
A glimpse of life

It was raining when Soonyoung walked home without an umbrella because he always forget to bring one despite Jihoon constantly remind him to bring it with him everywhere. But Soonyoung find it such a hassle to do. He expected an earful from Jihoon when he arrives home, drenched in rain from head to toe. He would worry about Jihoon worrying after him but at that moment, inspiration had hit him after weeks of him trying to find inspiration for a new choreography.

He has been putting the choreography off for awhile because he had a hard time to come up with the choreography even with the help of his fellow choreographers. He was just a few steps away from his home but he has to let it out of his system if not, he would forget about it. So, he did the next thing he could think of. He danced right there and then. 

He wouldn't done this usually but there's nobody around him. Who would be sane enough to stay out in the rain like Soonyoung? Inspiration after inspiration hit him. Weeks of not having inspiration, it hit him then. He didn't stop dancing, completely lost in his own bubble and unaware of his surroundings. Unaware of Jihoon's shouts at him and worries written all over his face. Unaware of Jihoon running toward him with an umbrella over his head.

"Kwon Soonyoung! I swear to god, I'm going to kill you," His trains of thoughts was stopped by Jihoon as his body froze at Jihoon's voice. Finally aware of everything. He watched how Jihoon frowned at him, rushing towards him to put an umbrella over his head. Jihoon was still cursing out profanities when he shoved the umbrella in Soonyoung's hand and the latter just mindlessly held onto it, not wanting Jihoon to get soak in the rain more than not wanting Jihoon to worry.

He watched Jihoon wrapped a towel around his body in silence before lightly punched him on the chest.

"What did I tell you about bringing an umbrella?" Jihoon glared at him in a cold tone but his actions was contradicting his tone, pulling Soonyoung close to him so he won't be cold. The action warmed Soonyoung's heart before it spread through his entire body.

"I forgot, Jihoonie," Soonyoung pouted and Jihoon hit him again, slightly harder this time as a warning but he didn't mind one bit.

"The next time you're doing this, I will lock you outside," Soonyoung's smile turned into a grin before he giggled.

"Jihoonie, you won't be able to do that," His glare turned sharper, one would be terrified of it but definitely not Kwon Soonyoung. Knowing Jihoon for years has its advantages, he knows all those glares are nothing but harmful. 

"Why is that?" Soonyoung couldn't stop smiling that his cheeks starting to hurt. He cupped Jihoon's face with his hands, still minding not to let the towel wrapped around him fall because Jihoon will only go into frenzy mode worrying about him. Jihoon flinched at the coldness of Soonyoung's touch due to the rain which only made him worry more but he still leaned into the comforting touch.

"Because you love so much to do so," Soonyoung planted a peck on Jihoon's lips, instantly colouring the latter's cheeks in red. He burst into fit of giggles. Jihoon who's flustered at the action even though he expected it, hid his face on Soonyoung's chest. Don't care that he's going to soak in rain too.

"You're such an idiot but I do love you so much," Jihoon whispered but it roared through Soonyoung's minds.

"I love you too, Jihoonie," He chuckled and planting more kisses on the younger's face. Jihoon tried to avoid it but the smile on his face showed just how much he enjoyed the affectionate but still remember where they were.

"Let's go inside. You need to change. I don't want you to get sick, Soonie," Jihoon pouted because he knew Soonyoung weak to it.

"Only if you promise me cuddles," Soonyoung yelped when Jihoon pinched his waist.

"Fine, anything to get you inside and change into dry clothes. You're handful when you're sick," Soonyoung chuckled as Jihoon pulled him to their shared home.

"I must saved a country in my past life to be this lucky having you."

"Shut up," If Soonyoung saw how the faint red arose on Jihoon's cheeks and the soft smile on his lips, he didn't say a word about it.

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Chapter 4: this is so wonderful!
Chapter 7: The fact that I can property imagine them being like this omg.

I love them
Chapter 6: Ohhhhh RAIN. I loved it, this is beautiful
Sampga #4
Chapter 6: HIT song choreo in rain, may be??! ?*Wink*
Chapter 5: B R O. That was quick hahahhahha i loved it, this was so sweet, i am suuuuuch a scaredy-cat i can reate to Jihoon wanting attention and love hahahahha ♥♥♥ this is too sweet, thank you.
Chapter 4: Stop stealing my heart with this sweet stories. omg I love it. Jihoon is the sweetest and imagining Soonyoung all sleepy is the cutest thing in the world. You're making my SoonHoon heart bigger hahahaha, thank you for writing this <333
Chapter 3: Aawwwwww this is so cute. You just take all my uwus, authornim. Thank you for writing this beautiful stories <3