
Never Alone

“Come on, Tae. We’re taking Minho out for his birthday today, remember?” Jinki asked, and I nodded, smiling and kissing his cheek.


Minho and I had become so much closer since that day a few weeks back. We spent a lot of time half on top of each other watching mind numbing television and laughing, and it was comfortable enough to sit by him that I’d fallen asleep on him more than once.


“I didn’t get him a present.” I said suddenly, feeling guilt worm its way up into me. “I haven’t even gotten you a present yet.”


“Tae, my birthday’s not till next week you silly boy.” Jinki reminded me, and I nodded, but I still felt guilty. “Besides, everybody pitched in to give Minho an extra special birthday this year. And you’ve been keeping him happy, that’s all the gift in the world to him.”


“But it’s not a real present.” I said, biting his lip. Jinki smiled softly, pulling me close.


“You kept him distracted from thinking too much.” Jinki explained softly. “I know that may not seem like much, but it is.”


I bit my lip and nodded slowly. “Alright...but I still wish I could have gotten him a present.”


Jinki laughed and pulled me into the bedroom to get dressed.


We pulled up to the restaurant an hour later, seeing Jonghyun’s car already parked outside. I had managed to convince Jinki to stop to get Minho a present, so we were a little late, but I had found a stuffed animal that doubled as a nightlight. Somewhere along the line I had realized Minho was probably just as afraid of the dark as I was, so I thought it was a good gift. I stuffed it in a bag and put some pretty blue paper on top so he wouldn’t be able to see it right away, and I was excited to give it to him. I had never given someone a present before, but it seemed giving Minho a gift first was fitting. He saved my life, as far as I could tell.


Jinki opened the door for me, and I blushed when I realized I had been too distracted by my thoughts to open it myself. Jinki smiled softly at me and kissed my nose, pulling me out of the car and hugging me close.


“I love you, Tae.” Jinki said softly, and I smiled brightly at him.


“I love you too, Jink~” I sang, and Jinki laughed softly. “Do you think he’ll like it?”


“I know he will. It’s a gift from you.” Jinki said softly, petting my hair gently.


“But is it a good present? Is it too childish?” I asked, worrying my lip between my teeth. Jinki shook his head, pulling my lip out from between my teeth. I blushed softly.


“Minho is going to love it. Because it came from your heart. This is exactly the kind of gift we would expect you to give.” Jinki said. “Because it’s so sweet. So sentimental. So fundamentally you. He’ll love it.”


“Okay.” I said, smiling shyly. I kissed his cheek softly and nuzzled into him for a moment before going into the restaurant, his hand linked with mine.


Key jumped up, wrapping me in his arms when we walked up to the table. I giggled softly and hugged him back, then moved on to hug Jonghyun as well before slipping into the seat beside Minho, planning to give him his gift, but he wrapped me in a big hug before I had the chance. I smiled happily and hugged back, and when he pulled back he had tears in his eyes.


“What’s wrong?” I asked, forgetting the gift instantly. Minho shook his head quickly.


“Nothing. I’m happy. This is...this is the best birthday I could ask for.” Minho said, though there was something in his eyes that told me there was something missing.


“Well, it’s only going to get better.” Jinki said, winking at me and sitting down. I almost moved to sit beside him, but I decided to stay with Minho at the last minute.


“Let’s order an appetizer, huh?” Jonghyun asked, and everyone nodded in agreement. Minho got to pick, given that it was his birthday, and soon enough we were sipping cola’s and waiting for our stuffed mushrooms. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I couldn’t help but notice that Jinki and Jonghyun were obsessively checking the time. Apparently, Minho noticed too.


“Are this a bad time to be out? We can reschedule.” Minho said softly, but both of them vehemently insisted that there was no need. Minho looked uncertain, and he redirected his focus to the bread on the table, munching it anxiously. I put my hand on his knee, hoping to bring him some comfort.


“Minho, are you okay?” I asked again, and he sighed softly, wrapping a long arm around me and hugging me again.


“I’m alright, Taeminnie.” Minho said, nodding and fluffing my hair gently.


“Okay..” I said, nodding and leaning on him slightly. Jinki bumped his foot against mine gently, and I smiled. Jinki’s eyes flickered somewhere behind me, and he sat up a little straighter.


“Tae, sit up baby.” Jinki said softly, and I sat up slowly, looking curiously at him. A moment later I heard a gasp.


“Oh my god.” Key whispered, covering his mouth. “Oh my god.”


“What?” Minho asked, looking at Key with concerned eyes.


“Happy Birthday.”


Minho froze where he was, his eyes going wide. I looked up, seeing the man that had spoken with his hand resting gently on Minho’s shoulder. Two fat tears slipped down Minho’s cheeks, and he nearly collapsed into himself. The man crouched down and pulled Minho into his arms, and Minho clung to him like a lifeline.


“I didn’t know you were coming.” Minho whispered.


“We planned this about a week ago.” Jinki supplied. “It’s your birthday present.”


“You guys are jerks.” Key mumbled, tears in his eyes. “Not telling me.”


“We knew you’d tell him.” Jonghyun said, and I finally raised my hand in question.


“Th-this is Donghae.” Minho whispered in answer, still hugging him tightly. “This is my boyfriend.”


“Well, we need to talk about that.” Donghae whispered. Minho looked up in a panic, but Donghae smiled, producing a small box. “I’m kind of tired of being just the boyfriend.”


Minho sobbed.


It was a little while before things settled down enough for us to actually order our food, and then Donghae and I were introduced. I reached for his hand, shaking it and opening my mouth to actually speak for the first time. Donghae beat me to it.


“I didn’t know Jinki was straight.” He said, smiling at me. My hand dropped to my lap right away, and I turned to glare at my drink.


“Tae, he doesn’t-” Jinki started, but I shook my head.


“Key, I need a haircut.” I said, my voice tight. I heard a soft gasp.


“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” Donghae said. “I didn’t...I’m so sorry.”


“You don’t need to cut your hair.” Key said, and I looked up at him with dark eyes.


“Yes, I do. I can’t keep doing this. I can’t keep explaining that I do, in fact, have a every time I meet someone.” I said, my jaw clenched. Slowly, Key nodded.

“We’ll go tomorrow.” He promised.

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BreyBrey #1
Chapter 31: Stumbled upon your story and read it all in one go. This is beautiful. And Im so sad that it doesnt have an ending.. Nesrly cried when i saw the last time it was updated, its been years already - meaning you dont have plans of finishing this. T_T
Chapter 31: This was a beautiful story (read it all in one sitting)
But. This is unusually CRUEL punishment! One chapter! Just one and you finish the story T.T Why????
taemin92 #3
from looking at your fic list, i can tell that it seems you've moved on to other pairings, but author-nim, i'm going to keep hoping that you eventually update both Never Alone and the Finding Home series! They are so beautifully written, and I keep coming back to them again and again!
yulloxo6shinee #4
Chapter 31: Author-nim!!! I love this fic so much, and You're writing is so good! Please update this! ^_^
I love this so much~
Chapter 31: Omg i love this story so much ;-; Taem's struggles are so real but there's still so much fluff nd ahhh it's just perfect okay >< its so hard to find OnTae fics like this too ahhh this is a gem
Chapter 25: Yes, it was a fantastic chap of Taeminnie's sleepy meltdown bus trip to JjongKeyMin and I wanted to scoop him up too. author-nims tendency to partake of 'spirits' brings out author-nims philosophical side. I likes Taeminnie's need to treasure every waking Onte moment.
Chapter 8: Thanks for the reassurance - birds and bees - that creepy Appa and Umma were cruel and not erse. Those all night and bath sponge sessions had me concerned.
Chapter 4: wow, if that isn't some honest A/N idk what is. Slightly intoxicated? Well, this has been some in depth and introspective Taemin cray parents/police/hospital hysterics. Being ineiberated seems to suit author-nim like it did Hemingway.
Chapter 1: Hmm, this first chap left so much unsaid like good writing does for me at least. I wanna know these characters for a while.