Blue Amaranth

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Years after everything came crashing down, they were starting to rebuild their lives and finally find peace. However, a ghost from the past comes back to life and haunts him to exact unconventional revenge.


  • Fandom: Weiß Kreuz
  • Story Number: 01
  • Pairing: Omi Tsukiyono (Bombay) x Nanami Hibino (Tot)
  • Chapters: 1/?
  • Status: Incomplete, Rough DraftDiscontinued
  • Tags: Romance, Canon Compliant, Crack Pairing(?), Code Switching, Experimental Throwaway Piece, Never-Before-Posted Drafts 
  • Inspired by: The “Blue Rose” Arc (from Project ARMS)
  • Start & Completion: 2015/02/08–2023/01/06


I toyed with the idea of how much Tot looked like Ouka, and how similar Nagi and Omi looked, and thus, this: Omi x Tot. It was so fascinating an idea to me that I wanted to see if it would work. Unfortunately, past me wasn't skilled enough to finish my ambitious idea for this (which was not surprising, as I often wrote stuff blind back then, just to "see" where it would take me, and… often, it just left me hanging myself, haha).

Arachay • 2023-01-06


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