It Is All In the Clothing

Crash and Burn
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It took Yoohyeon a moment to get ahold of herself, to come to terms with the idea that she might be stuck in this strange world forever. She pushed that aside in a little box she labeled cry when you're in bed, and instead moved to the doorway to her left, which Eunji had indicated to be the bed chamber. A beautiful four post bed stood in the center of the far wall, the foot facing the doorway she stood in, while a large decorative armoire stood along the left hand wall. On the right was a balcony, with thick curtains drawn to either side and tied with twisted cords, and across from the bed was a small writing desk with paper and writing utencils. It was the balcony that drew her, and she crossed the rug-covered floor to step out onto the stone outlook. 

It was high up on the castle wall, probably a good four stories, small and only really offering a chance to gaze out over the city and hills beyond. But this she did, her mind overflowing with thoughts of how she had come to this place and what she was going to do about it. She didn't have friends or family that she thought would miss her, but she did feel fear as she thought of trying to navigate this strange world on her own. Eunji and Jaehyun seemed nice enough, even if the latter had only offered a few words to her and the former seemed to suspect her of some sort of court faction, but regardless she didn't think she would find friends with them. Eunwoo was very kind and very, very handsome, but there was no way that Yoohyeon was going to fall in love with some Prince from a foreign world, especially when he was going to inherit the throne. He would have to marry a princess, probably, and oh my gosh where had her mind gone!

"A pretty face and a set of nice shoulders and I'm already crushing," she groaned. "What an idiot." There was no doubt in her mind that even if she allowed this crush to go somewhere, allowed herself to foolishly hope, Eunwoo would turn out just like the others. He would realize very soon that she had walls to protect herself, and he would forget about her and pursue someone easier to get to know. "And maybe from his own world," she added as a harsh reminded to herself to stay rooted in reality. This may be a fantastical thing she was experiencing, but she had to keep level headed. 

A knock sounded at the door, and Yoohyeon turned to hurry to the wooden portal. "Who is it?" she called, remembering the 'Lady Minji' who had wanted to see her and the other three's hesitance. 

"Lady Jung sent me with clothing," a girl's voice came muffled from behind the thick wood. 

Yoohyeon nodded to herself and pulled the door open, allowing a round faced young woman to enter, pulling a wheeled table behind her. It was piled with clothing, as well as a couple of small boxes that Yoohyeon's curiousity immediately went to, but she kept her hands to herself as the apparent servant parked the cart in the bed chamber. "Would you like my help?" she asked, her eyes curious on Yoohyeon's clothing. "My name is Gahyeon," she added belatedly. "I serve Lady Eunji."

She wore a uniform similar in style to the servant in the horse yard, though this one was a pale blue. Yoohyeon had the thought to pry Gahyeon for information about the seeming factions, but the more intelligent part of her mind reminded her that Gahyeon was likely to tell Eunji everything. "Um, I'm not sure," she said instead, stepping up to the pile of clothing and beginning to pick through. "Am I supposed to get dressed for dinner?"

Gahyeon gave a very surprising snort and a crooked smile, then grabbed the pile of clothing and took it to drop on top of the bed. "Yes, and I can help. Do you prefer chiffon, velvet, or organza?" At Yoohyeon's blank look, Gahyeon sighed and held up a pale green dress with flowers of many varied colors that seemed to lift off of the fabric. "Organza," she said bluntly. Then she laid that one down and lifted another. This was a light blue dress sewn with tiny off-white beads along the chest, with layers of fabric to mask the fact that one layer would probably be see-through. "Chiffon," Gahyeon told her, and laid this one down beside the green one. She then picked up a champagne colored dress that shimmered as it moved, and before the girl could say anything, Yoohyeon said,

"Velvet. I know what that one is." She had never been a big fan of that fabric, though, and despite that this color was pretty she still wasn't about to wear a velvet dress. "I can tell you that I will never wear velvet," she said honestly.

"Fair enough," Gahyeon said with a nod, and put that one back on the pile. "So you prefer organza or chiffon then. So we have these," she said, and laid out several more dresses to choose from before taking the few velvet ones and hanging them in the armoire. "In case you decide you like velvet after all," she said with a hint of humor in her voice.

Yoohyeon smiled at that, but didn't answer as she stood looking down at the dresses on the b

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Chapter 15: Get well soon author.. Wishing you speedy recovery
Chapter 7: She is obvious to what is happening with her
Chapter 6: OMG, she is clueless about what happen to her
Chapter 4: I know colour has meaning attached to it but for dinner, wow that's a lot
Chapter 3: I know everything will be stange to her and what does minji wants with her
Chapter 2: M ooh God, she is going to be confused, hope they can hekp her adjust to the life there
Chapter 1: It is interesting. I'm looking forward to your update. <3