
Where We Once Were


May 4th, 2025. 12:31 PM. Daegu. 

The sweet smell of freshly cut grass and blooming flowers fill Joohyun’s nose. She breathes in the fresh air around her and heaves a sigh of relief. The tiny reminders that she is home and for good have become a welcome presence in the new life she has begun. Despite the heartache it has caused, stepping away from her position within Red Velvet has been a delight. Every day she is surrounded by the wonders of nature, which she has curated herself. It distracts her from the doubts and regret that linger, usually before closing her eyes at night. 

Joohyun tends to the quaint garden almost every day. She has filled the space with the most beautiful flowers, and their aromas are indescribable. It is not the civilian life she had imagined for herself per se. But, she is grateful to be away from the hectic city of Seoul. Many within the small village are aware of her presence among them. Most of the younger children and teenagers eagerly recognise her. Some of them pull out their phones for what they believe to be a sneaky picture. Others hurry along and allow her the space to get on with her life around them. No one asks questions, thankfully. Sometimes, Joohyun can see that they are on the tip of their tongues. 

The first few months were the worst. The staring gazes were intense and overwhelming. You would think that after years of being in a girl group, she would be used to it. But, it is difficult when they are people her parents know or even some heartbroken fans. They all have a mixture of understanding yet disappointment inside them. However, the locals have grown to respect her boundaries a lot more. Now, they treat her as they would anyone else. 

The disbandment caused a lot of unanswered questions for Joohyun. Did she retire? Is there a family crisis forcing her to leave? Was it the pressure of the idol industry? Joohyun questioned how people could come up with so many theories. Truthfully, she felt ready to stop being Irene and figure out who Joohyun might be. Her parents and friends supported the decision to leave and move back home. Her parents’ home is close, and she often enjoys lunch with her mother nowadays. 

The ground has been firm from the dry weather lately. There are two idle watering cans in the lower section of the garden. Joohyun moves to pick one up to check on her wisteria flowers. They have bloomed perfectly but may wilt in the warmth. She turns to offer some relief for the irises that her mother recently planted too. They are her favourites. The purple hues they give when Autumn arrives make Joohyun smile gently. She cannot wait to see them and is careful not to use too much water. 

“Those look pretty.” A gentle voice from beyond her small gate breaks the silence that Joohyun had been enjoying. The blistering sun shines in her eyes as she tries to look for the voice’s face. “The flowers, that is. Although, you too I-” the voice stops abruptly, choking the end of the words. “Sorry, Joohyun.” 

The gate pushes open slightly and in steps a well-dressed, short woman. A wave of long, flowing brown hair drapes down her back. A handbag rests on her left hip with a few nicks to the leather. A wide grin appears as she realises Joohyun can finally make out her appearance. Out of instinct, Joohyun takes a few steps back as the woman slowly approaches closer. The woman is a stranger, and though she isn’t an idol anymore, you never know which people in the world may wish her harm. They might come dressed in fancy suits. 

“Can I help you?” Joohyun questions. The woman continues to stalk closer as Joohyun steps back into the wall of her home. “Do I know you or something?” 

“No. Sorry. I realise now that this is a little peculiar.” The woman stops walking forward and looks down at her shoes. The black high-heels must be uncomfortable as she nervously readjusts herself. “I should go.” 

The woman turns to walk back up the garden path she just strolled down. Joohyun stares awkwardly at her back with the watering can still firmly in her grip. She sets it down beside a row of flowers, removes her gloves and walks in side-step with the woman back toward the gate. 

“Please, who are you?” Joohyun questions. 

The mystery woman stops in her tracks and turns to face Joohyun once more. She mentally contemplates whether to open the can of worms she had every intention of opening before seeing Joohyun here. She, like many others, has read the headlines of former idol Bae Joohyun’s current lifestyle. But, it was hard to believe a former idol could find peace after leaving the entertainment world. 

“My apologies, Joohyun. My name is Seo Yujun.” Yujun and Joohyun continue to gawk at one another for a few seconds. Yujun finally realises that Joohyun does not know who she is and does not recognise her name. “I’m a screenplay writer. I thought you might have recognised my name. I apologise again.” 

Joohyun carefully examines Yujun and ponders why a screenplay writer might lurk near her home. Yujun can sense the unease and see the tension in Joohyun’s expression. She motions toward a bench back toward the bottom of the garden, and Joohyun nods in response. 

“One of my movies just premiered recently. It has grown to be more successful than I had intended. I am currently seeking inspiration for my next.” Yujun explains. “I have been quite the fan of you over the years, Joohyun.” 

Joohyun fiddles with the edges of her shirt and refuses to maintain eye contact. She has had to deal with many conversations that have started this way. But they usually follow with someone wanting something from her. Yujun will undoubtedly be no different, Joohyun thinks. 

“I’ll be honest with you, Joohyun. I am struggling to see how I will capture the popularity of my recent movie in a follow-up.” Yujun sighs. The dark circles underneath her eyes only now become noticeable to Joohyun. She must be tired and stressed. “I am in big trouble with the studio if I don’t provide an update in a couple of weeks.” Yujun looks at Joohyun with a sad expression. The moment is lost as Joohyun stands from the bench, stern and frustrated. 

“You know I am no longer an idol, right?” Joohyun asks. There is no malice in her voice, but Yujun can tell she has overstepped. 

“Yes, I am aware.” Yujun retorts. “But I am a desperate woman and I will try anything to keep this movie going. Hell, I flew in here from Seoul and didn’t even stop at the hotel to shower.” 

Joohyun scrunches her face up but lets out a hearty cackle. Yujun can feel the tension between the two fading and wonders if now is the time to strike. 

“I’m serious, though. My first choice didn’t work out. But, I have the character mapped out and I think you would be perfect for the role. Plus, what better way to get yourself back out there? The fans, they miss you, you know?” 

Instantly, memories flood Joohyun’s mind. The years of training, anxiety over debuting, and what her group would become. Joohyun still believes that nothing compares to performing on stage. It was her safe space to release her fears and doubts. But the criticism that comes with it is emotionally and mentally exhausting. 

She thinks of the members and their achievements fondly. Seungwan was the first to tackle a real solo opportunity. It excited them all to see her so beautifully sing a song that was her own. Sooyoung fell in love with acting the second she was offered the chance to be in a drama. Joohyun smiles as she remembers helping her with scripts. Yerim expanded the group’s social media reach with her YouTube ventures. She was a natural at entertaining and making people laugh. Joohyun misses Yerim’s chaotic energy the most some days. Then there is Seulgi. Her best friend in the entire world once upon a time. Now, they barely speak. But Joohyun is proud of all of Seulgi’s recent accomplishments. 

She secretly keeps up with all of their latest happenings. You can remove the leader from the group, but you cannot remove her care for the members. Joohyun doesn’t let Yujun in on this. She feels ashamed to only know her former friends through news articles and social media posts. Joohyun tried her hardest to stay in contact with them. But, it became upsetting and difficult quickly. 

Perhaps Joohyun had been suppressing this feeling of missing her members. Or she had begun to hyper-fixate on the home she had created for herself to ignore it. She is still unsure if she made the correct decision. Maybe this is a sign to take a second chance. But maybe, it is too good to be true and will prove that escaping the idol life was the right thing to do. 

Acting has always been an interest to Joohyun. The movie she did complete became tarred after the incident with the stylist. So much so that she repressed the desire to continue acting. Many offers came her way, but they were denied or ignored. 

“Can you tell me any more about it?” Joohyun queries. She isn’t sure if she is considering it seriously. But, the role would need to be perfect if she were to give up the normality bubble that has been shielding her for the last year. 

“Sure. We are hoping to have production up and running by October.” Yujun weighs her words carefully. “But I need an answer by the end of the month. Screen tests, wardrobe fittings and the works. You know?” Yujun rummages through her bag and pulls out a stack of papers. “Here is the script. I’m not technically supposed to share this with you, so please keep it safe. I’ve highlighted the character I want you to play and have written a character description for you. I want you to get a real feel for the movie Joohyun.” 

Yujun stands and repositions her bag over her shoulder. She wanders back up the garden path slowly without taking another look at Joohyun, who is awkwardly clutching the script. A slight breeze hits Joohyun’s face as she grips the paper tighter. Despite how confusing this conversation has been, Joohyun can’t help but wonder something. 

She quickly strides toward the gate that Yujun has just exited. It takes a few seconds for her eyes to find her amongst the people enjoying a walk in the sunshine. However, her slumped shoulders inside the suit jacket are a clear giveaway. Joohyun runs toward her as quickly as possible and clutches onto her arm with her free hand. 

“Stop.” she exclaims out through deep breaths. “Who was your first choice?” Joohyun dares to ask. 

Yujun looks toward her, mouth agape from the surprise at being grabbed. There’s a glint of sadness in her eyes, or maybe it is regret. Joohyun can’t seem to get a read of what has upset Yujun, but now she must know. Yujun sighs and her forehead. She takes a step back and exhales. 

But as the answer escapes Yujun's mouth, Joohyun immediately regrets asking.

“It was Sooyoung.” 

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Chapter 5: It's fiction and it's loosely based on real life happenings but my feelings.... Gawd it's so hard... I read this and then i go on twt and see the members enjoying the tour and waiting for Joy to recover and join them... It's hard. But I can't wait for more
917 streak #2
Chapter 5: Ahhhh not the cliffhanger again!!! I'm gonna pass out authornim. The last line got me overthink of what might happen to Yeri 😩😵🤒
mammt_ #3
Chapter 4: omg
917 streak #4
Chapter 4: Nohhhh the cliffhanger 😭😭
Now i'm dying to know who's Sooyoung referring to 🤔
no_face #5
Chapter 4: Wow,, the cliffhangers in every chapter is daebak,, can't wait to read the next chap
mammt_ #6
Chapter 3: i bet Tiffany is referring to joohyun???? i need more chapters!!!
917 streak #7
Chapter 3: Who's Tiffany reffering to?? It's Seulgi or Sooyoung?? or it's Joohyun, I guess??
Chapter 3: omg wHO
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