
From the counter to the heart
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Wednesday morning arrived far too quickly for Minjeong’s liking. She had barely slept, her mind swirling with thoughts of her upcoming coffee date with Jimin. As sunlight streamed into the small apartment, she groggily sat up, blinking against the brightness. Aeri was already awake, bustling around the kitchen with a wide grin on her face.

"Morning, Miss Celebrity!" Aeri teased, setting a cup of coffee on the table in front of Minjeong. "Today’s the big day!"

Minjeong groaned, rubbing her eyes. "Don’t remind me. I feel like I haven’t slept in a week."

Aeri plopped down across from her, taking a sip of her own coffee. "You’re just nervous. But this is gonna be amazing, Minjeong! Jimin is into you, and she wouldn’t have asked you out if she didn’t want to get to know you better."

Minjeong nodded absentmindedly, staring into her coffee cup. "Yeah, I know, but what if I’m just… boring? What if I have nothing interesting to say? She’s probably used to hanging out with super cool, famous people, and I’m just… me."

Aeri shook her head, giving Minjeong a reassuring smile. "She doesn’t want super cool, famous people. She wants you. Just be yourself. Plus, you’ve seen how hard she works—maybe she’s just looking for someone who makes her feel normal for a change."

Minjeong sighed, knowing Aeri was right, but that didn’t make the nerves go away. She finished her coffee and glanced at the time. She still had a few hours before she had to meet Jimin, but her stomach was already doing flips. 

Aeri, as usual, took charge of the situation. "Okay, let’s get you ready. We need to pick out the perfect outfit. You’re gonna want to be cute, but not like you’re trying too hard. Something simple, but nice."

Minjeong allowed herself to be dragged into her room, where Aeri began rummaging through her closet. After what felt like an hour of deliberation, they finally settled on a soft, cream-colored sweater paired with fitted jeans and ankle boots. Casual, but still put-together.

As Minjeong dressed, her phone buzzed on the nightstand. She picked it up, her heart skipping a beat when she saw Jimin’s name on the screen.

*“Morning! Just wanted to check if we’re still good for later today? Looking forward to it :)”*

Minjeong’s stomach did a little flip at the message. She quickly typed back:

*“Yeah, still good! See you later :)”*

She put her phone down and turned to face Aeri, who was beaming at her from the doorway. “She’s excited to see you,” Aeri sang, wiggling her eyebrows. 

Minjeong couldn’t help but smile, despite the nerves that still gnawed at her. "I guess so."

Aeri crossed the room and hugged her tightly. "You’ve got this, Minjeong. Don’t overthink it. Just go, have fun, and be yourself. You’re going to knock her socks off."

Minjeong chuckled, grateful for her best friend's support. "Thanks, Aeri. I don’t know what I’d do without you."

"You’d survive. But lucky for you, you don’t have to!" Aeri teased before pulling back. "Now go out there and make Jimin fall for you even harder!"

Minjeong took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. The reality of what was about to happen slowly sank in—this was a date. With Jimin. And despite all her doubts and insecurities, she couldn’t help but feel a flicker of excitement at what the day might hold.

Minjeong was just about to leave the apartment when her phone buzzed again. It was a new message from Jimin, and her heart skipped a beat as she opened it.

*“Hey Minjeong, change of plans! I thought it might be fun to pick you up on my motorcycle. How does that sound? I’ll be there in about 30 minutes. See you soon! :)”*

Minjeong’s eyes widened in surprise. She hadn’t expected Jimin to come on a motorcycle—especially considering the fact that she had only imagined a simple café meetup. She glanced at Aeri, who was still hovering nearby, her own excitement palpable.

“Aeri, you’re not going to believe this,” Minjeong said, her voice a mix of excitement and nervousness. “Jimin’s picking me up on her motorcycle.”

Aeri’s eyes grew wide, and she let out an excited squeal. “No way! That’s so cool! You’ve gotta look even more amazing now. We need to make sure you’re ready to impress!”

Minjeong laughed nervously, her earlier excitement morphing into a new kind of adrenaline. “I wasn’t prepared for this at all. I thought we were just meeting at the café.”

Aeri jumped up, grabbing Minjeong’s shoulders. “You’ll be fine! This is going to be so much fun. A motorcycle ride with Jimin? That’s like something out of a movie!”

With a quick glance in the mirror, Minjeong made sure her outfit was in place and that she looked presentable. She double-checked her phone for any additional messages, but none came. Jimin would be arriving soon.

As she made her way out the door, Aeri gave her a last pep talk. “Just remember, Minjeong, you’re amazing. Enjoy the ride and the date. Jimin obviously thinks you’re special.”

Minjeong took a deep breath and nodded, her heart pounding with anticipation. She walked down the stairs, her mind buzzing with a mixture of excitement and nerves. When she stepped outside, the crisp morning air hit her, adding to the fluttering in her stomach.


Jimin revved the engine of her sleek black motorcycle, the crisp winter air nipping at her cheeks as she waited outside Winter's apartment. The plan was simple yet romantic: a picnic date, away from the city noise, in a secluded spot where they could enjoy each other's company. She smiled, imagining Winter’s reaction. The picnic basket, packed with all her favorite treats, sat neatly strapped to the back of the bike.

Winter appeared at the door, wrapped in a cozy white scarf, her cheeks pink from the cold. She spotted Jimin immediately and beamed, her breath visible in the frosty air as she made her way toward her.

"You weren’t kidding about the motorcycle," Winter said, her eyes sparkling with a mix of excitement and curiosity.

Jimin chuckled, handing her a helmet. "Told you I had something fun planned."

Winter took the helmet and slid it on, her laughter muffled as she adjusted the strap. "I’ve never been on a motorcycle before. This is going to be an adventure."

"Hold on tight," Jimin said, swinging a leg over the bike and offering her hand to help her onto the seat behind her. Winter hesitated for just a second, then slipped her arms around Jimin's waist, her hold snug but comfortable.

The bike roared to life, and they sped off, the cold air rushing past them as the city began to fade into the distance. Winter tightened her grip as they weaved through the streets, the thrill of the ride mixed with the warmth of being so close to Jimin. Her nervousness quickly dissolved into excitement.

Jimin took them on a scenic route, winding roads surrounded by trees dusted with a light layer of snow. The winter sun hung low in the sky, casting a golden hue over everything. After about half an hour, they arrived at a hidden clearing by a frozen lake, the perfect spot for their picnic.

Jimin parked the bike, and Winter reluctantly let go of her waist, stepping off the bike with a mixture of awe and gratitude. "This place is beautiful," she said, her voice soft as she took in the view.

Jimin smiled, pulling off her helmet. "I thought you’d like it."

She unstrapped the picnic basket and laid out a blanket on the snow-dusted ground, careful to set up everything just right. The two of them sat down, enjoying the peaceful surroundings. As they ate, their conversation flowed easily, as always. Winter felt a sense of calm and happiness she hadn’t experienced in a while, and Jimin, for all her quiet confidence, felt the same.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky in shades of pink and orange, Winter looked at Jimin, her heart full. "This is the best first date I could’ve asked for."

Jimin met her gaze, her smile soft but sincere. "It’s only the beginning."

Jimin and Winter settled into the cozy clearing by the frozen lake, surrounded by towering trees draped in the delicate white of winter. The air was crisp but not biting, and the snow-covered ground sparkled as the fading sunlight reflected off it like a blanket of tiny diamonds. Jimin had chosen this spot carefully—secluded, peaceful, and breathtakingly beautiful, just like the girl sitting next to her.

As they sat on the blanket, Winter couldn’t help but admire the thoughtfulness behind every detail. Jimin unpacked the picnic basket with care, revealing an array of snacks and treats that seemed curated just for her. There were freshly baked croissants from her favorite bakery, a thermos filled with rich hot chocolate, and an assortment of fruits and cheeses. Winter’s eyes widened as she pulled out a small tin of homemade cookies, each one shaped like tiny snowflakes.

“You made these?” Winter asked, picking up a cookie and examining it with a smile.

Jimin chuckled, a hint of shyness crossing her face. “I had some help. I’m more of a ‘taste tester’ than a baker, but I thought you might like them.”

Winter took a bite, her eyes lighting up at the buttery sweetness that melted on her tongue. “They’re perfect. And this whole setup… it’s so thoughtful.”

Jimin’s smile deepened as she poured them both a cup of hot chocolate, the steam swirling in the cool air. “I wanted our first date to be special,” she said, her voice soft but genuine. “Something a little different, something that felt like… us.”

They sat together, sipping the warm drinks and talking about everything and nothing at once. Jimin listened intently as Winter told her stories from her childhood—how she used to skate on frozen ponds with her siblings and how winter

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Took me 3 long years wtf


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674 streak #1
Whoah whoah
kasterian #2
Chapter 6: IT WAS A DREAM 😭
kasterian #3
Chapter 4: how does the public know who minjeong is tho…??? did i miss smth LOL
Chapter 1: Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop by Landon Pigg
Chapter 4: I mean who doesn't find karina hot like
Chapter 2: If this is a ing dream i'm ing gonna scream
karina can step on me, she's to hot. Let her be the top plssss