
Killer Sessions [HIATUS]
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Jimin sat in her comfortable armchair, her attention fully focused on Minjeong. She could sense a shift in her patient's demeanor, a restlessness that seemed to hang in the air. Jimin leaned forward, her eyes fixed on Minjeong's face.


"How are you feeling today, Minjeong?" she asked, her voice soft and soothing.


Minjeong shifted in her seat, her eyes darting around the room. "I don't know," she replied, her voice strained. "I've just been feeling really anxious lately, and I have recurring nightmares every time I close my eyes for more than 10 seconds."


Jimin furrowed her brow in concern. "Can you tell me more about that?" she asked.


Minjeong fidgeted with the hem of her sweater, her eyes downcast. "I don't really know where it's coming from. I just feel...unsettled, I guess."


Jimin nodded thoughtfully, taking a sip of her coffee. "That can be a really uncomfortable feeling. Have you noticed anything specific that triggers your anxiety?"


Minjeong shook her head, her eyes still fixed on the ground. "No, not really. It just comes and goes."


Jimin leaned back in her chair, her expression thoughtful. "Have you been practicing any self-care lately?" she asked. "Things like exercise, meditation, or journaling can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation."


Minjeong shrugged, her gaze still focused on the floor. "I haven't really had the time lately," she admitted. "Work has been really busy, and with everything going on with the murders, it's hard to focus on anything else."


Jimin's eyes widened with concern. "The murders?" she asked, her voice dropping to a hushed tone. "Are you afraid for your safety?"


Minjeong nodded slowly, her eyes clouded with worry. "Yeah, I guess so. It's just hard to shake the feeling that something bad could happen at any moment."


Jimin leaned forward, placing a comforting hand on Minjeong's arm. "That's a really difficult feeling to carry around," she said. "But you don't have to do it alone. Have you talked to anyone at work about how you're feeling?"


Minjeong shook her head. "No, I don't want to seem weak. Everyone else is dealing with it, so why can't I?"


Jimin's eyes softened with understanding. "It's okay to not be okay, Minjeong," she said. "And it's okay to ask for help. You're not weak for needing support."


Minjeong's eyes flicked up to meet Jimin's, her expression hesitant. "I know," she whispered. "It's just hard to know where to start."


Jimin nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of . "Well, we can start right here. Tell me more about those disturbing dreams you just mentioned."


Minjeong's face fell, her shoulders slumping with anxiety. "I don't know if I want to," she admitted. "They're so vivid and...scary."


Jimin gave her a reassuring smile, her eyes full of warmth. "It's okay," she said. "We can take it slow. You don't have to share anything you're not comfortable with. But sometimes talking about things can help us make sense of them."


Minjeong hesitated for a moment before nodding slowly. "Okay," she said. "I'll try." Minjeong hesitated for a moment before starting to speak. "Well, I've been having these dreams lately. Not dreams. Nightmares. They're...disturbing. And they all seem to be connected to what's been going on with the murders."


Jimin leaned forward, her interest piqued. "What kind of dreams?"


Minjeong took a deep breath, her eyes darting around the room before settling on Jimin's face. "They're about the victims," she began slowly. "But in the dreams, they're alive. They're calling out to me, asking me to help them. And then I wake up, and I feel like I'm losing my mind."


Jimin's expression was serious as she listened to Minjeong's words. "That does sound distressing," she said empathetically. "Do you think the dreams could be connected to your fears about being targeted?"


Minjeong shrugged, her eyes clouded with uncertainty. "I don't know. Maybe. But it feels like more than that. It's like...they're trying to tell me something."


Jimin took a moment to consider this before responding. "It's possible that your subconscious is trying to work through what's been happening," she suggested. "Dreams can often be a way for us to process our thoughts and emotions."


Minjeong nodded slowly, her face etched with a deep sense of contemplation. "That's what I was thinking too," she murmured. "But it's like...I can't shake the feeling that there's something more to it. Like there's something I'm missing."


Minjeong was lost in thought, her face displaying the deep sense of contemplation that she was feeling. She slowly nodded, indicating that she agreed with what Jimin was saying, but there was more to it than that. She was sure that she was missing something important, but she couldn't quite put her finger on what it was.


Jimin, being the attentive psychiatrist that she was, noticed Minjeong's hesitation and leaned back in her chair, fixated on Minjeong's face. She felt a sense of empathy towards her patient, knowing how difficult it was to confront one's fears and anxieties. She knew that it was crucial for Minjeong's healing and recovery.


"Can you tell me more about the things that are bothering you?" Jimin asked, her voice gentle and calm. "Are there any other thoughts or feelings that you've been having?"


Minjeong hesitated for a moment, her eyes downcast, before finally speaking up. "I don't know," she murmured. "It's just that everything feels so overwhelming right now. The murders, the media attention that it has been receiving lately, and the pressure from work. I feel like I'm drowning."


Jimin nodded understandingly, her expression serious. "It's completely normal to feel that way," she said. "These are challenging times for everyone, and it can be hard to keep afloat. But I want you to know that you don't have to do it alone. We can work through these feelings together."


Minjeong's eyes flicked up to meet Jimin's, a glimmer of hope appearing in her expression. "Thank you," she said quietly. "I appreciate that."


Jimin smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment that she was making progress with her patient. "Of course," she said. "Now, let's talk about some practical things that you can do to manage your anxiety. Have you ever heard of grounding exercises?"


Minjeong shook her head, curious about what Jimin was referring to. "No, what are those?" she asked.


Jimin leaned forward in her chair, her voice low and soothing. "Grounding exercises are a way to help you stay connected to the present moment, instead of getting lost in worries and fears," she explained. "They involve using your five senses to focus on the here and now. For example, you could look around the room and name five things that you see, or touch something and describe how it feels."


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highskies707 #1
Chapter 4: Hmm... the plot is good but you keep talking in circles. Every chapter you start of with one paragraph, then the next paragraph ends up being a rewrite of the first. It's too much filler.
brdfillet #2
Chapter 6: what if it was actually minjeong or jimin 🤔
Jamess #3
Chapter 6: it’s okay otornim take rush bud 😁😁… ning is is also the main suspect here 🤔🤔
ToughSoul_SoS #4
Interesting 🤔
Eybrelros #5
Update when?🥹
mammt_ #6
Chapter 1: how come I can't help but think of a plot-twist, maybe jimin is the serial killer???.
I'm sure she's not but my mind is wandering
Chapter 5: 😍😍😍💙❄
Jamess #8
Chapter 5: owh wow i can’t wait jimin gonna involve her feelings towards minjeongie 🫢🫢😁👍👍
cleofierayne 26 streak #9
Chapter 4: 🤯 Now Jimins evolving feelings makes this exciting.
Jamess #10
Chapter 4: hmm 🤔