Chapter Twenty

The Walk Back Home

Author’s Note: This story is set in an alternate universe, in an imaginary town and country, and during an ambiguous time period.


Yunho walked down the stairs and found his momma busy at work. She was putting up Christmas decorations. 


She saw his confused face and smiled. “Morning, pumpkin. Go get breakfast. We’ll be busy this morning.”


“Wait,” he ran his fingers through his hair that resembled a bird's nest more than hair that morning. “It’s not even Thanksgiving yet?”


“That’s only three weeks away.”




She laughed. “Only.”


“Why don’t we wait till after Thanksgiving, momma?”


“We’ve always decorated three weeks before thanksgiving. We put the outside decorations the day after Thanksgiving. Having the decorations up just brings up that Christmas feeling.”


“Wait. I don’t remember that.”


“Your grandmother changed the tradition after you and your mother moved.”




Yunho felt like there was more to the change of tradition, but he didn’t want to bring back bad memories for his grandmother. 


He remembered putting up decorations the day after Thanksgiving. Heck, it was something he still did with his mom. They have always been huge holiday people. They celebrated all of the holidays. They would even give candy out to the children in their neighborhood, even though they lived in an apartment complex. 


“Alright. Go eat breakfast, Yunho. You and your granddaddy have to pick up the Christmas tree.”


“So, so—” He caught himself and stopped stuttering. He just smiled at her. He didn’t think they would be putting up the tree this early, too! 

“Can I ask Jaejoong to join us? He lives for these kinds of things.” 


“Of course!” She said in a bubbly voice. “The more the merrier, right, love?” She said, winking at her husband who smiled at her and his grandson. His grandfather then nodded. “He is always welcomed.”


Yunho smiled all the way to the warm kitchen. 


He was simply enamored with his grandparents’ love and marriage. They’ve been married for most of their lives, but after so many decades, they were still completely taken with each other. He couldn’t help but wonder how they did it. 


He was not a romantic one. Heck, he didn’t even believe love like theirs was possible on the best day. And that’s why he was so taken aback by their romance. How could they still love each other, respect each other, and enjoy being with each other after so many decades together? 


His mind wandered to his parents, and then Jaejoong. And that’s where he cut it off.


He would not go there.


They were friends. He could see them being good friends for the rest of their lives. Even if Yunho ever wanted to stop, he truly believed that Jaejoong would hold on strong and make sure they remain friends.


Even after all of these years, he still thought he was his best friend. 


Jaejoong was definitely naive, and if he had been anyone else, he could have tricked that boy into opening up to him and getting revenge. He was lucky Yunho was who he was. PLus, Yunho couldn’t see himself intentionally hurting Jaejoong. Even the thought repulsed him.


He liked Jaejoong a lot, even if he would never tell him. There were many reasons why he found him attractive, which he knew he shouldn't have as a friend. 


Jaejoong ticked off all of his boxes. He was good looking, he had the physique he liked. He had the bright, charming personality he liked—he had always liked and gravitated to those that were different from him. But, Jaejoong was overwhelming, needy, and suffocating. Though those were qualities Yunho despised, he was happy Jaejoong had them. They helped him stay grounded and shattered all of his illusions of him ever betraying their friendship.


Yunho could not see himself not ending up hating Jaejoong if they were to ever be in a romantic relationship. Jaejoong would suffocate him.


They were best as only friends. 


He was like his mother. Love wasn’t for him, and he had always known that and had always been fine with that notion. 


His grandparents were just making him question and reevaluate his choices, and what he had always thought were the facts of his life and his personality. 




“I think it’s best to get your tree as early as possible,” Jaejoong was rambling.


“You get the best ones that way. My parents are always so last minute. I wished they would just let me get us a tree. I love this shi—“ He stopped and gave Yunho’s grandfather’s broad back a guilty look. “Uh hmm–these things. But you know, they must be difficult. I am so glad I got to do this with you. Mom usually does it by herself, even when I ask. I did it with her once, but I was too annoying, she said.” He laughed. “I just wanted to lend my opinions, that’s all.”


Yunho just sipped his hot chocolate, silently following behind his grandpoppa. 


Yunho had to agree with Jaejoong’s mother.


Sometimes, he felt like Jaejoong never shut it. He had a million questions, stories, and jokes to tell. He was used to it, but he wondered if his silence ever bothered him. 


Yunho decided he would forgive him for not knowing how to shut up, because he at least looked really cute in his cream colored knitted turtleneck sweater and his black winter coat. The sweater brought out the smoothness and richness of his skin.


He was glad Jaejoong looked good in those sweaters, because that was always all he wore during winter. 


“Can I have a sip of your chocolate?”


Yunho scowled at him. “I told you to get chocolate.”


“I needed the coffee. Plus, you were getting chocolate. Don’t be stingy, dude.”


“I don’t want to share your saliva.”


Jaejoong gave him a look of pure disbelief. “Give me that.”  He grabbed his cup and handed him his. Before Yunho could complain more or take his cup back, Jaejoong’s lips were already on it. 


“You’re unbelievable,” he said, and added an eye roll. 


“Sometimes, I wonder if you even like me, Yunho.” Jaejoong took another sip and thoughtfully his top first and then his bottom lip before them in. 


The action aggravated Yunho’s nerves.


“Hey! One sip. Give it back.”






They froze and stared at the older man. His eyes were twinkling, though his face looked stern. 


Yunho gave even one last stern look and walked away from him. 


“I won’t drink all of it,” Jaejoong said behind him, walking fast to catch up to him. “Have some of my coffee.”


“I already had coffee this morning.”


“Your loss.”


Yunho didn’t even know why he was vexed. This was Jaejoong, and he had been the one to invite him. 


He was just all out of sorts and very cross. 


He couldn’t put his finger on it. He wondered if his train of thought this morning was what left him upset. He had already come to the conclusion that ignoring those feelings. It was ignore or let them torture him, because nothing could ever come out of them.


“Okay, what’s wrong with you?” Jaejoong asked, picking up on Yunho’s sour mood. He handed him his drink back; Jaejoong didn’t even grab his cup back.


“Nothing. I just don’t like sharing my drink.”


He stared at him without blinking for a few seconds. “That’s a new thing.”


“Here.” He shoved Jaejoong’s cup back into his hand. “No. It has always been a thing.”


“But you have always—”


He shook his head. “No. You always took it without listening to my rejections.”


“Ooh. I’m sorry, man. I thought—”


“It’s whatever.”


Jaejoong gave him a hurt look. “Never again. It’s done and over with.”


Yunho felt the need to correct whatever he had said or done to hurt Jaejoong. It felt like accidentally kicking a cat. 


“It’s fine, Jaejoong. I’m used to you just doing whatever you want.”


Jaejoong flinched and looked even more offended. “No. You don’t like it and I won’t do it anymore.” 


“Bro., don’t make it seem like I’m—”


Jaejoong’s thick brows furrowed. “I’ll listen to you now. I want to be a good friend, you know?”


“What? I never said you weren’t.”


And here they go again. Yunho was tired of this tired and dead line of conversation. For every step they took, they took three back. The banter and petty arguments never seem to stop.


He smiled tenderly at Yunho. “I know. I’m just saying.”


“Boys, what do you two think of this tree?”


They broke their staring contest. Clearing his throat, Yunho smiled at Jaejoong and walked behind him to his grandpoppa. 


“It’s humongous!” Jaejoong exclaimed with unabashed glee. 


The older man smiled. “The bigger the better.”


“I love it,” Jaejoong added, as he walked around the tall pine tree. 


How grandpoppa looked at him. Yunho gave his nod of approval. “I like it, too.”


He could already imagine it in the living room, decorated and lit up. 


“I need to come see it when it’s all decorated,” Jaejoong said. 


“If you want, son, you can even come help us decorate it.”


Jaejoong looked at Yunho as if he was asking permission with his eyes. He shrugged, feeling weird by the action. He teared his gaze away and took the majesty of the evergreen tree instead.


“I would love to,” he said in unabashed excitement, his eyes practically twinkling. 

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The story is almost over! I’m so sad bc this was my slice of leave and now I’m going back into hiding bc I’m going through a two years long writer’s block🥹🥹🥹


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Reader00071 #1
Chapter 27: I loved the story, it was interesting.
Reader00071 #2
Chapter 22: It must be so difficult to have feelings for a friend, the friendship can never go back to it’s initial state if both friends don’t have the same feelings.
Reader00071 #3
Chapter 15: Your story is so good, i cant put it down. I love how the injured friendship is slowly healing, I love how YH stands his ground sand doesn’t let JJ totally manipulate him. Thumbs up to you, very good story.
Reader00071 #4
Chapter 9: YH is too easy, I would have never trusted a traitor friend. JJ could have just manipulated you right now. I hope JJ has really changed.
Reader00071 #5
Chapter 8: This is getting more and more interesting as the story evolves. Great writing dear author.
Reader00071 #6
Chapter 3: Wow, love this high school drama, poor YH he hates everything yet I think deep down he likes everything.
Reader00071 #7
Chapter 1: Poor teenager YH, growing pains. The story is quite interesting so far.
leanonme #8
Chapter 27: This is super cute, their dynamic is to die for! Thank you for sharing this story ❤️ truly warms my heart !
Brownsugar40 #9
Chapter 27: I loved this story
NinePlusOne #10
Chapter 27: Thanks for returning to Yunjae even for a bit! It was a fun read!