Chapter I

The Story Would Be Only Endless With You


A brunette was running around the barren buildings of the Seoul University. People were walking up and down around the enormous place, busily chatting since it was around lunch time.

"Idiot..." She was muttering under her breath.

She didn't even know where her feet were taking her, the only thing she knew that she wanted to get away from the eyes of others. She didn't want anyone to see her weak side, it was already humiliating enough.

She leant againts the wall of one of the buildings, she thought she was finally alone and started to let her tears drop freely.

"Why do i have to be the one crying..." She was muttering under her breath once again, her whole face was distorted thanks to the unsettling feelings.

"Ah dammit..."

As she was sniffing she smelt something like... tobacco? She glanced up and finally saw a woman was taking a drag from her cigarette while sitting on a bench. The brunette stared at the onyx like orbs for a second longer before she cleared .

"Ah um..." She started, she looked like a mess in front of a stranger. "Sorry I didn't know there was a smoking area around here." The brunette rubbed one of her arms out of emberassement.

The other girl just looked at her with calm, tender eyes without saying anything.

The brunette still flustered, said stuttering. "To think there was someone here... I'll leave."

She was about to turn around when the stranger finally spoke.

"It's fine." She said as she was standing up, putting out her cigarette in the process. 

The stranger was leaving but she turned her head behind her while she was walking away slowly. She smiled understandingly "Hardly anyone comes over here, so just take your time." She waved at the brunette before she finally left.

"Huh... What was that?"

Jennie finally pulled herself together she finally realised what just happened.

"I made her leave... god." She sighed as she sat down on the bench, looking at the cigarette the other girl just put out. It was still long as if she didn't even take a drag from it.

"I must find her..." the brunette muttered, forgetting about her own problems for a second.




Three days have passed, the brunette was walking into one of her classes searching for an empty seat with her eyes. As she was scanning the room her chocolate orbs landed on a pair of familiar, onyx like eyes staring back at her.

"Huh... Is that?" 

The brunette made her way to the stranger she met three days ago. She searched inside her bag, pulling out a box of cigarettes shoving it into the stranger's beautiful, long fingers, touching them accidentally for a split second. The brunette gulped down, she didn't know why.

"Here." She said recovering from her anxiety.

The other girl just opened her eyes even bigger, thanks to the pleasant surprise. She closed her eyes for a second before she opened them again, smiling tenderly at the brunette.

"You're the one from before... so you were taking the same class as me." She continued still smiling, showing off her perfect teeth. "And this is?"

The brunette immediatelly reciprocated the smile, she couldn't help it. "You had to put out because of me. This is to return the favor."

The blonde nodded, staring at the box intently. "You're a conscientious one." Her smile got even bigger. "...Though the brand is different."

It was the brunette's time to open her eyes as big as possible, she got flustered by the sudden counter.

"Eh?! I'm sorry, I don't know much about tobacco..."

The blonde chuckled at the cute image in front of her. "Don't worry about it, I was just teasing you." She said staring at the brunette woman again. "Thanks."

The brunette laughed at her own silliness too, bitting down on her lip.

"You know..." the blonde started. "Smiling looks so much better on you." 

"W-what?" The smaller girl's face got so red, she don't even know why. "T-thanks I guess?"

"Sorry I didn't mean to be like this...I mean... You are not used to compliments like this?" The blonde said rubbing the back of her head.

"No... I just... Yeah you might be right. Let's just forget about this, shall we?" The brunette said trying to lighten the mood.

The blonde cleared . "Right... It's Lisa by the way." She said smiling tenderly at the brunette.


"Lalisa Manoban... my name. But people just calling me Lisa in short."

"Oh... Oh! Nice to meet you Lalisa... I mean Lisa! My name is Jennie, Jennie Kim." She said extending her hand.

The blonde did the same, taking Jennie's small, petite hand in her larger one, shaking it firmly. The brunette had the same tingling feeling inside her stomach when their hands brushed accidentally from before.

"What is wrong with me?" I haven't felt like this forever..."

Lisa retreated her hand after she thought it was taking way too long just to shake hands. In truth neither of them wanted to let each other's hands go.

"So... are you going to stand in front of me the whole class? Not that I mind." The blonde said, a mischievous smile was evident on her face.

"Oh umm..." Jennie's cheeks flushed again immediately.

"Come on! I was just teasing you. Take the seat beside me." Lisa said as she was removing her bag from it, patting the seat softly after it.

"Ah sure! Thank you!"

They smiled awkwardly at each other, but deep inside they both enjoyed it.








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