Why you're not tell himL

TEMPORARY GIRLFRIEND - troubless Are coming

The Day in school wasn't End. As Ririn expected the girls start to shows their unhappiness more strong then Just stupid messeges. Sho got them from the start this stupid rumors. First ot was only small not like

Give up

You will by death

Leave him alone

Simple as always later it was whispers behind back. Strange looks when she shows anywhere. She isenought big girl dosn't care about it. She isn't without a heart, but somehow she more think how to made up with Old friend from other school. Well it's not like she will by not happy find a new true friend, but the same she dosn't want to lose someone important to her becouse some stupid misunderstand.

Ririn come out from class earlier her sto ach start to hurt becouse of all things happend around her, then she saw Kyungsoo next to her locker. He take out something and read it, then he thorn it and hide in his pocket. He turn around and froze, he saw Ririn looking at him. 

She sigh

* SO that is why I didn't find new notę in my locker by these two days..... 

=sorry.... I Just.... They Are stupid SO I think... You shouldn't read them

She nodded. She was great full. Somehow Kyungsoo was truły kind to her. He isn't speakto much but he Look around and See much more then others. He helped her many Times, care about her, and stay silent with ewrything he find out about her. She Look at him and ask

*what you could do if your friend miś understand something and start to hate you

= I will by try explain him ewrything why? 

* but if You try but that person isn't listen to you

KYUNGSOO think a little and ask

= maybe that person shouldn't by called friend then

* She should...... She is Just truly sad and dissapointed by me

= by you? 

* Yeah...... 

Ririn put her head down. 

* she think I try to take away someone that was important to her and.... 

Ririn sigh sąd. Kyungsoo Look at her and said

= maybe you should go and explain her personally in front of this person who was important to her..... You know run away isn't good in this situation. 

* but I'm kind of afraid..... 

= no one said you should go alone

Ririn look at smiling Kyungsoo and suprised she ask

* you want to go with me? 

= I was thinking you take Sehun with you? 

* oh..... 

= but if You want I can go to.... 

* Sehun shouldn't know 

= Isn't he is your boyfriend? 

Ririn stay in silent.... Somehow she can't Even imagine Sehun as her boyfriend SO it's Even harder for her to pretend or Even still remember she play his GIRLFRIEND officially. Sehun never ask about her.... Never was interested about her life, friend, school. He never help her with anything she use to this only one person was interested him... Her cousin.... The truth she isn't Even sure if she can call him a friend..... Including the fact they know each other so long..... She was always the one person who come to him when he need a help with homework, study, healty and Even with girls. 

Ririn sigh. 

KYUNGSOO See her minds run away somewhere else now SO he ask

= you don't want to him know? 

* he should concentreted on study 

It was lame answer but she couldn't find better in this moments. She know Sehun apparence in her Old school dosn't bring anything good. Kyungsoo said

= ok we should go meet your problem in the next Sunday

Ririn smile gently and nodded. Both decide about hour and place to meet before the school Bell ring. Sehun as first person come out from class room he was courious why Ririn wasn't back yet, then he saw DO and Ririn nodded to each other, when he come close to them Ririn Just go to her locker not Look at him. Sehun Look at DO and as

~ about what you two talked? 

= I'm not ask you about what you two talk right

~ yah.... Isn't you forget she is my girlfriend.... 

= well she is a human not a toy if she want she will tell you

KYUNGSOO go away in his direction and Sehun felt something isn't right.... He felt like he start to miss something..... 

He stand and Look at Ririn. In this moment she isn't the same person as he remember. The clumsy, noisy, stand next to his side girl...... She is more mysterious then he think more far then he could want. 



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