Your challenge,...You know,...Where You had to....

Please sign my pencil case...It´s about life and death (of my honesty)

Hey Guys~~

Back again with the solutions of the questions we had after the last chapter...

Just so you can understand the following conversation:








And now let us start^^


"I tought we where just kidding there O.O!""Nope, we meant it serious, the whole time"

"Yeah, but -""No but's. We said, when you'll ever go towards korea, you have to collect their autographs. AND you agreed."

"Of course I agreed. Did YOU EVER thought that I would go there? I mean how possible was that back there?"

"It sounded implausible...But you AGREED." "Yeah, but-" "We said no but´s. You babbled the whole time about Supa Schunior and Big Boom-" " and Shyne " "and emblake" "and Beasty. AND you even wrote this band names upon your pencil case" "You guys ...and it´s Super Junior, Big Bang, SHINee, MBLAQ and B2ST. Just so you know..." "Stop to pout. " "We gave you a challenge," "You agreed" "and in two months goes your flight towards Seoul, Korea" "Where you have to collect the autographs" "of your favourite bands" "If you can´t make it" "you´ll lose all your honor "


You could figure out the facts, or not...

Yes, I´m a very very big fan of SuJu, BB, SHINee, MBLAQ and B2ST...

Yes, I even wrote the band names upon my pencil case...

Yes, my friends aren´t...

Yes, I´m going to Korea in two months...

Yes, by plane...

Yes, my friends gave me the challenge to collect the autographs of all members of all my favourite bands...

Yes, I will fail...of course...


a few hours later....


Right now, I´m lying in my bed playing around with my laptop, surfing in the internet, checking my e-mails and -oh, new mail from my aunt(my father´s sister)... My aunt is the reason why I´ll go to Korea by the way, cause she´s living there and doesn´t want me to live alone for a much longer time...

Actually, I´m living alone because dad is on a business trip and said it will take muuuuuch longer til he will come back home so my aunt said I should live with her when she´s back (she is in Istanbul because of her world trip but she will be back in two months so...)

My mom isn´t somebody I should or would like to live with. She treated me horrible. I was so relieved when dad said he would take me with him.

I should tell you more about my parents, but right now,...I´m not in the right mood.

Back to her mail...

Hey, Sweetie~

Istanbul with his burning heat right now is scaring me away^^

No~~~ not, really ;)))

But I want to see my baby-niece again!!!

Yeah, I know you don´t like me call you baby ;P

But chu aaaaareeee my baaaabyyyy~~~

So I want to see you you as fast as possible ya´ know, that´s why I´m going back home in two days.

I talked with your dad yet, your reservation is changed already and now you´re flight goes next friday at four am^^

I will stand at the airport and wait for you^^


auntie bauntie ;-*

Yeah, she´s a little freak^^ but I love her :D

So she´s going back so soon and-what!! Friday?! O.O But today is tuesdayO.O

That means in three days I will be sitting in a plane wich will head towards Korea O.O!!!

I have to pack! What will I need? What will my guys say if they hear that? What will I need In Korea? How is the school thing managed? What do I have to pack in my suitcase?



Only three days left til Terry will be sitting in a plane towrds Korea, towards her aunt, towards her challenge...

What should Terry bring with her?

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Deepeyessoo #1
Update soon :P
Penguin_Panda16 #2
She should bring her pencil case keke
ermmmm.. photos
And... me! =P
Penguin_Panda16 #3
I require the answers to those questions! Immediately!!! Jump on it!!! Thanks for the mention and the update =D cx
Penguin_Panda16 #4
I want to know more about terry!!
Penguin_Panda16 #5
Keke update soon!