
The other side of her


Out of nowhere, I felt my arm being grabbed. I looked to see that it was Chinen. He stepped in front of me and whispered something in Ryo’s ear…

*Chinen Yuri’s P.O.V*

            I whispered in Ryo’s ear,

“Let’s see who can get her first…”


*Sasakura Aya’s P.O.V*

“What are you guys talking about??” I asked.

“N-n-nothing!” Yama-chan exclaimed, not looking at me. It looked like he was really shocked.

“We’ll be going home now!” Hikaru exclaimed, and just about everyone walked away. Me, Ryosuke, and Yuri stayed. I sighed in relief as I realized that they were the two people that I trusted out of the whole group. Now, I could be my usual self- no worries!

“Guys, I can go home today. I’ll explain to Mr. Ogata that I had an overnight job. He might punish me a little, but I’m used to it.” When I said this, the other two were standing in front of me, but the moment I said it, they both turned their head and shouted

“NO!” I was so scared by their harsh tone and scary look, I stepped back a little. They turned back and continued walking. All the way to Ryosuke’s house, they kept looking back to check that I hadn’t run away. Before I knew it, we were standing in front of Ryosuke’s house.

*Third person*

“Hey Aya, you want to come to my house tonight instead?” Chinen asked.

“YES!!!! PLEASE!!!!” Aya shouted, scared at the thought of staying at Ryosuke’s house where he could find out she likes him… Even only in one night, so much happened…

“Fine! Go then! Go to HIS house instead!” Ryosuke shouted, thinking ‘I bet she likes Chinen, she seems to hate staying at my house so much…”

*Chinen’s P.O.V*

With that, Yamada went into his house and slammed the door.

“Well, then.” I said with an attitude voice. I picked up Aya behind my back and tossed her onto my shoulder.

“Yuri!!!!! I’m going to fall! Let me down! I can walk!” Aya panicked.

“It’s okay!” I comforted her. Without listening to what she has to say, I started running to my house. My house is actually pretty close- only 3 blocks away. We got to my house, then I went in and put Aya down.

“What was that for~” Aya complained, then she puffed her cheeks. I laughed a little.

“Hey- where are your family members? Didn’t you say something about your mom letting me be here or something?”

I laughed a little and said “Oh, that was a lie to help you get closer with Yamada.” Then I thought to myself, ‘but that was before I fell in love with you---’

After that we ate, and talked, laughed, all those things that friends would do.

“Aya, who can you talk to more openly? Yamada, or me?”

“Yuri!!! I get so panicked around Ryosuke and we always have these awkward silence moments. But when I’m with you, it becomes more fun and exciting! ” She smiled a cute smile. I pinched her cheeks and leaned my face closer.

“If you smiled like that to Yamada, he might fall for you!”

“Nah, I bet he would find it disturbing if some nerdy, dorky weirdo like me liked him…” then she looked down and sighed.

I sat beside her and wrapped my arm around her.

“Aww… stop having low confedence~~! I think you look really cute the way you are!!”

She looked at me with a shocked expression. “You… really think so!?”

“Yuuuup! Infact…” I picked up Aya and placed her on the couch, then gently pushed her down. I then gently went on top of her and said in a cute voice

“Kiss me~~ Pleeeeeeeeeeease~~”


“You kissed Yamada- right?? I think I deserve a kiss since I helped you get closer with him.”
“Chinen!!!!!! Stop!”

“Ehh? Please?

 She sighed, then she sat up a little, then gently placed her lips on my cheek. After she laid back down, I put my mouth right up to her neck and started breathing deeply and whispered

“I’m not satisfied, Aya-chan~~” Then I said “Do you remember doing this before?”

“W-when you were trying to see if Ryosuke liked me or not?”

“Yup, but I never told you the results- did I?”

“No… what did he say?”

While Aya was lost in the conversation, I quickly stole a pretty deep ( but short) kiss. I gently placed my lips around Aya’s lower lip, then I pulled a little, until I made a ‘pop’ sound and looked at Aya again. Aya bit her lower lip.

“Please… be my girlfriend…”   

Aya’s eyes got a little teary.

“Yes… I accept.”


PLEASE! Don’t think that this is the end of the story!!!!! NOT EVEN CLOSE!!!!!!!!! I plan to make this story pretty long- since I, myself enjoy writing it!!!! XD

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Chapter 24: Update ASAP!!!
ckossi #3
I hope you have fun~!!!!!!!
heysayluv #4
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO INOO KEI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ckossi #5
Thank goodness it was just Kento. I love y Zone almost as much as I love Hey! Say! JUMP. Scary part is is that Kento reminds me soo much of my brother, not the way he looks, but the way he does things (from all the videos I've seen).
ckossi #6
Suzuki-san!!!! Don't tell me you gave Aya away to strangers who claimed to be Nakajima's!!!!!!!!! You can find and save her Yamada!!!
ckossi #7
Aw~ He's nervous to hold her hand!!! That's so cute~!!!
this is a funny and romantic chapter at the same time...!:D
i was laughing as i read this because i am imagining hey! say! 7's expression as they were hiding like a paparazzi just to take a picture of ryosuke and aya...hahaha
keito's reaction was so funny...and yuto's squeal...!!!hahaha
ryosuke was indeed possessive there...hahaha
looking forward for your next update...gambatte ne~...^-^
ckossi #9
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!!!!! 7 was funny!!!! They were being like proud parents doting (or recording) on their child who started walking for the first time by themselves.
Reia_Na #10
Hahahahaaa...., Keito sent the pict to Yama-chan,,this part make me laugh like crazy XD