A Good Night's Sleep~ JongKey Oneshot!~


Key can't sleep this night. Jonghyun will come and comfort him. What happens?!?! :) It's just fluff people, don't worry :) lol Just a cute fanfic I wrote during biology... and math... and health xD  Im soo bad~ kekeke ;)


Hi-yeum readers!~ Hope you enjoy this >..

Characters: Kim Kibum (Key, Kibummie), Kim Jonghyun (Jjong, Jjongie), Lee Jinki (Onew~)

Enjoy ^-^ Pleaseeee tell me what you think :) You're nice people, I know you are ^^ hehe xD

Guys~ Go check out my other stories ^^♥


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Chapter 2: This is the cutest thing I ever did see TT TT I always imagined stuff happening off camera like this!! I adore hello baby era and that little moment with Key and Onew always looked like this in my head, with Jjong being his jealous pup self. It's amazing to see it written down! You write so well; it's perfect♡ I can't wait to see what else you create! 'w'
Notanangel #2
Chapter 1: "“Well… That’s an interesting development.” He smiled, happy that the two had finally confessed their feelings. He shut the door and walked away to go back to bed, smiling to himself on the way. "
tHAT WAS SO CUTE hahah jinki! idk I find it funny and cute!
good job
I cried when Key confessed to Jonghyun and when Jonghyun confessed to Key. I love the part when Onew sees Jonghyun and Key holding each other while sleeping together. Too cute. I can picture it really happening. Well done.
Chapter 1: This is ABSOLUTELY adorable!!!! ^w^ I wish that had actually happened on the show, though XD
AudrayLiAr #5
Aw, this was cute. I really like it! Jealous Jonghyun is jealous! His face in 'Hello baby' is priceless!
Because you can write well I'm going to check on other storys of yours and give you much love!
aww cute my eyes are all teary
ChuckyMitsuo #7
Chapter 1: I cried twice
great job!
2114 streak #9
Chapter 2: Awww... Such a sweet story author-nim ^_^
Chapter 2: I was smiling like an idiot the whole story. OTL :))