
The other side of her


While Aya was lost in the conversation, I quickly stole a pretty deep ( but short) kiss. I gently placed my lips around Aya’s lower lip, then I pulled a little, until I made a ‘pop’ sound and I looked at Aya again. Aya bit her lower lip.

“Please… be my girlfriend…”   

Aya’s eyes got a little teary.

“Yes… I accept.”


I accepted, but there’s something telling me that it’s all wrong. But I can’t say anything, seeing Chinen’s innocent smile after I accepted.

“I’m so glad!!!” Chinen cheerfully said. “But… don’t you love Ryosuke?”

“It’s ok, Aya. I’ll protect you. I’ll make you forget him.”

That night, I slept in Chinen’s house, wearing Chinen’s clothes, smelling Chinen’s smell as Chinen slept next to me. God. It’s all about Chinen right now. Yet, I felt so uncomfortable. He wasn’t touching me in any way, he was just next to me. Chinen’s bed is really large, so the distance between me and Chinen’s about the same distance there was between me and Ryosuke last night. Although I couldn’t sleep last night, and I can’t sleep right now, the felling or nervousness was different. When I was with Ryosuke, I felt like everything in the world was going to be alright. Now, I feel like the world is going to end soon.

The next morning, I had work, so I had to wake up at 4 o’clock a.m. Without telling Chinen, I snuck out of the house. I stole a shirt and a pair of jeans from his closet that didn’t really look like a boy’s or a girl’s- since I was disgusted by the idea of wearing the same thing for 3 days.

After I snuck out, I headed to the building that Suzuki-san said she wanted to meet me.

“Ok, Aya. I’m going to give you an very important job today. Ryosuke is going to be in a drama with lots of action, but he has to be a really kakkoii evil guy. So, I’m going to leave you with the job of telling him how to put on the costumes- cause you know, these weird costumes can be hard to put on. And also, I will leave you the job to do his make-up.”

“O-ok.” I didn’t really want to, but I had to deal with it- this is my job. Suzuki-san said that I looked hideous with the shirt and jeans on- especially on a hot day, since I was wearing long sleeves. It took a lot of convincing- but she eventually got me to wear a tank top with shorts that she got from the pile of old clothes that were about to be put out to donation after they  were worn over and over again by models and famous actresses and singers. But they were still in perfect condition.

Over the next three hours, I went around to experts that explained techniques to me, and I wrote down lots of notes, and I got lots of little booklets they made for me. The hour after that, I was practicing on the old mannequins that were donated by the mall across from here. I practiced all the techniques- and worked hard. After that, I mastered it all. I still had to look at my notes, but I was pretty good.

At 9:30, Ryosuke and the rest of the staffs came, and they were all ready for the first day of filming. Just when I saw his face, I realized that he might be mad at me… the way he yelled at me yesterday before going back into his house…

At first, Ryosuke didn’t see me.

“Ohayougozimasu, Suzuki-san!” Ryosuke said.

“Ohoyou- you should go to the costume/ makeup room. Aya’s gonna be in charge of you for that. Be nice to her!” Then Suzuki-san walked away. I ran back into the room, all panicked.

Ryosuke laughed a little when he saw me walking back and forth around the room, panicking.

“Look, Aya. I’m really sorry. I went overboard. I-I just wanted to get to know you better, you know- as a friend.” He laughed nervously.  AS A FRIEND. I should have known it, but it still stung me a little. At least I was closer to him now.

“I-it’s ok.”

“So, what make up are you going to do?”

“Well, first, I have to put a fake big gash on your left arm. It’s part of your character.”

“Ok!” Ryosuke sat on the chair and took of his shirt. I froze. I didn’t expect him to do that. But now that I thought about it, he had to- because the make-up stuff would get all over his shirt.

I gulped and grabbed the red tray with the tools on it.

*Yamada Ryosuke’s P.O.V*

She truly looked really cute. I smirked inside when I saw Aya freeze for a moment when I took off my shirt.

She came over to me and started working from the top of my arm. She was sitting in a chair. At first, she seemed really nervous and she was stretching her arms out to do the make-up. But as time went by, she got more and more concentrated on making the make-up perfect, so her face got closer to my arm- until she was only about 2 inches away from my arm. She glued her eyes to the gash she was making. She worked her way down, and she got to my hand. My heart skipped a beat when she picked up my hand, and put it on her lap so that she could work on it more easily. I noticed that her legs were still a little scratched up, but they were surely looking better than before.

After that, she started working on my face. By this time, she completely forgot about being nervous, and her face was really close to mine as she worked. Usually, when make-up people were this close to me, I hated it and felt uncomfortable. After that, I would ask Suzuki-san to switch the make-up person. But this time, it was different. It gave me an opportunity to stare at her perfect face. I know I sound stupid, but it’s true. That cute face of hers---

“Ok, owatta!” Aya said and she put away the make-up things. I noticed that Suzuki-san was watching. Aya walked out first. When I was walking out, Suzuki-san grabbed my arm and whispered

“Do you want me to switch the make-up person?”

“Eh, why?”

“Don’t you hate it when the artist’s face is too close to yours?”

“It’s fine- I trust her!”

“You’re acting strange today…”

“Hehe, maybe. But I guess every guy would make special exceptions to the girl they love… right?”


Suzuki-san found out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But Ryosuke doesn’t know that Chinen and Aya are already boy/girl friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT’S GONNA HAPPEN!!!??? @O@ haha

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Chapter 24: Update ASAP!!!
ckossi #3
I hope you have fun~!!!!!!!
heysayluv #4
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO INOO KEI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ckossi #5
Thank goodness it was just Kento. I love y Zone almost as much as I love Hey! Say! JUMP. Scary part is is that Kento reminds me soo much of my brother, not the way he looks, but the way he does things (from all the videos I've seen).
ckossi #6
Suzuki-san!!!! Don't tell me you gave Aya away to strangers who claimed to be Nakajima's!!!!!!!!! You can find and save her Yamada!!!
ckossi #7
Aw~ He's nervous to hold her hand!!! That's so cute~!!!
this is a funny and romantic chapter at the same time...!:D
i was laughing as i read this because i am imagining hey! say! 7's expression as they were hiding like a paparazzi just to take a picture of ryosuke and aya...hahaha
keito's reaction was so funny...and yuto's squeal...!!!hahaha
ryosuke was indeed possessive there...hahaha
looking forward for your next update...gambatte ne~...^-^
ckossi #9
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!!!!! 7 was funny!!!! They were being like proud parents doting (or recording) on their child who started walking for the first time by themselves.
Reia_Na #10
Hahahahaaa...., Keito sent the pict to Yama-chan,,this part make me laugh like crazy XD