Chapter 4





“Hey! I’m working overtime tonight so we can’t go home together. I’m sorry” Baekhyun told her while they were having a break.

“Oh! It’s ok, you don’t have to be sorry.” She answered back.

“Are you sure you’ll be fine with that?” he asked her.

It’s been a month since she worked in the shop, and also since they started being friends. Baekhyun and her would always go home together after work.

Even though the other staffs in the shop wondered if they were a couple, but they both denied it. They were just good friends, enjoying each other’s company.

“Of course I will, you’re worrying too much.” She assured him with a smile.

“It’s just that…maybe you’ve got so used to go home with me and you might be sad because I’m not with you.” He joked while pinching her cheek.

“Yeah of course…” she just rolled her eyes while trying to stop herself from laughing. But she knew he was right, she would surely miss it. But it would just be one evening without him, it wasn’t such a big deal after all.

“Anyway since you will work overtime, you have to treat me out, yeah?” she .

Baekhyun eyed her from her toes to her face, then he exhaled through his nostrils, emphasizing it, while showing a childish expression.

It was the most weird and cute expression she have ever seen on his face that made her laugh so hard.

“You almost killed me Baekhyun!!” she stated while still laughing a bit.

“Of course a Bacon would treat Eggy! We’re a duo…Aren’t We?”

They hi-fived sealing their deal and they just returned to work after their break.


She was preparing herself to go home, after putting her things inside the locker, she went out and searched for Baekhyun.

“Bacon! I’m going! See you tomorrow! Bye!!” she waved him from a distance, since he was still working he gave her a nod and a wink, finishing with an adorable smile and before going out of the shop she waved to her other co-workers.






She didn’t even walked for a meter when she heard that sound, at first she didn’t bother that much so she proceeded on walking, but then she heard it again and it was louder. When she turned her head, she saw a black car and it looked so expensive but it didn’t really matter to her.

She started being nervous and before she could resume on walking the window glass opened.

“Hey…are we walking alone today?” he asked while smiling.

“Director! I-I mean Kai!” she was relieved that it was him.

“You gave me a fright!” she told him while holding onto her thumping heart.

“I’m sorry” he raised his hand, right after he got out from his car and gently bowed to her.

“I didn’t mean to give you a fright.” He awkwardly smiled to her.

It was her first time seeing him like that, she didn’t expect him to have this kind of attitude after all that time she knew him.

“It wasn’t your fault so you don’t have to be sorry” she smiled to him.

After seeing her smile like that, Kai didn’t expect himself to be so affected by it.

“That Bacon guy is lucky to be able to see her smile and laugh every time” he told to himself.

“Anyway…are you going to be busy later on?”

Raising her eyebrow she wondered if he was going to ask her out.

“Because if you’re not going to be busy…Well, my family is going to have a dinner party at home today so…I wanted to invite you.”

She was taken aback. So she was right about her thought earlier. But even before she could accept or decline his invitation Kai spoke again.

“By the way, I don’t accept a ‘NO’ as an answer.” He mischievously smiled.

“But I don’t know where you live” that was all she managed to answer back to his arrogant attitude again, though it shouldn’t surprise her anymore, but she just can’t get used to it. But she couldn’t deny the fact that there were lots of girls swooning over him, even though he looks young for his job he was doing it perfectly with such determination.

“I’m passing by your house at 7pm. So be ready at that time.” He smirked and went back to his car.

Following the car with her gaze, she sighed.

“He’s impossible”








She was walking back and forth inside her little apartment. She didn’t have a nice dress for the party, well she didn’t have lots of clothes to begin with when she transferred in the city.

She just chose a simple dress she had inside her closet, hoping it would fit the occasion.

She stood in front of the mirror checking her chosen dress. It was a knee length white dress with spaghetti strap and it softly hugged her body, she paired it with a white pair of doll shoes which it had a black string ribbon on the side, a simple yet noticeable detail and she just let her hair down.



Tao hugged her from behind, drowning himself in her soft and flower scented hair. He took the chance when she stopped walking back and forth to embrace her.

Looking at her through the mirror he slowly whispered into her ear

“If you could just hear me…I would tell you how beautiful you are”

They both jolted from each others thoughts when they heard the doorbell.

Tao instinctively released her from his arms. “DANG! Tao get a hold of yourself!” he said to himself.

When she opened the door Kai was speechless. He didn’t know how this simple girl could affect him so much and how her simple dress would make her look so amazingly beautiful, she almost look like a surreal being. He wanted everything to stop in that moment so he could see her always like that.

“Aww man! I know what you’re thinking right there…because I can see it clearly too” Tao said while seeing Kai’s gaze to her.

“I brought this in case you didn’t have anything…but I guess it’s not needed.” Kai lifted the dress container. He put in hanging on the chair. “You can keep it. It’s my gift.”

“Kai…you shouldn’t have bothered! But thanks anyway.” She smiled to him

“You really look pretty.” He suddenly told her making her blush.

“So shall we?” He said lending his hand to her while smirking, which she gladly took  despite what he did.


“Dude..don’t be so cocky…She’s under my supervision” This time it was Tao who was smirking.







“Baekyun! I’m going! See you tomorrow!” Baekhyun waved to his co-worker, now he was the only one remaining. He was working over-time because he’s planning to buy something for her.

“Her birthday is nearing so I’m planning to get something for her.” He said excitedly to himself.

After cleaning everything he went at the back of the shop where he piled all the trash bags.

He opened the backdoor and brought with him all the trash bags, while doing this he could hear footsteps but he didn’t bother because he knew there were still lots of people around the streets.

He was about to throw the last bag when he heard a deep husky voice.

“It’s been a long time..” he wondered if he was referring to him.

“Excuse me…Are you taking to me?” He asked the stranger, but instead of answering his question he just heard a chuckle.

“You didn’t change a bit…still looking innocent.” Baekhyun couldn’t figure who was he talking to. All he could see was a tall silhouette and the darkness of the alley wasn’t helping.

“I don’t know who you are nor I can see you…Show yourself” he squinted his eyes while the tall figure was approaching him.

The shadows were slowly revealing a tall figure, he didn’t think that the voice he heard earlier was from this guy standing in front of him.

“You don’t remember me?” the mysterious guy asked him.

“I’m sorry but I don’t know you” he said. Baekhyun was sure he didn’t know him, he has a face you wouldn’t forget after seeing it for the first time.

His skin was so pale in contrast to the darkness of the alley, and it wasn’t the type of paleness you could see on sick people, but as if his skin was made of the most expensive porcelain and it was being emphasize by the only source of light hanging above their heads. His face was opposite to his deep and husky voice, he had those cat like eyes sparkling with mischievousness.

“So disappointing…” the tall guy sighed and started to walk around Baekhyun while looking at him.

“They must have really cared for you…Letting you live and forget everything huh?” he smirked.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Baekhyun told him.

“That’s what disappoints me…Baekhyun” he kept on walking as if he was following an invisible circle around Baekhyun.

Baekhyun felt chills all over him upon hearing his name coming from him. He wondered how does he know his name.

“How did you know my name? And who are you?” Baekhyun started being impatient but the latter just kept on walking and chuckling to himself.

He just stopped walking right in front of Baekhyun and turned to him so they were both facing each other. Baekhyun didn’t expect the tall guy would inch his face so near that he could almost see his own reflection.


Before being engulfed by the shadows and leaving Baekhyun behind he spoke





“My name is Chanyeol and this time you won’t forget it.”










HELLOOOOOOOO!!!! So i rewrite my LOST CHAPTER 4. Actually I just remember the general plot of this chappie so I dont exactly rememebr what i wrote last time.So there will be lots of differnce from my lost chap but i just tried my best to make it similar..well the plot is the same but they wont be the same...also the feeling while writing this is really different.huhuhu..but i still tried and


GUISEE!!! EXO is alreadyy going to debut sooooooooonn! OWW FINALLY!!! after almost 100 days since that crucial first teaser of Kai..IM so HAPPY..I could cry a river..and from SM's FB seems like that in this showcse for both the korean and the chinese one they are going to be EXO i mean they will do it with all of them so UNITED EXO with 12 mmebrs..GAAAAAHHH *DIES*

Anyways to my readers, subscribers, silent readers I HOPE YOU APPRECIATE MY STORY AND THANK YOU FOR PUTTING UP WITH MY SO BAD ENGLISH..!!!

AND YOU DO KNOW THAT COMMENTS&OPINION ARE WELL WELCOMED....SO I COULD GIVE YOU IMPROVEMENTS AND THE BEST OUT OF ME(well still working on being the best of me....but trying my best to improve!!!)

I LOVE YOU ALL [^-^]<333

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-sekai #1
Chapter 5: Update Please ・㉨・
Update soon please
please update soon
Chanyeol sounds scary o.O
New reader!! ^^
I like your story! :)
Please update soon~~ xD
lostluv-c #6
New subscriber here~
Update soon~
Please~ :)
iamsperfeccion #7
waiiittt so perhaps they are all her guardian?? AHAHHHHHH!!! I want them to be my guardian too :(( this is good so will you please please pretty please update soon? hha.
crazyfantassii #8
Oh my Bacon =)) Is Tao her guardian?
i want u in my breakfast, baekhyun-sshi C:
Bacon!! can i kidnap you??*0*