What does mean?

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A lazy afternoon in a humid summer day, Seulgi is stuck in the dorm with nothing to do. Her members had schedules or somewhere they had to be in. Joy has cf filming, Wendy was still with her parents being nursed back to health and probably theraphy, Yeri went to hang out with Taeyeon and Zero, and Irene was in the dance studio having private dance sessions.


To say Seulgi was hot(because it's summer time) and bored was an understatement. She's already done things in the dorm which she usually doesn't do. She's rearranged the furniture and cleaned their common room. She went to busy herself with doing everyone else's laundry. She has even tried making a no-bake cheesecake for their desssert for when they feel like eating it. Hope that's edible. She never really liked doing household chores but she has grown tired of watching neflix or she's simply uninspired to work on her drawings.


She then remembers she want to check out some of the games in their leader's ipad. Seulgi always see Irene so heavily engrossed staring at it. She thinks the older has stowed away a very interesting piece of game in her ipad.


Seulgi remembers she once caught the leader staring intensely at it, beads of sweat forming on her forehead, her bottom lip bruised as she bit it. Now that thought has made Seulgi curious more than ever. What could that game be? Could it be another thing? P-por.. No, nope. She wouldn't. She's probably going to get scolded if she voiced her thought of their leader watching those.. But she is a grown woman so... She might have had those 'needs'. Heck even I had those thoughts at times but, now is not the time have them.


Getting her mind out of the gutter, she opens the leader's web searches. She knows Irene has a simple but lazy side to her, so she knew the older would not even bother clearing her browsing history. She briefly skims through most of the searches. She sees Irene's name, member's names, cooking recipes, and cute cuddly fluffy mammals of the searches. Seulgi shakes her head and smiles fondly. She knew Irene was a scardy cat, eternally afraid of animals, but the older enjoys looking at cute stuff.


Seulgi then browsed more onto the search history. She sees more of her name on it, which amazes her because the searches done were in English and attached to the word . Huh? I am not familiar with that word. Why am I even browsing through her history? She takes a mental note to aske their leader about what that word meant. She then decides to clear off the much older searches. She knew the older wouldn't really notice.


She then searches for the games. She was utterly dissappointed to learn the games their leader has. Cooking mama, tetris, arcade pong, solitaire and minesweeper. Who the heck even knows how to play minesweeper?! She thought, What a granma! Though a really pretty and y gramma. Ok, get your mind out of the gutter Seul! She releases a soft sigh and smiles, guess I could play a bit of tetris. 


Not long after, Seulgi got bored yet again, and starts looking through files in the device. I bet Unnie has a new collection of weird random pictures. She remembers she once caught Irene taking pictures of member's nostril. No one really gets her obsession really, but it's quite funny. She has hoped to see those stowed away somewhere in the ipad. 


She finds:

lyric files(their songs' lyrics), 

audio files(demo versions of their songs),

video files(its got some dance practices and random videos she takes),

random picture files(the weird picture collection of one Bae Joohyun) and last but not the least,

an entire folder titled IRENE&SEULGI- all in english capital letters which contains numerous document files.


This last one has piqued her interest. Now more than ever, she really wants to learn what meant. She wanted to search up the word and why did it only have their names on it? Is it for the sub-unit? Or is she simply the leader's favorite member? She blushes and smiles at the thought of being Irene's favorite.


She opened one of those files and found that the document was in English. She sighed yet again as the language isn't really her strong suite. She did however skimmed through it trying to find familiar words. But it only gave her some sort of a head ache.


She creases her nose, furrowed her brows and pouts her lips diligently trying to find easy familiar words. But words put into senteces, are much more difficult to make sense of especially how hanggul is different from english. She knows familiar words like 'she', 'they', and other simple words.


She found a particular phrase she understood... well, sort of understood. " lips rubbed" which to her understanding, '' means cat, the 'lips' pertains to the mouth and 'rubbed' is the jesture of touching it with motion. She found the phrase unusual as to why would anyone think of rubbing a cat's mouth.


Seulgi holds the sides of her temples trying to understand what to make of this. Must be some sort of an assignment to help her with her english, like finding weird sentences and correcting them. That must be it! 


She takes another mental note to ask to be taught more english. She also wants to communicate more with fans and what her unnie is doing is simply admirable trying to learn more inspite of her very busy schedule. Seulgi then goes back to trying to figure out the other games in the said device. Not long after that, she falls asleep on the couch the ipad laid atop her chest. 

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manechu28 #1
Chapter 1: so funmy..i hope another sequel..
Seul_rene14 #2
Chapter 1: 'Rub a cat's mouth' 🤣🤣🤣 That was crazy!!! Everytime I read anything related to '' I am gonna remember this😂😂😂
Hahaah, cutee
Serenity_love #4
Chapter 1: Haha
Softtacos #5
Chapter 1: Hahahahaha had a good laugh!!!
Chapter 1: Shet, HAHAHAHA
Chapter 1: 🤣
2189 streak #8
Chapter 3: followed na authornim!
1060 streak #9
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