Track 03. Love Story

Fearless (Taylor’s Version) Collection

"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone

I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run

You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess

It's a love story, baby, just say yes"


-Jisoo’s POV-


“I can’t believe her Chu! She really….” Jennie barged into my office, blabbering about something and honestly I zoned her out for a bit, but when she mentioned her name, I snapped out of my little trance.


“Say that again.” I look at her and she bites her lower lip.


“Chu...I…” Jennie looked at me before telling me that Rosie had been recently texting her, “I panicked and confronted her..told her that it’s over if she doesn’t tell me who she’s texting. So she admitted that it was Lisa..” Jennie pauses, “and that I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone...especially you.” She finishes in a soft voice.


I take a moment, giving myself a bit of hope that she’ll keep her promise.


“Is she..” I pause, clearing my throat, “Is she here in the city?”


“I don’t know.” Jennie shakes her head, “Rosie just told me that it was her..but no details.”


“I see..well at least I know she’s alive..that my dad didn’t do anything to harm her like promised.” I chuckle dryly.


“ know that she loved you right?”


“I know..but I wish that she would have just..stayed..”


“Yeah...I know..” I could feel Jennie’s eyes on me, “Goodness I can’t believe you even asked her to run away with you like in those cheesy movies.” Jennie teases, trying to lighten my mood.


“Yeah...I mean we were both young when I first saw her.” I smile, “So I was foolish and irrational..but I was also sure of her.”


“It seems like it was so long ago...high school and university.” Jennie looks at the photos on my desk.


“Yeah. “I agree, “Sometimes I wonder if I just imagined it all..but the photos remind me otherwise..the photos she took.” I grabbed the photo of us huddled under a clear umbrella.


“This isn’t me giving up..this is me fighting. I’ll come back to you..I promise.” Her last words echo in my mind.


~ ~




“Oh c’mon Chu just go for 15 minutes and then we can ditch.” Jennie tries to convince me to go to some masquerade ball.


“It’s not even hosted by our school Jendeuk, dad would never let me go.”


“Trust me it’ll be fine, it’s being hosted by the Parks.”


“Aha!” I point a finger at her, “That’s why.”


“Why what?” Jennie kept her act up.


“The real reason you are so insistent on going to this ball, because a certain chipmunk is hosting it.”


“Of course not!” Jennie says defensively.


“Right, sure can’t fool me. I know you have a crush on Roseanne.”


“I do not. I just thought it would be cool y’know. Masquerade ball, everyone not knowing who anyone is, dancing under the moonlight.” My best friend says dreamily, and I just know she’s picturing this with Roseanne.


“Wow, when did Jennie the badass Kim get so soft and romantic?” I , which earned me a solid smack on the shoulder.


“So? You coming or what?”


“Fine, but only for 15 minutes.”


~ ~ ~


“Jennie.” I call out to her seriously and she turns her head to look at me.




“Craning your head up like that won’t make you grow any taller.” I .


“Shut up Chu...we’re practically the same height.” She glares at me.


“I know...but just so you know..I’m pretty sure the brunette over there is your girl.” I turn her attention to some random girl.


“No, that's not Rosie.” Jennie shakes her head.


“How do you know that?”


“I just do.” Jennie shrugs.


“Okay’re on the clock Jen...15 actually 12 now.” I point to my watch.


“Then can I go find her?”


“I’m surprised you’re still..” I trail off as Jennie disappears in the crowd, “Here.” I finished my sentence to myself with a light chuckle.


I watched the crowd, bopping my head to the music when my eyes caught her. She was in a simple black satin dress that hugged her body very well, long black hair, and her eyes...God her eyes, they are absolutely mesmerizing.


“Hi.” I hear a voice say and after recomposing myself do I realize that the girl in black was now standing in front of me.


“Me?” I ask stupidly.


ing hell, why am I nervous??


“This isn't your scene I’m guessing.” She speaks up again, and I stay rooted in place completely mesmerized.


“ you want to run away with me?” She asks, holding her hand out for me to take.


“Where?” I ask, finally finding my voice.


“Hmmm…” She contemplates, “Anywhere you want.” She smiled and it was all I needed to take the hand she was holding out.


~ ~ ~


“Stop that.” I whisper, not looking at the girl next to me.


“What?” She whispers back, “I’m just studying.”


“Staring at me isn’t studying.”


“Yes it is. I told you I’m taking art that’s exactly what I’m doing..appreciating art.” She gestures to me and I look back at the textbook in front of me so she doesn’t see how much she’s affected me.


“Whatever, do what you want.” I mumble.


“You’re beautiful Jisoo.” She suddenly says, “I hope you know that.”


I turn my head a bit to look at her, but she’s already back to focusing on her own textbook.


~ ~ ~






Jennie and I glare at the two girls.


“Yes?” They reply in unison.


“What was that? Who was that?” Jennie bombarded the now pink, haired chipmunk.


“It was just some freshmen who were lost.” Rosie answers and Lisa nods innocently.


“Right..lost sure.” I roll my eyes.


For someone so smart my girlfriend sure is oblivious sometimes.


“Really is that right?” Jennie steps closer to her girl and I see Rosie visibly gulp.


“Love, it’s true.” Rosie pouts.


“Whatever.” Jennie storms off with the pink haired Aussie following after her.


“You okay?” I’m suddenly face to face with my girl.


“Yeah, fine.” I pull back.


“I don’t think so.” Lisa levels her face with mine, “They really were just lost.” She assures me.


Oh so now you’re not oblivious. I stop myself from rolling my eyes.


“Okay.” I nod, turning my back to her.


“Hey.” She’s suddenly in front of me, “Run away with me?” She asks with a hand out.




“Anywhere you want.” She smiles and just like the first time we met I threw all my inhibitions away and placed my hand in her’s.


~ ~ ~


“What the?” I wake up to a soft thud on my window, followed by another, and another. Getting annoyed, I got up and walked towards my window ready to give whatever decided to wake me up at 2 in the morning a piece of my mind.


“Ah!” I groan, rubbing my forehead seeing a small pebble land near my feet.


“Oh ..babe?” I hear a familiar voice from below my balcony.


“Lisa?!” I look around making sure I don’t wake anyone up, especially my dad.


“Are you okay? Did my last one hit you?” She asks, already climbing up the tree near my balcony, and before I knew it she’s standing with me.


“Are you okay?” She rubs my forehead, her eyebrows furrowed.


“I’m fine.” I take her hand away from my forehead and intertwine our fingers.


“It’s a little red.” She pouts, following me as I lead her inside my bedroom.


“Well if someone wasn’t trying to be my own Romeo.” I , chuckling when I see her face fall even more, “I’m just teasing you Lili.” I steal a kiss, knowing it’ll turn her frown upside down..which it did.


“So, what’s with the whole Romeo thing?”


“Actually I was going for a Troy Bolton.” She says grabbing chocolate covered strawberries from her bag.


“Aww why not Romeo?”


“Because they both die in the end, while Troy and Gabriella got their happy ending.” Lisa replies, laying a picnic blanket in the middle of my bedroom.


“Come, sit with me.” She pats the spot next to her and when I finally do sit down she moves her head on my lap.


“Hey, thought you wanted to sit together.” I complain, eating one of the strawberries.


“It was just a ploy for me to lay on your lap.” She replies, eyes closed with a cheeky smile on her face.


“You're ridiculous babe.” I say with a soft smile.


“Tired?” I ask after not getting a response from her.


“Yeah..a bit.” She admits.


“I told you not to take that 3rd part time job.” I scolded her.


“I’m fine know I can handle this.” She finally opens her eyes, smiling up at me.


“Okay I’m good.” She suddenly sits up, stretching a bit, “Now I’m fully recharged.” She nods.


“Lalisa.” I call out to her seriously.


“Yes hon?”


“If it gets too know you have me right? I can help.”


“Don’t worry...things are okay..just wanted to make sure I had extra cash for our dates.” She replies, grabbing a strawberry and feeding it to me, “Trust me.”


~ ~ ~

“Jisoo...explain this.” My dad asks, voice cold...stern.


“Explain what?”


“These.” He pulls out photos of me and Lisa.


“Who is this girl? What family is she from? Why is she always around you?”


“Her name’s Lalisa Manoban, she’s studying here from Thailand…”


“Manoban? Hmm what business are they in?”


“She’s an orphan dad...she’s the scholarship student that Rosie’s family helped out in high school.”


“I see…” My dad nods, “Is that all you want to say?” He asks in a knowing tone.


“Lisa..” I gulped, my dad’s piercing stare boring holes in me, I couldn’t hide anymore, “She’s my girlfriend.” I admit, looking straight into my dad’s eyes.


“Right… of course..she’s also been the one sneaking in at night correct?”


I nod.


“Well, I don’t know what to say princess.” He sighs, rubbing his forehead.


“I love her dad.”


“You love her? How long have you even known this girl?”


“3 years….we started dating 2 years ago.”


“It’s only been 2 years and you’re already saying you love her? Jisoo you are the sole heir to our company...and I know that you already know that I did my own little research on your girlfriend.”




“Breakup with her Jisoo.” He demanded.


“Dad please.” I begged, no longer able to hold back my tears.


“I’m doing this to protect you.”


“No dad..this isn’t protecting me.”


“She’ll leave you your mother did to us.” My dad bitterly said.


“But she’s not mo..”


“End it..or I will make her life miserable.”

And I knew he was serious.


That evening, I texted Lisa and told her to meet me at the first place we ran away to.


“Hey babe!” Lisa comes from behind me, pulling me into a soft back hug.


I’ve always loved the way Lisa holds me, it always feels so home. And her being like this without knowing what I’m about to do breaks my heart even more...God can I leave her? Can I live without her by my side..Can I take it? Will I be okay in the future? Will I be okay if I see her looking at someone else the way she does me?


“Jisoo? Hey are you okay?” Lisa asks, turning me around but I refuse to look her in the eyes.


It’s now or never Jisoo...if you don’t do this, then you might be the reason why she can’t reach her dreams.


“’re scaring me.” Lisa cups my face, forcing me to look up at stare into her eyes that look at me with so much love..and right now worry.


“ know I love you right.” I finally let my tears fall, wrapping my arms around her waist, and leaning my head on her shoulder.


“I know love...I know. I love you very much.” She holds me tighter, “Now tell me, who made my baby cry?”


“Run away with me?” I ask her, ignoring her question.


“To where?” She asks.


“Anywhere...just take me anywhere, as long as we’re together, I don’t care. Please say yes...please run away with me.”


“Jisoo.” Lisa’s voice was serious, “What happened, the truth babe.”


So I told her everything.


“Listen to me okay? I won’t ever leave you. I’ll fight for you, as long as I can. You’re dad, don't worry about him..I’m sure he’ll come around. I’ll talk to him okay?”




“He can do whatever he wants… I don’t care, as long as I have you.”


~ ~ ~


After that night...I felt at ease..things were okay between Lisa and well, he still didn’t approve. No matter how many times Lisa tried..he would always tell her to stay away and that he'd never allow me to be with her. But that never phased my Lisa...she would just leave his study with a big smile, telling me that she’d try again tomorrow and not to worry.


I thought she was fine..that we were fine, that we could get through it then why? Why did she leave? Why did she leave when she told me that she would never leave my side? That she would fight for us?


“I heard from Rosie.” I feel Jennie’s presence next to me, but I ignore her and curl under my covers even more.


“Chu..” Jennie places a hand on my shoulder, “Talk to me...please.”


“Leave Jen...there’s nothing to talk about. I’m fine.”


“You call this fine?”




“We’re all worried about you.”


“I’m fine, tell my dad he finally got what he wanted. She finally left me.”


“Jisoo…” Jennie pulls me into her arms, “I’m here for you...we’re all here. So don’t keep it all to yourself. Please, don’t bottle it up.”


“Hmmm.” I nod.


“Can I ask you..” Jennie hesitantly begins and I nod for her to continue, “What did Lisa say before she left?”


“She said that this is her way of fighting for us..that she’ll come back..”


“Then are you going to wait?”




“She said she hasn’t given up right? That she’ll come back. So until then, are you going to wait for her?”


“Of course..I love her..and I don’t think I won’t ever stop loving her.”


“Then if that’s the case..stop coopping yourself up in here and eat something please? I’m sure Lisa wouldn’t like it if she knew you aren’t taking care of yourself.”


“Right...I just have to wait..I can wait...I’ll wait as long as I have to.”


“There’s my Jichu.” Jennie smiles, hugging me again, “Trust in her Chu.”


~ ~ ~


-End Flashback-


“Chu..” Jennie’s voice pulled me out of my trip down memory lane.

“Yeah?” I ask, putting the photo back down.


“Are you getting tired?”








“It’s okay if you’s been 2 years..”


“2 years..3 months...27 be exact.”


“ it’s okay you not wait anymore.” Jennie says.


“What? Why would you even suggest that?”


“I just..want you to stop looking so broken.”


“I’m not broken Jen..I’m perfectly fine. I’m Jisoo..I’m ok.”


“Chu yo…”


“If it was Rosie.” I interrupted Jennie, “If Rosie told you that she was leaving and would come back one day...would you not wait?”


“Of course I’d wait even if it hurts not having her next to me I’ll wait and I’d wait my whole life if I...oh..”


“ now you understand right?”


“Yeah.” Jennie nods, “Sorry...I’m just..”


“I know.. And thank you for caring. But I really am fine Jendeuk..I just..miss her..a lot yknow.”


“Hmm I how about we go get some lunch?”




~ ~ ~


“Jisoo.” My dad knocks on my office door, later that afternoon.


“Hmm?” I don’t spare him a glance.


“Princess...can’t you just talk to me..please?” He begs, sitting on the chair in front of my desk.


“We have nothing to discuss.”


“ know I only want what’s best for you..I don’t want you getting hurt..I want to protect you for as long as I can.”


“Forcing her to leave wasn’t protecting me dad.”


“I know..but..”


“Dad please...just leave.”


“Alright.” I hear my dad sigh, before getting up and leaving.


“Lia..please cancel the rest of my meetings for the day..I’m leaving early.” I tell my secretary as I walk towards the elevator.


~ ~ ~


I drove around for hours with no destination in mind and yet I still found myself at the very place we ran away to...the scenic view located just at the edge of the city. It had the perfect view.


“Lisa..” I call her name, hoping the wind will carry the longing I feel to her, “Is it bad that my faith in you is fading away slowly..I told Jennie that I’d wait and I’d keep waiting, but as each day passes I lose a bit more hope.”


“Jisoo..” I hear her voice call me from behind and I chuckle, “Wah..I must really miss you more today.”


“Baby.” I feel a presence next to me and suddenly I’m face to face with the girl who’s been in my dreams since the days she left.


“Lisa..” My voice came out as a whisper.


“Hi.” Lisa looks at me with longing, “I missed you.”


“Lisa.” I say again, not believing that she’s actually here in front me.


“It’s me love.”


“Lisa.” I say her name again.


“Did you miss me?” She asks and I nod, before throwing my arms around her because this wasn’t a dream...this was reality..the reality I’ve been wishing for, “I missed you so much… I was so lonely without you here. But I kept on waiting...because you promised.”


“I was lonely without you much. You have no idea how much I wanted to just come back home to you, but I had to stay...I had to work as hard as I could so that when I returned I could show you’re dad my true worth and show him my sincerity towards you.” She held me tightly, like I was going to disappear any second.


“You didn’t have to leave to do that Lisa..we could have done that together.”


“The longer I stayed the more trouble I caused you and your dad. I don’t want you to have to give up your family for me, and I didn’t want him to lose his daughter as well. Although, according to Rosie I might have caused the latter.” She chuckles lightly, and I’m not sure how I went so long without hearing it. “But need to understand that you’re dad, he just wanted to protect you..we both do..even though his method is a bit much.”


“Why are you suddenly taking his side?” I ask her, frowning a bit.


“Well..” Lisa pulls back, with a big smile on her face.


“Well what?” I questioned., but then Lisa..she suddenly knelt on the ground and pulled out a ring and said, “ Marry my Jisoo...I promise you won’t ever be alone again..I love you and that’s all I really know..I talked to your dad’s all settled. Let’s go out and pick a white dress. This is our love story so baby just say yes?”


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A/n: Hi? I chose Lisoo for this because I want the next track to be Chaennie..I wrote this while highkey tipsy so if it doesn’t make bad.


But let me know what you think anyways..oh also..scroll down for the extended ending^^V.


See you in the next track.




I blinked a few did..what the?




“So is that a no?”


“IT’S A YES YOU IDIOT.” I yelled again, pulling her up and crashing my lips on hers.


“Good, I was worried for a moment there.” She chuckles, while placing the ring on my finger.


“So I guess you were right back then.” I tell her, as we walk back to our cars.


“Right about?” She looks at me confused.





“Remember the first time you snuck up onto my balcony and I called you Romeo, but you said you were Troy.”


“Ah!” Lisa snaps her finger, of course, how can I forget.


“Well see.” I flash her my left hand, “We got our happy ending like Troy and Gabriella.”


“Yeah..we really did.” Lisa softly smiles at me before she placed a lingering kiss on my forehead.


“You’re beautiful Jisoo...I hope you know that.” She says after pulling away.

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Chapter 4: ahh... i miss your story authornim 🥺..
Chapter 4: my 💔 for suzy...
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Chapter 4: Happy that Rosie and Jennie finally confessed their feelings to each other but sad for Suzy...
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Chapter 4: Awwww it was a beautiful ending, you just had to go and ruin it lol
Poor bae :(
Chaennie chaennie
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Chapter 4: My main is chaennie but I'm sad for suzy😢
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Chapter 4: My my... the love for each other
Chapter 3: The perfect ending lol
Chapter 2: Awwww