2021 Reader Awards

Please Subscribe to read further chapters



The 2021 Reader Awards is initiated by me since I’m bored of using the electronic wheel of fortune every time I host a KP giveaway.


Why am I doing this?


To encourage more readers to be proactive and to express my gratitude towards my readers. ♥️ 


Reading, though not as much as writing, takes time and more so when you use your fingers and click on upvote and type words on your phone screens or keyboard.



Please don’t forget to subscribe to this blog since I will be posting everything there. And you need to subscribe there for you to be eligible. Thanks!



Awards timetable:


Opening: July 12, 2021


Closing: Dec 20, 2021


Announcement of Winners: Dec 25, 2021

The awardees will be announced in my blog in the evening of the 24th or in the 25th. I hope I wont be too busy hahaha. I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS! ♥️


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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 21: Good luck for to be soon winners.
22 streak #2
Chapter 21: Good Luck to the future winners
1977 streak #3
Chapter 21: thank you for conducting this awards!! take care and stay safe, sis <33
Chapter 3: Everything for the hoe of the year lol i really look forward to see the winner 💅🏻
zangsia1 #5
Chapter 21: Annyeong! Stay safe and take care!
Nicole121314 #6
Chapter 20: Fighting dear.... these people has nothing to do with their own lives - they just want to bring people down with them. Anyway be strong dear. And will subscribe into your blog. Thanks. <<<hugs>>> 🤗
Chapter 20: I know you never want to hurt anyone, I mean people who know you are sure that Lyn is not that kind of human to hurt others... (however people keep hurting her.) I'm so sorry that happened to you... and I never heard that this thi g is against the rules... interesting...

Though, no matter how annoying people are, I know that my Lyn unnie is a strong woman... and yes T_T aff needs this to encourage some silent readers..
21 streak #8
Chapter 20: Why there are lots of trolls everywhere? Aigoo.. So sorry that you have to go through this. I agree aff recently feels like a ghost town and I think it can be very discouraging for authors T__Tu start this with a very good intentions tho.. Some people just like to butthurt others.. T__T. Stay strong authornim
22 streak #9
Chapter 20: Hard earned karma points to be shared? Who doesn’t like that. Haysss people are just so crab minded sometimes
Chapter 6: Why people being a butthurt about this. It's just a fun thing that you decided to play with all of us.. Even if I'm not nominated, I don't really mind. Just wanna see who're the winners soon. Hopefully still run up for the h*e award ehem.