
Hell Is Empty
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Honestly, after having left it like that, Luna was sure any progress made had been reset entirely. Apparently, she had been wrong. For here she was now. With Jaehyun, Victoria, and some of her black guards in the tactical room. Not a single one of them looked comfortable with the idea of being here together. On the same side.

Frustratingly so, there was only one person who was actually being difficult about it though.

“You invaded our home. And now you want to play friends?” Jaehyun scoffed, “forget it.”

After the time Luna had spent convincing Victoria, the last thing she had expected was for Jaehyun to ruin everything now.

“Friends?!” Victoria scoffed, “that’s like a lion befriending a beetle. I will crush you in a second if I want to. I don’t need you. You are useless.”

Luna couldn’t believe this. “We have an actual enemy-“

But she got interrupted before she could finish. Her voice too light to interrupt the harsh voices already battling each other.

“Useless? Is that why you invaded us? Why you married my sister…?!”

Victoria had planted both of her palms upon the table now, leaning forward. It was hard to believe this was the woman that had been in bed next to her. Her softer side nowhere to be found now. “I came here because angels are natural devil repellants, if you didn’t know. But it’s clear that there’s no angels here. Not a single one left to oppose a devil army. There is nothing here that can help me. Only weaklings of a broken lineage.”

She was spitting words at a speed that had Luna doubtful she even knew what she was saying. But she saw the words pierce into Jaehyun like stakes, nonetheless. He was ready to explode.

“Please! Let us work together! We are not enemies right now.” She had raised her voice, practically yelling now to gather their attention.

Both of their gazes finally upon her. She would plead. Together was the only way they would stand a chance. And they were wasting their time bickering like children!

“Look, Luna. I did this as a show of goodwill. But there is nothing you can offer me that could possibly help.” Her voice still harsh, but her words and eyes softer when upon her.

“You vile cr-“ Jaehyun didn’t seem done fighting just yet.

But Luna was sick of it. They had to trust each other. If not, they would all be dead soon anyway. So, “we have the alae.”

And just like that, Jaehyun swallowed whatever it was he had been saying. His wide eyes upon her. Clearl look of betrayal. His mouth hanging slightly open.

“Putting our resources together is the only way we will survive right now. You know I am right,” she moved her gaze from Jaehyun back to Victoria, “You both do.”

There was a new expression on Victoria’s face. One she hadn’t seen before. One she couldn’t decipher.

“The… alae…?” Victoria eventually carefully asked.

Luna didn’t have the chance to answer before Jaehyun stomped her in the ribs with his elbow, “Luna, shut up! Shut the up!” He was fuming. Clearly. And Luna couldn’t even blame him. But she wouldn’t have spoken about it, if she didn’t believe it was a hopeless cause otherwise.

They didn’t know what to do with it. If it really was a weapon, they should at least know how to use it, right? And maybe, Luna had been drawing wrong conclusions. It didn’t make sense. At all. But the fact that there was someone with unhealing wounds on her back here? Now? It almost seemed like too much of a coincidence. Like… destiny.

Victoria kept on looking at her. Clearly expecting her to defy Jaehyun. And she would. But she needed something in return.

Luna put her hand over Jaehyun’s. Hopefully, to at least grant her some more time to do this. “Tell me, Victoria, and be honest. What happened to your back? What are those wounds?”

Victoria parted her lips, shoulders tense. Luna could almost see the thoughts racing in her mind. Until she let out a breath, fingertips rubbing her forehead. She suddenly looked so exhausted.

“Very well. Let me tell you a story then, about your great grandfather.”

“Oh no, you won’t. You will speak ill about the dead!”

Luna frowned, actually getting frustrated with him now. She got it. He had been going through a lot in the past few days. His whole idea of their life falling apart. But this was important! “Jaehyun, please. Please, just listen for once!” Never, had she raised her voice to him before and it elicited something strange in his eyes.

Still, she found his lips pressing tightly together. Clearly not pleased, but at least listening to her.

Luna turned her gaze back to Victoria, whose eyes were carefully flicking between the two of them. Eventually, she started talking again.

“There is a reason the angel lineage ended with him. Or at least, the powers it bestowed. I should have guessed, really. And in any other situation I would have found it hilarious. Karma. But ironically, it seems that now my faith must hang in the balance because of it as well.”

Her nails tapped against the table. “He had a sister. She was absolutely beautiful. With golden wings as well. At some point, however, she got pregnant. I’m unsure about the details. Whether it was through love or means more macabre. In any case, it was a devil’s child. But it was still hers. She refused to give it up, much to her brother’s displeasure.”

Luna dared not glance at Jaehyun anymore. Knowing it must already have him fuming. The few sentences Victoria had spilled.

“He gave her an ultimatum. Either she had to get rid of the child, or she was to be banished. She chose the latter. However, that wasn’t the full of it. He waited for her to give birth. She thought it a kindness, but nothing was less true. When the baby was born with wings, he was so angry, he ordered his guards to take it away. And rob her of what wasn’t hers. They… cut off her wings.”

It was the first time maybe, that Luna got a better glimpse of that hurt that had always been present in the lining of Victoria’s very being.

“And they cut off my mother’s too.” She gulped.

Jaehyun chose that moment to intervene again. “Don’t listen to her, Luna. She’s a devil, trying to manipulate us. Devils lie. Deceive. All for their own benefit.”

Victoria ignored him. Not even bothering to look at him. Her gaze remained upon Luna’s as she continued. “It was hard for my mother. I can’t even imagine. I’ve nev

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CampPatrol #1
Chapter 5: love love loooooooove!!! so intriguing!!!
Recca1 #2
Chapter 2: Interesting, why the wings won’t work. Very curious why is that, why they don’t have any new angels in general. So many mysteries love it.
Recca1 #3
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Omg I’m loving this. Love love fantasy angels and demons. Throw in some Luntoria. Chef kiss. Sorry about taking to long to get to it hehe.
CampPatrol #4
Chapter 3: so goòòd
Chapter 3: Wow. you just threw that curveball right on past me. I was so focused on her being a devil and all the possibilities of that. it was never even a possibility in my mind that she could be anything else. I had devil tunnel vision lol. I'm even more curious now though, not only about her plans but also what she is!?! and where Jaehyun?? I have many questions that I know will be answered in due time. fantastic chapter and I really look forward to what happens next! see you next time!
Lati_1 #6
It's interesting, although I highly doubt that Luna's plan will succeed, for some reason I feel like the toxic blood thing was just a strange defense mechanism just to avoid marriages between angels and demons.
Chapter 2: ooo unworthy! because she married a devil? maybe because she doesn't believe in her angeldom(?) enough? was it the blood mingling!? also, Victoria's, "ah. you're alive." kinda makes me wonder if devils and angels are both told their blood is toxic to each other so there'll be no mixing maybe? I'm very curious about whatever it is she's up to. thanks for the chapter shark! it was awesome as always! see you next chapter!
CampPatrol #8