The Sea,Wish,Lies and Love


 This story is base on a girl who is on her task to find out whats happening around the guy, Kim JongHyun. As many things happened things started to change what will happened in the end? 



The sea is so clam. the sea shell is beautiful. Have anyone told you the story before?

Long time ago, theres a girl who love the sea

she stay near the sea and looks at the shell everyday

and always tell wonderful story about the sea to the child.

One day, the sea rage and the only way to save everyone 

the purest blood...

Hence, the girl cut herself and the blood dipped down...


Many people believe that the soul of the girl is in every seashell, so if you take the shell and make a wish and throw it in the seayour wish will come true...


HEY! It the me, the chocomonster? chcomonster? cookiemonster? Hahas it because I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!!

Is the story to...? I made it up LOL but I don't know if theres really such a story, the story might be short so sorry  >(>.<)<


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I can't wait to read!!!!!! please update..