The First Confession

Psychiatrist to Best Friend to Lover

When Jaeyun stepped off the train, her first thought was, this place is like heaven!

 She looked at her surroundings and saw that every where was blooming with flowers and it was in the middle of winter.

 Even though Jaeyun wasn’t a very fond flower lover, she had to admit that the flowers around the train station were spectacular and she couldn’t help but point it out to Onew.

“This place is so beautiful…”

Jaeyun saw Onew smile from the corner of her eyes and then, he began to lead her off the platform and somewhere else.

Suddenly, it struck Jaeyun.


He didn’t turn around but still responded.


“Are we going to be staying here for as long as the New Year begins?”

He finally turned around.

“Wow, my best friend is really clever!”

She blushed.

“Yeah, we’re staying here a few days after New Year and then we’re going back which is why I asked you to bring extra pieces of clothing.”

Jaeyun nodded and then continued to follow Onew.

Finally, they arrived at an ancient motel that had the structure of an old Korea house except it was slightly modernized on the inside.

And when meant slightly it meant literally nothing was modern except the bathrooms.

To Jaeyun, this was invaluable experience, especially if she was doing this together with Onew.

Although, when Jaeyun realized that she was sharing the same room as Onew, she had blushed but she soon brushed it away.

She was here on vacation with Onew, her friend.

He…is her friend right? Jaeyun thought to herself.

She shook the question out of her head also.

Now wasn’t the time to ask questions but to enjoy the very little (or what seemed like little) time they had together.


Jaeyun dropped her large and heavy Puma bag with all her clothes, shoes and toiletries on the floor and looked around at her room.

She smiled.

She had always wanted to live in these kinds of rooms.

Mainly because she had always been living in a modern house or apartment for the last 20 years or so of her life and she wouldn’t mind a change, even if it was only for the next week and a half.

She turned around and saw Onew standing by the door, watching her with a smile.

Jaeyun stood up and looked back at Onew, waiting for him to speak.

But, he didn’t.

So Jaeyun decided to speak first.

“Yah, Lee Jinki. Are you going to show me around this place or not?!”

He laughed and her heart skipped a beat.

“Arraso, arraso! Kaja!”

He walked into the room now, his own same sized luggage bag behind the door, grabbed Jaeyun’s hand and took her out.

Jaeyun never thought a day could pass this quickly.

She felt as if time was sprinting.

Soon, quicker than ever, it was getting dark and it was time to have dinner.

Onew had sat her by the lake on a grassy downhill hill and told Jaeyun to wait while he got her some food.

Jaeyun wrapped her arms around her legs and just stared out into the dark shadow of the lake while fireflies swan just above it.

She suddenly felt a familiar presence behind her and sure enough, as she turned around, Onew sat down next to her and gave her some food.

She looked down at her take-a-way and smiled.


Onew smiled and nodded then opened his own take away and began to mix it together.

“I love black bean paste noodles!”

Jaeyun laughed and followed suit, opened her own take away lid and began to mix away.

As she took the first bite, she cringed.

“What’s wrong?” Onew asked, sensing her cringing.

Jaeyun wiped the corners of on the napkin that Onew had just handed her when he asked her the question and replied,

“Nothing…I just like all my noodles with vinegar that’s all…I’m not really used to eating noodles without the vinegar taste.”

Jaeyun gave him an apologetic smile.

That was the truth.

She was used to smelling and tasting the vinegar in her noodles.

Onew put down his take away, took Jaeyun’s own take away out of her hand and walked away with a mission.

“Oppa! Oppa! Don’t worry about it! Oppa! Yah! Onew oppa!”

Jaeyun’s shouts were in vain as he just disappeared into crowd a few meter’s away.

She sighed and then reverted her attention back to the lake and fireflies.

Soon, Onew came back with Jaeyun’s noodles, the smell of vinegar coming off it.

“Here you go.”

He said as he sat back down next to her and picked up his own noodles.


He smiled and began to eat.

The two of them, just sat there for the next 20 minutes, eating in silence, drinking their coke in silence and staring into the distance where the fireflies where playing around with each other over the lake.

When the two of them had finally finished eating, they just set down their plastic bowls on the grass and sat there, still watching the fireflies, as if they were studying them.

“You know, Jinhee was never that nice to me.”

Onew suddenly said and that caught Jaeyun off guard.

She turned her head and stared at Onew.

He sensed her gaze and turned a smiling face towards her.

“I know you don’t want me to talk about Jinhee with you. But I just want to tell someone so can you just please, sit there and listen?”


**************************************TO BE CONTINUED************************************



i see to be having A LOT if "silentreader" 's [<-----inside joke ^^ only ONE person should understand it xD] so please, i hope you will all stop being so "silent" and come out~ ^^

i would like critism, comments and what i did good and bad ^^

im not going to mind~ please feel free to spam also kekekeke~



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MelonCandy #1
waaaah!! Kiyopda!!~
-xminhye #2
Ah.. I didn't know it will end soo fast!<br />
Nice ending ~ The necklace seemed very pretty too !<br />
Love this fic ! Keep it up :)
hyeamazing #3
Wahhh! This is a cute ending~! <333 It was kinda rushed though, XD I never thought that it'd be sooooo fast.
wow.. it is complete now.<br />
that was a nice ending. ^^<br />
love the story.
angelica-swagirl #5
AWWWWWWWW so cute!!!!!XD thank you!!!!!!<br />
Sarangaeyo musicIsme
omo.. sry for the late reply. ^^<br />
i hope u didnt really mind.<br />
neways... these chapters are sweet.<br />
i wonder what will onew say.<br />
i am likin the relationship between jaeyun and onew. ^^
hyeamazing #7
Whooo. I wonder what's gonna happen XD
-xminhye #8
Ahh ! Yay ! Updated !<br />
What will happen in the last 10mins ?!<br />
LOLS, Onew <3<br />
~Update soon~Hwaiting~
hyeamazing #9
Awww, JaeYun's so nice to Onew. And so is he. <3
icemochi18 #10
i just wanna keep spazzing. HE IS SO NICE. D:<br />
makes me wanna kill jinhee more for not "treating him well"