Teach me

More than just a game
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The music still blasted through out the hall, everyone was dancing, drinking and having the best time of their lives. However the two teams were staring at one another with hatred written all over their faces. Air thick, heavy as hell some are begging for it to end. 

Yoongi being the one to speak, "Starring won't do anything, Nam we should stop". 

"I agree we should save it for the championships", Sehun says. 

The team all hastily agrees, because they originally came here ot have fun before their big game in a couple of days. 

"Okay till next time Suho", Namjoon says before him and his team walks off. 

Luhan rolls his eyes,"If we don't beat them, I swear-". 

Sehun calms him down because anger won't solve much, "Lu we will beat them lets go and have a good time". 

"Glad you guys could make it", Seungcheol, the leader of Seventeen came up to them. "You guys look great, representing your colors I see". 

"Yea, we are thankful fo you inviting us" Suho says. 

"Now let me show you guys around", He begins to lead the team to the bar, "The bar will provide drinks, not just alcoholic but soda, or any other refreshments. Food will also be served here".

Baekhyun nods, "What kind of food?". 

"There is a menu you could look through", Seungcheol reassure. "Then the sound system", they all then walk to the huge sound system that was connected to the speakers and microphones. "The Dj will be over there" he points to the guy who was on a mini stage with dj equipment. "You guys could also request music if you want". 

"Anything else?", Kris ask with his arms wrapped around Tao's waist. 

"Nope, but have fun", with that he walks to his team mates. 


"Okay everyone lets take some shots!", Luhan announces while the bartender feels up their shot glasses. 

"I swear the people driving don't get to hammered", Once it was being said by Tao everyone looked at Chanyeol. 

Chanyeol throws up his hands defensively, "Wait a minute, not just me is driving". 

"But your a light drinker, so your limit tonight will be 3 shots", Suho wanted all of his teammates to go home safely, they couldn't afford none of them getting into an accident. 

"Fine, lets just take one to get loose" Chanyeol then looks over to Baekhyun, and realizes Baekhyun doesn't like drinking. So he puts some distance on himself and the drinks, "Hey Baek". 

Baekhyun looks up from the floor he was starring at,"Yes?"

"Does the drinking make you uncomfortable, if so I won't drink at all", Chanyeol is aware how much Baekhyun couldn't even stand the smell of alcohol, so he wanted to make his lover as comfortable as possible. 

"No Yeol, don't stop drinking because of me, plus", he looked hesitant about what he was gonna say next, "Maybe I wanna try". 

Everyone turned their head towards what Baekhyun said, "Excuse me, you wanna try what now?", Jongdae couldn't believe his best friend wanted to drink something he always despised. 

"I wanna try a shot with you guys", Baekhyun said once again, but this time with more confidence. 

"Okay but I hope your not a light drinker like your boyfriend over here", Minseok says, while he hands him a shot of vodka. 

Baekhyun eyes it, and then smells it and winces at the smell. He forgot the unpleasant aroma alcohol has. 

Jongin gets his and raises it, "On 3 you guys, 1...2...3!", everyone and including Baekhyun takes it, of course everyone grimaces at the taste, while Baekhyun nearly chokes on it. 

"Why does it taste so bad?", Baekhyun questions. 

"Its not supposed to taste good, its a shot" Kyungsoo said while he began to laugh. 

Baekhyun didn't like the taste of it, but he liked the way it made his mind and body. He felt so loose, relaxed, he wanted more...so he did. 

Everyone kept going with the shots people already felt slightly tipsy, while Chanyeol stopped at his 3rd shot, he couldn't help but notice Baekhyun is a heavy drinker. He is on his 7th? he wants to say but damn, the boy could drink. 

"Lets keep it going" Baekhyun says while he moves his body to music being played. 

"Wow Baek, you could drink?,Yixing is impressed because he thought he was the only one who could drink heavy. 

"Yea, I guess", Baekhyun says with a bright smile. 

Once everyone felt like they had enough, they all soon moved the dance floor along with all the other groups. Some of the members from Got7 were doing break dancing along with flips. Then Pledis were dancing, but their moves seems rehearsed as they were all so synchronized. 

"Come on Yeol no one is gonna care if your a bad dancer", Baekhyun tries to pull his boyfriend from the chair he was sitting on. 

"No I don't wanna", Chanyeol says, he doesn't wanna make a fool out of him self.

"Fine, but don't miss me too much", Baekhyun kisses him on the cheek walks off to where his teammates were. 

Mamamoo's hip was on and the crowd started going crazy. Chanyeol couldn't believe how many people even knew this song as many shouted the lyrics. 

When he thought he was gonna be a loner for the rest of the night. Someone short, really short joins Chanyeol at the booth he was at. He had blonde hair, was dressed in more formal like attire, "Hey, why ain't cha dancing with your team?", the blonde shorty asked. 

"I could ask you the same thing, because I'm sure your team is on the dance floor as well". 

"Touche, but I'm not out there because I'm not to fond of sweaty bodies all over me while screaming lyrics to a song". 

Chanyeol nods at his response, "Well its that, and plus I can't dance". 

"Understandable, so you wouldn't make a fool out of your self". 

"Exactly, thats what I was trying to tell my boyfriend but he wouldn't drop it". 

The smaller laughs to himself, "Well my name is Ji hoon I play on Seventeen, you?".

"I'm Chanyeol, I play on team EXO". 

"May I say your hella ing tall, like what did your parents feed you?". 

Chanyeol raises an eyebrow, "Food? I think its just genes?". 

"Probably, you know I always drunk milk when I was kid. Then look at me, 5'5". 

"Its okay your taller than most females"

"Tru, but I'm not into finding a relationship right now, plus being by girls gives me anxiety". 

Chanyeol understands, "I was like that too but soon found out I was into men through my boyfriend, who I hated at first but now deeply in love with". 

"Isn't that cute, where is he by the way?". 

"He's on the dance floor, he should be the one with brown hair, tight denim ripped je

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Completed for now there will be an epilogue soon.


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 47: Finally know why Chan hated him!! Excellent story author-nim 👍
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 45: Everyone is always interrupting!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #3
Chapter 37: I absolutely hate homophobic bullying in schools 😠
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 4: Ah oh - maybe some team chemistry...
waee09 #5
Chapter 27: Myyyyy heaaaaarrrtttttt
peaxchii #6
Chapter 47: This is so cute 😭💗
Chapter 43: Ahhh no Bts thats wrong dont mess ip their tempo
Chapter 39: Oh no......!!!! Minho..... Baek.....just walk away from him....
Don't let the emotional get to you, ignore him .

Move on......

Chapter 47: Thank you for this wonderful story :)
Chapter 47: 1rst: ngl chanyeol was so cute when he was a lil kid uwu
2nd: THANKS FOR THE UPDATE!! (even tho i'm a day late lol) the hot part for chanbaek tho ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ