Chapter 3

Beyond limits

The time of the day Key hates the most, is when he's in his room. Whole day practice, meeting fans, shooting for variety shows, all seems do-able, till he opens his own door. You ask why? 

Upon entering his room, Key finds Minho scrolling through his phone, on his bed, and doing his best to pretend Key doesnt exist. That works best for Key, since then, there's no need for small talk, and most importantly pretending like they were amicable. 

Getting his home clothes out, Key goes to the bathroom. He definitely needs a satisfying bath. 

With water flowing all around him in the shower, Key thinks. This is going too far. If he doesnt stop and think, his anger on Minho would keep on increasing for no apparent reason. I mean, of all the annoying things Minho did, Jonghyun did double, Taemin would be a million times more. And Jinki, with his "no issue" attitude gets on his nerves even more. Then why does Minho, the better one get his flaming stick?

"I've got to consciously be nice to Minho", Key decides. Offhandedly he realises, when Minho asked him, how he was, he might've really meant it. This thought itself makes Key shiver. "Ahh, let's try playing nice for a week," Key muses, as he dries himself. 

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Chapter 5: This is smooth
altinawol #2
Chapter 5: i want this to be looonger!!!
Chapter 2: tan995... Unni,..... Saranghae <3 <3 <3 ... Am proud of you. This is odorableeeee!!!!!
Chapter 5: Oh no. U cant end this at THE kiss! U cant do this to my fragile minkey heart 😭
Tq for writing and sharing this dear. Cant wait for more
Chapter 5: OMG!! o.o
Can't wait for next one. Would be someone freakout hahaha.

and yes, you are so beautiful Kibummie >w<
Chapter 1: MinKey love-hate relationship is most talking topic LOL
Legitboss166 #8
Chapter 2: I find this book really interesting. Please keep updating! 😊