Bora & Minji

Dreamcatcher Imagines

Best friends. That's what they were. Childhood best friends.

It was simple really. Being best friends was nothing complicated, the problem wasn't Kim Minji, the beautiful, striking and angelic Minji who's smile can light up the entire world.

No. The problem was Kim Bora. Bora who loves Minji more than just a best friend.

Bora was the problem.

Bora doesn't know her she realized. Maybe it was that day on a Thursday, the day Bora opened the door all too excitedly to see Minji and she was standing outside, smile bright.

Bora was is awe.

Maybe it was last week on a Friday. Minji had called Bora, crying asking her to pick her up.

Bora left the party drunk, stumbling out the door, while her friends called for her.

Boras heart ached at hearing Minji cry.

Maybe...maybe it was now, or maybe it has always been...


Bora bursts open the front door, panting, sweat coating her.

There's no answer for a couple seconds, until——


Bora snaps her head to the side. Her heart aches.


Sitting on the kitchen floor, Minji sobs, blood and a handprint freshly marked on her cheek.


Bora is in front of Minji, anger and worry clouding her mind. She wants to ask what happened? Who did this to her?


But before Bora is able to ask, Minji cries, "My father...Bora my father knows."


Bora's heart drops at Minji's words, "What does he know Minji?" She reaches out, gently wiping away Minji's tears with her thumb.


"Minji... what happened? What does he know?" Bora's voice cracks, a lump beginning to form.


She doesn't know how long she can be this calm.


Minji takes a shaky breath, her sobs subsiding just enough to speak. "He... he found my journal, the one where I wrote everything."


Bora's eyes widen in shock and anger. "He hurt you because of that? Did he find something that—" Minji shakes her head, more tears falling. So what was it? What did Minji's father find?


"My feelings...I wrote down my feelings to a girl. Someone who is special to me." She whispers, teary eyes never leaving Bora's.


It was now or never. Minji's Pandora's box was finally open, just...never in a way she expected.


Bora swallows at the confession, "oh." She looks away, why did you have your hopes up Kim Bora. You know it would never b you.


"Do—do I now her?"


Minji chuckles dryly, smile still as bright, even with a busted lip, "It's you dummy."




"Yeah." Minji sniffles, bringing her knees closer to her chest.


Silence settles between them, thick with unspoken emotions. Bora's heart races, a mix of disbelief and joy surging through her. She reaches out, hesitantly but gently lifting Minji's chin to meet her gaze. "You mean it?"


Minji nods, "All this time." She whispers, leaning into Bora's palm. She winces, but Bora is gentle. It warms Minji heart.


Bora's eyes soften, the anger replaced with a tenderness she had been hiding for too long. She wipes away Minji's tears, her touch gentle and reassuring. "I...I've loved you too, Minji. For so long."


Minji's breath hitches, her eyes widening in surprise. "Really?"


Bora nods, a tear slipping down her cheek. "Really. And I'm here now. We'll figure this out together."


Minji's smile grows, a spark of hope igniting in her eyes, "Thank you."


Bora pulls her into a hug, holding her close, pressing a kiss to her temple. "Always."

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I wan to thank you to all of you that have subscribed and upvoted this story! ❤️

I hope you enjoyed reading it even if it was not the best writing, but I doI hope you all enjoyed it till the end! Thank you!


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1290 streak #1
Chapter 163: They will be just fine 😭🤍
1290 streak #2
Chapter 1: About time tho
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 160: So cute! Are you ready for Dreamcatcher’s comeback?
1290 streak #4
Chapter 156: Oh now that's just being a tease Dongie!!!
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Chapter 154: <3
Chapter 110: why are they so cute😭
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Chapter 141: So cute ~
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Chapter 142: Lol I can totally see Bora act like a clingy koala!
IceStar #9
Chapter 140: You can count on Pie to get them to make up. Lol 😆