charm her way in

i just want to talk about you
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description: dumb her way out pt. 2



Solitude is certainly something that Karina values the most aside from blood type O and on the flesh of the innocents in general. She places a great importance on it as it basically defines everything she desires and everything she needs to survive.


Most of the time, specifically at midnight, Karina would either go up to her roof to observe humans and wish death upon them, or she'd simply rest inside her coffin and dream about tortures, murder, chaos, fires—you name it.


This time, it's the latter.


She had just returned from on a random man's blood in a bar's back alley, and she figures it's probably enough to last her a month, so there's really no need for her to go outside and interact with these filthy people for a good while.


Finally some rest… Karina whispers to herself in utter delight.


She was just about to close her eyes and cross both her hands against her chest when suddenly—suddeningly, a loud thumping echoes in her ears repetitively. She automatically assumes it came from her door downstairs.


Karina begrudgingly rises from her coffin and trudges toward the sound, grunting internally. She vowed to kill whoever was standing on the other side of the door, sever its head, bind it to the doorknob, and—


“Hi there!”


Just her ing luck.


“You again…” Karina sighs, unable to think of anything else to do.


The last time she tried to kill this person, she nearly took herself into the daylight willingly and set herself ablaze until she eventually ceased to exist.


“Oh! You still remember me. That's good!“


Then Winter gives her that signature dumb smile.


God, she's so stupid.


“What are you doing here, darling?” the endearment naturally falls off . 


Look, she can't help it, okay? She spent her centuries-old life learning how to speak affectionately (which includes ridiculous pet names) to her victims in order to make it simpler for them to fall prey to her seduction. At this point, it primarily exists out of habit.


“I told you I'd come back, didn't I?” Winter says, tilting her head.


“Unfortunately.” the vampire mumbles.


“We're going to watch movies tonight! Can I come in?” the idiot asks.


Karina stares and stares. And. Stares.


Winter, known for being — well, Winter, she doesn't wait for a response. Of course, she wouldn't. She's just that strange.


So she enters inside anyway. Mindlessly brushing past the deadly vampire, unaware of its potentially murderous thoughts.


Key word being "potentially," because Karina herself doesn't know if she's actually capable of killing Winter without driving herself insane.


“What's that?” Karina decides to ask instead, finger pointing at the thing under the human's grasp.


“Oh, this?” Winter stops and smiles weirdly at Karina, “It's a laptop.”


“A lap top.” the vampire repeats.


“Yes, a laptop.” the idiot affirms.


“Lap top.” the vampire repeats again.


The idiot blinks. 


“So!” Winter clasps her hands together, smiling brightly at Karina. “Where's your room?”


Karina's eyebrows shot up, “My room?”


Nodding her head, Winter's curious eyes dart around the house. “Yes. Like, where do you usually sleep, you know?”


“I sleep in a coffin.” Karina says honestly.


Which may have been too honest, based on how the dumb human's body briefly stops as she tries to process what she just heard.


“On… top of it?” Winter asks. Or scrutinizes. Either way, she's confused.


“No.” Karina smiles. “Inside it.”


“Well, I doubt two people can fit in there, so…” Winter just returns her expression, now visibly unfazed. “Any ideas?”


“Genocide.” Karina retorts blankly.


“No, I mean any ideas. For a place. Where we can watch movies.” Winter clears out.


Karina unwittingly fixes her attention on Winter's neck, which serves to remind her once more that oh my lord she is supposed to be a vampire!


“Are you going to let me bite your neck?”


The human hugs her own body, gaze grazing the vampire scandalously. “Excuse you!? Just because I find you extremely hot doesn't mean I'm—”


“You find me hot?” Now that's… interesting, Karina smirks.


“Whatever. I'm not going to sleep with you.” Winter crosses her arms. “You have to take me out on a date first.”


“You do know I am a cold-blooded vampire, right?” Karina says, crossing her arms the same way the human does it.


“Mood.” Winter sighs, completely ignoring the whole point. “We all feel that way sometimes.”


“I'm being serious.”


Winter stares, and of course, she'd shrug it off. “Right. Where should we set up the laptop?”


Eyes shutting closed in frustration, Karina runs a hand through her dark hair and groans in defeat.


“Follow me.”


They end up at Karina's spare room only because she's trying to be considerate to the dumb human. They (and by they, it's just Winter) set up the laptop on the bed that's been grayed gradually by time.


“What are we watching?” Karina is familiar with movies. 


The last movie she had seen was about a girl who isolated herself for years and wreaked havoc on an entire kingdom while her sister suffered under the hand of a manipulative man.


(It was called Frozen).


“Twilight.” Winter answers as she settles herself on the bed, making herself comfortable by leaning her back against its headrest.


Karina brazenly takes the spot next to her. Like they have been long-term best friends who have known each other for more than ten years.




“Yes. The one with Kristen Stewart.”


“Kristen who?” again, the vampire asks.


“No, Stewart. Kristen Stewart.” and again, the idiot answers.


“...and what is it about?” 


“Weird vampires. Weird werewolves. Family being in love with each other. Like, romantically. Which is also weird. And then weird witches—oh wait, that's from The Vampire Diaries. Then a weird vampire cult. Anna Kendrick. Weird filter, weird—”  


“Hold on, what?” Karina practically gapes. 


Which is quite uncharacteristic because she doesn't gape. She's a vampire. Nothing fazes her anymore — but Winter… Winter is something.


Something peculiar. 


“Have you seen Anna Kendrick?” Winter questions incredulously, and from the way she's looking at Karina, it's obvious that there should be a right answer (there is).


“Anna Kendrick?”


“Yeah. From Pitch Perfect.”


“I see.” Karina understands. She has seen that particular movie. It wasn't her cup of tea, but whatever. It had its moments.


Skepticism looms in the room and in Winter's eyes. “You've watched Pitch Perfect?”


“Just start the movie.” 


“Okay!” Winter grins enthusiastically as she opens the laptop and clicks play. “I swear, you're going to love it.”


Hours passed, the moon took a step, the night remained still, and the verdict fell on the vampire's hands.


Karina didn't love it. 


As a matter of fact, she hated it.


She hated it enough to speed out of the room and go back inside the comfort of her coffin, leaving the confused human alone in the spare bedroom room because what the hell was that. That movie is a disgrace. An insult to her kind. An abomination. 


Her skin doesn't sparkle under the sun, thank you very much. They burn. They turn into ashes. And then they disappear. She will disappear.


That's how it works.


Heavens, she wants to kill Winter for

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taeloveny #1
Chapter 3: this is sooo🤣
76 streak #2
Chapter 8: I like this so much! 🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 8: 🥺 can’t imagine holding on for that long 🥲 at least they got together in the end 🫶🏻
730 streak #4
Chapter 8: this is sooo good dkhdkshs 🥹
Chapter 8: oh god this is exceptionally good 🥹 i love it so much I'm so close to crying especially when I read the line "I don't want to live in a world where I don't have you by my side, so I'll take what I can get." it's just to sad it pulled my at heartstrings. If I didn't know that it's still a happy ending, I would've find myself bawling my eyes out even before I finished reading it.
Genniee #6
Chapter 4: winter be really the definition of someone so down bad for a hot bossy woman despite the evident killing advances 😂😂
yuwangis #7
Chapter 5: my heart is soft to melt🥺
Chapter 5: (⁠。⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠。⁠)
Chapter 4: If my victim is like winter I'll give up too lol
Psykotato 29 streak #10
Chapter 5: This is cute asf