Chapter 1


He never would have guess. It was supposed to be the other way around. Her falling for him, not him falling for her. She came into his life like a whirlwind and changed everything.

She was Super Junior's new coordinator after the last one moved away with her husband. Having big brown eyes and pale milky skin, she looked like a miniature doll in looks and size. But she wasn't his type and brushed her off as another staff member. But he began watching her after he was the first to do his hair and make up for their concert.

Walking up, he noticed the casual way of clothing she was wearing. A t-shirt and paint splattered jeans with drawn on Converse. Her brown wavy hair was tied up into a messy bun with two pencils stuck in to hold it together. She was busy heating up the curling iron when he sat down and crossed his legs.

"Yah, we're wasting time. I need my make up and hair done now." he ordered. She jumped, almost burning her hand from the iron. She quietly said sorry before taking the comb and sliding it through his hair. He expected the rough tugging and painful pulls of the comb from the tangles in his hair but instead felt soft and gentle hands combing through and untangling the knots herself. Even when the knots and tangles were gone, she continued to comb until it was soft and glossy. Heechul relaxed as the combing was done and waited for the burning heat of the iron as it curls his hair. But instead, she took clumps of hair and gently wrapped them around the iron and lowered the temperature before focusing on his make up. He closed his eyes as she applied the powder, noting that she was taking note to carefully powder the nose and mouth area. 

"I'm sorry but can you open your eyes? I need to put on the eyeliner." Her voice was soft but somehow he was able to hear it over the loud commotion of the room. Opening his eyes, he saw her face up close and her brown warm eyes staring into his. He jerked back but leaned in after a moment to let her put on the eyeliner. Feeling her careful smooth fingers carefully apply the eyeliner, he tried not to stare at which she was biting on while concentrating.

"There. You're done." Heechul quickly got out of the chair and let the next member sit in the seat while he sat with the others but in a seat where he could see her. He didn't know what sort of feeling this was but he knew she was the cause of it. Watching her, he found himslef unconciously taking notice of her expressions. When she bit her lip, he knew it was either from concentration or she was nervous. If she brushed her hair back, she was relaxed and calm.

"Ne, do you want some?" Hearing Sungmin ask something, he glanced over to see him with her, holding a piece of candy to her lips. She paused, with her hair still in motion of arranging Donghae's hair, before slowly leaning in and taking the piece with her teeth. Heechul felt him clench his hand and a spark of anger.He could see her whisper thanks while Sungmin smiled happily. He expected him to go back to his seat but instead stayed near her, making small talk. Not only that, the other members also began to crowd around her.

"So where are you from?" Eetuek asked. Some members leaned in closer and he sat up straighter fromwhere he sat, not liking the closeness they had with her. 

"I'm from Seoul." she said, not looking up from Donghae's hair as she ruffled it a bit and proclaimed it done as she tapped Donghae's shoulder, signaling he was done. Half an hour passed by the time she was done and Heechul was able to learn many things about her. She went abroad for school and came back to South Korea in order to be with her family. She also loved dessert and sweets(which he noticed a lot of the members take note of) and loved to cook her own dishes.

"I also like sweets too! I know a place where they sell really good chocolate cake.Maybe we could go there after the concert?"  Ryeowook asked, grabbing her hand and swinging it back and forth. Heechul sat up from his seat, staring intently at the locked hands while unconciously imagining beat Ryeowook with a stick. Her lips quirked but went back down again as their manager burst into their dressing room.

"Alright, it's time. Get out there boys!" he called. Heechul quickly got up and followed the rest of the members but glanced back to see her sitting on the couch, taking out a book and reading. When she felt his gaze on her, she looked up at him before smiling, mouthing "Hwaiting!" Heechul felt his determination rise and allowed his big ego to overcome him as he smirked back and waved before leaving.

On stage, Heechul was able lose himself as he played his part in swaggering over to center stage and winked at many fans that began to squeal as he got closer. In the end, the concert was a sucess and the idols began to file into the waiting room to take off their makeup and go home for the day. As she began removing Eunhyuk's makeup, he noticed the other members crowding around and whispering excitedly in the corner and making big hand movements. When she was done, it was his turn. Lowering himself in the seat, he felt her hands softly remove the mascara before footsteps came barreling forward.

"Hey, me and the others were thinking of going out to a restraunt near our dorm. Do you want to come?" Hearing Kangin's voice, he turned in his chair before shooting him the chilliest glare he could muster. Kangin stumbled back a bit while she looked confused, looking back and forth between them. The others, noticing the commotion, came over to suddenly see Heechul grabbed the coordi by the wrist and dragged her out of the dressing room. Walking past the confused staff in the hallway, he found a quiet hallway before pushing her to the wall.

"What the hell are you doing to me?" he whispered before putting both hands on either side of her head, caging her in with the wall behind her.

"What are you talking about?" Her breath brush against his face and he tried holding himself back from leaning closer to her.

"You. You're making me feel...ugh!" he shivered before leaning closer. He could smell a fruity scent coming from her, which only made him drawn even closer until finally his head was stuck in the crook of her neck. Breathing in the smell, he sighed contently while the coordi stood still and rigid.

"We shouldn't be doing this." Her statement snapped Heechul out of his smelling spree and he leaned back but still within close distance.

"Why?" Heechul was curious. Did she not want to be with him? Did she want to be with the others? Thinking that, he was so close to punching the wall behind her.

"It's not right. You should be with other girls. Other idols. Not a normal staff member like me." She ducked her head, hiding from his gaze. He noticed that in the dark, she was biting her lip, telling him that she was nervous. She looked so cute. Leaning forward, he was just about to kiss her when he heard the others voices around the corner. Jumping back, he moved just in time when they turned around the corner and saw them.

"There they are! Hyung, they're over here!" Donghae called. Members came jogging around the corner before crowding around her, pushing Heechul out of the circle.

"Hey! Watch where your pushing!" Heechul hissed. But they paid no attention to him, only to the coordi. Having enough of the members ignoring him, he squeezed through the others before grabbing her wrist and pulled forward. Lips met his and he kissed her in front of the others. Sparks and butterflies filled his stomach as he turned his head for more space.Her lips were soft and Heechul wanted to stay even longer but he had the others to take care of. Letting go. he turned to see the shocked faces of members before smirking and walking away with the coordi, pulling her by the hand gently.

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Cool! What a good start. Hhhmmmm, Heechul should control his hormones. Hahahahaaaa! Hwaiting, update chapter 2 soon :D
wow i wait for you to put a chapter ^.^ is seems to be a cool story ;)
Sounds Awesome!
Update soon!