Bittersweet Farewells

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A short college AU with teukchul as a ambiguous campus power couple and how they decide to close this chapter and start a new one in their lives.

Angsty fluff and nostalgia. (Also no M just kisses.)


Sorry I know theres a whole fic I've been stretching for over 2 years but I finally got around to writing and suddenly wanted to write college teukchul. I'm passing out of college (too much chaos in my life right now) and the mood was just right for one. It's not too angsty so dont worry. Again, amateur night all over the fic so please be warned!! I couldn't beat it too so please overlook 🤧 it's a bit loose I think but its really a one shot so I tried to keep it short. Hope yall enjoy it.


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Chapter 1: Fun, warm and sad at the same time... I like this story!
Eeezm0824 #2
Chapter 1: I was reading oh so slowly coz I've been burned by angsty Teukchul fics but lo and beholdddd, thanks for giving them (dont want to say a happy ending) a new beginning.. the push and pull of their feelings for each other, how it was always gray but also certain.. thank you for this! And please allow me to scream that Memoirs of the Incheon Battle and Crossing the Line is yours too.. WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!! I read Crossing the Lines every now and then coz it's painfully beautiful and patiently waiting also for updates on memoirs, thanks for sharing your works, Teukchullers are blessed :)
Chapter 1: This is so cute, i'm having mixed emotions rn