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Steal Me With A Kiss
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All the pieces fallen on the ground in disarray, finally come together, the memory of Kai's face before leaving him at the bar burns clearly in front of his face. Baekhyun trips over his own two feet trying to make his way back to Junmyeon, "I need to. I need to see him. . . I'm such a head. ," he rambles on.


Junmyeon clambers away from his seat and stands on his feet, "What happened?" he asks, shooting his eyebrows up.


Baekhyun grabs him by the shoulders, "Kai. He likes me, can you believe it? I need to see him, oh my god," Baekhyun can't stop blabbering. He can't seem to calm down his heart either.


"I'll drop you," Junmyeon offers making Baekhyun yell in excitement. They quickly leave the place, and Baekhyun drums his fingers on his jeans the entire time nervously. Time has never seem to run slower as he mechanically guides Junmyeon to his apartment. They finally reach the destination, before Baekhyun leaves, he looks at Junmyeon who has the warmest smile on his lips, "It's your turn to confess, Junmyeon," Baekhyun says, already making his way to the gate.


"We'll see about that. Now, go get him," he hears Junmyeon squeal.


Baekhyun doesn't know what he's going to say, he feels like he's floating and the only thing keeping him grounded is the thought of Kai. He knocks on the door with same speed as the beating of his heart.


"I swear to god Sehun, I don't need anymore of your disgusting soup-," he hears Kai say as he unlocks the door. Oh how much he missed him. Kai stops mid-sentence when he sees him. Baekhyun knows he looks like a zombie, the dark circles under his eyes got worse recently but Kai doesn't seem to be faring well either, but he still glows, like a goddamn lighthouse, drawing him in. Kai is wearing oven mitts and there's a little flour stuck to his forehead, Baekhyun controls the urge to wipe it away. Baekhyun doesn't move, words stuck somewhere in his throat, he pants heavily. Kai doesn't say anything for a whole ten seconds too, he clearly didn't expect Baekhyun to drop by so unexpectedly.


Baekhyun wants to say so many things, so many, "That day, at the club, what did you mean by you didn't want me to kiss anyone else?" he blurts.


The question clearly irks Kai, "What-Why are you asking me-"


"Just answer the question, Kai," Baekhyun presses on, he needs to hear Kai say it.


"I don't understand what you're expecting me to say-"


"Kai," Baekhyun pleads, so does his heart.


Kai haphazardly removes his oven mitts and throws them to the ground. His body slouches in defeat.


"Okay. Fine." he bursts. The moment he looks Baekhyun in the eye, something shifts.


"We never ing talk about anything. Anything. We have never. Never addressed whatever's been going on, which has been a whole lot more than just practice, Baek,". His hands are trembling so he balls them into little fists, letting them fall to his sides. "So how do you. How do you expect me to say that I like you? To say that when you hugged me that day, I finally felt as if I found my home. That I felt so sheltered everytime you kissed me. That I was stupid enough to catch feelings for you,"


Baekhyun's heart shakes; Kai, Kai likes him. It repeats over and over in his head and he can't seem to think straight.


"None of it matters anymore anyways, I should'v

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Chapter 13: This was sooo cute
Chapter 13: Mon Dieu ce n'était pas trop rapide ou boiteux comme tu le dis, non, c'était parfaitement dosé, j'ai vraiment adoré cette histoire. Les émotions étaient palpables, c'était doux, douloureux, émouvant, adorable, et hot aussi quand il le fallait, c'était parfait ! Cette fiction était parfaite, je l'ai adoré. Merci pour ce chef d'oeuvre.
happy_byun #3
Chapter 13: This was so made my heart swoon
Chapter 13: It’s so cute, I’m glad they both ended up in a good way
961 streak #5
Chapter 13: It's good that they are back in each other's arms without any pretense. Although, it feels so short.
Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful Kaibaek!
Chapter 13: Yayyyyy!!! This is so cute.
trashsshi #7
Chapter 13: omg we're at the end! this was such a sweet and savoury fic, you didn't need a complicated plot or anything to make this enjoyable as heck! i loved loved loved it, loved reading it and seeing it updated in my subscriptions. also self-indulgent fics are the funnest to write so :D i can't tell that you struggled with the angst at all, it was so well done in my opinion! also junmyeon saying he confessed and 'i hurt my ankle' sdjhfbjhb I LOVED THAT THEY WERE RELATED. hehe.
Chapter 13: The ending is so cringy that my toes curl and i almost squeal out in excitement~!!! Nice job authornim~!! >_<
Chapter 13: I LOVE IT! Good job authornim!! :-)
loyalb #10
Chapter 13: Great story