hhhhh" 
" And from what I heard from heechul sumbae~ I think we still have alot of drama ahead of us to talk about" while smirking
Jongwoon blushes and handles the menu to ryeowook " and you still the same as well " while turning his head away from ryeowook intense stairs
" Ohw~~ Hyung still super cute too~ " while laughing
Jongwoon laughes with ryeowook while clenching his fist ' I will murder him the next time I see that demoniac evil spirit gossiping devil ' while tightening his teeth muscles 
" Hyung are you okay, do you need to go to the bathroom " while chuckling
" Why I only know a lot of people whom like to give sneaky comments " with a pout
Ryeowook laugh at his cute Hyung " oh~ Hyung~~~ "


Heechul was leaving his dressing room suddenly started sneezing 
His manager handle to him a tissue " are you okay.. did you catch a cold " 
" I was fine a moment ago " while sniffing 


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sorry for the late update~~~~ my work was crazy the pass two months~ (crying emojy)
I focused on wookie~ in this chapter celebrating~ his second album~~~~~
ps; in kyuhyun room~ i toke inspiration from heechul old gaming room ~~~~ the red one hhhh


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400 streak #1
Chapter 22: Still waiting ❤️
Chapter 1: update please 🙏
Kukhruf #3
Chapter 22: Finally, I found this update 😭😭
Carry on your precious skill of story telling 🥺

And wait this chapter is, ahh, I cannot imagine it. Something bad to kyukyu? Don't tell me it's seolhyun?
400 streak #4
Chapter 22: #gaps

no no no~ what happened to Kyu T^T
Liza_Blessedx2 #5
Chapter 22: OMG...please please update quickly ..I can't stand the suspense...!!!! Thank you so much for this update authornim <3
Chapter 22: What happened now?
Jongwoon I hope you’re fine. :((
shipmaiwailaew #7
Chapter 22: WH-WHAT???????? WHAT'S HAPPENED????????
Chapter 21: Kyuhyun you don’t treat people you like that way. Lel Heechul and Ryeowook’s plan
Chapter 18: Oh? So Kyu knows him before..nice nice.
Chapter 12: Kyu don’t be mean. :((