Chapter 13

When Thirteen Become One

Seungcheol awoke to the sound of a door coming open. He wasn’t on the same lab table, but he was in a prison cell type room with only one light bulb to light the room. He had a headache and groaned as a bright light hit his face. 


The leader opened his eyes and as he looked up he gasped, tears instantly came to his eyes when he saw three familiar people being brought into the room. 


Seungkwan, Hansol, and Jeonghan were all being dragged in. Seungcheol looked over all of them. They were filthy, dust and dirt covering them from head to toe. Seungkwan had a device covering his mouth, and Hansol had his hands in something that looked like an advanced version of handcuffs in front of him. They all looked tired, but Jeonghan even more so.


When the three saw Seungcheol they froze. The guards practically threw them into the cell when they stopped walking. 


The guards locked them in and then they were all left by themselves in the dark cell. 


Seungcheol got up and tried to limp over to the other three as his leg was still hurt from the bullet wound. The three members quickly met Seungcheol to keep him from walking too much on his visibly hurt leg. “Guys! I’m so sorry. Did they hurt you? Hansol the last time I saw you you were shot, it looks like Mingyu healed you. Where’s Mingyu? Where are the rest?” The leader was on the verge of panicking.


“‘Cheol,” Jeonghan quickly quieted the other. “The others are okay, they’re not here.” Jeonghan hugged Seungcheol. The leader not even caring about how dirty he was. “We were trying to get you back. Us three and Mingyu had stayed behind at our hideout while the others went back to the warehouse where Jihoon had been kept. They attacked us and they left Mingyu by himself.”


The realization that Mingyu had been left with no one else and no hideout to stay in hit Jeonghan. Tears came to his eyes, but he continued. “When we got here that device was placed over Seungkwan’s mouth to keep him from screaming. They placed Hansol’s hands inside the cuffs to keep him from using his telekinesis.”


Seungcheol didn’t know what to say after Jeonghan had explained everything. He felt even worse about allowing himself to get captured.


“We should be asking if you’re okay though.” Hansol pointed to the wound that was visible underneath the ripped pants leg that he was wearing. “You were shot in the leg and you didn’t have Mingyu to heal you. Did they at least clean it before bandaging it?”


Seungcheol nodded. “Yeah they got the bullet out and cleaned it. I guess they really don’t want us dead. They just want to force us into submission for them to get their tests done.” The leader then turned to Seungkwan he could feel the younger’s nerves. “Are you okay Seungkwan? I know you can’t talk, but is the machine hurting you?”


Seungkwan shook his head as he avoided eye contact. The others knew he felt scared by the whole thing. He was probably worrying over everyone inside the room and the others outside so much more than he was worrying about not being able to talk. Seungcheol limped to the younger who was quick to catch him as he almost fell. As soon as Seungcheol began to hug Seungkwan the younger began to cry. The huge mix of emotions that were running through Seungkwan were quite obvious to the empath. The two slid onto the ground as they didn’t see need to keep standing.


“It’s okay ‘Kwanie.” Seungcheol whispered, pulling Seungkwan into his lap. “It’s all okay. I’m sure the others are working on getting us out. They’ll think of something and we’ll all make it out of this.” Seungcheol could only hope that what he was saying was true.




Mingyu watched as the trucks drove away. Fear, guilt, and uselessness grabbing his mind. What was he going to tell the others? Their hideout was now destroyed and now four members had been taken. Why hadn’t he done more? Mingyu had even been unconscious when the decision for grouping had been made. Why was he so weak?


Mingyu slid down one of the walls of the hideout that was still standing. He was going through a list of options in his head about what he could do to make the situation better. However, he just kept coming back to the one thought that He should have done more. He refused to let his thoughts get in the way though. His first idea was to wait there until the others returned, but that would be pointless. The others would walk all the way here just to have to go somewhere else. He then decided to walk to the train station a few blocks away and wait there. He wasn’t even sure if the others had taken the train, but he figured if he were to wait outside then hopefully he would run into them. He had to find a way to cover his face though. He couldn’t walk into such a crowded place without coverage, he could be recognized and that would make matters so much worse, especially considering he was covered head to toe in dirt, and his clothes had been ripped in a few places when the ceiling had been collapsing. His facial hair had also grown out a little bit as he hadn’t had the chance to shave since the day of the awards show. Well, maybe the fans wouldn’t recognize him. 


As Mingyu began to walk towards the train station he looked at his torso. He was suddenly very thankful he seemed to have an inability to get hurt since the shock. He would’ve been covered in bruises and cuts. 


His thoughts wandered back to the other three. They surely had to have gotten hurt from the falling debris. He hadn’t had time to check on them, but of course he had been making contact with all three of them to get through the gas, so it’s possible he had healed them all. He hoped he had, he didn’t want them to be sitting in some type of cell not being treated properly for injuries. Mingyu was so caught up in his thoughts, he got scared when he felt someone touch his shoulder.


Mingyu jumped and got prepared to fight whoever had touched him, but he was shocked to see Jihoon looking up at him with concern. 


“Mingyu? I’m sorry I scared you. We called out to you several times, but you seemed so caught up in your thoughts. Why are you out here?” Jihoon had expected a vast array of answers from the tall man, but the younger bursting out into tears was not one of the answers.


Jihoon tried to comfort his dongsaeng as Mingyu basically collapsed in his arms. The singer glanced over to the rest of the group who was standing to the side. They were all shocked at seeing this side of Mingyu.


They came over to try and help Jihoon and Mingyu as the tall rapper was currently about to put all of his weight onto Jihoon’s small form.


“Mingyu,” Soonyoung asked, “What’s wrong?” He was pretending not to see the dirt that covered Mingyu. He was hoping that all of this was a misunderstanding. “Why aren’t you with the others back at the hideout?”


It took a moment for Mingyu to calm down enough to speak. He explained everything that happened, having to stop several times during the recall to compose himself. Everyone’s heart hurt at the news that the other three had been captured.


“I was going to go to the train station to wait for you guys since I didn’t want you to walk all the way to the building for nothing. Also I’m slowly finding I seem to have an inability to get hurt, which is useful in my case.”


The others took in that information as well as they glanced at Mingyu’s ripped clothes and didn’t see any injuries. 


“Well, let’s focus on that good news for now.” Soonyoung ran his hand through the taller’s hair in an attempt to comfort him.


“Where do we go now?” Jisoo stressed the current situation. “We can’t just stay here.”


“How did they know where we were though?” Myungho asked. “Can we even find a way to escape them? What if there’s someone watching us now?”


The group glanced around debating what they should do. They had to think of something. For now, to get off the main roads, they went into an alleyway and ducked underneath where two fire escapes met and came down. They thought over some of their options, coming back to the fact that they really needed to save the others and get this whole mess over with.


“Okay,” Soonyoung spoke up. “We did find out a few things through our visit to the warehouse. To catch up everyone who wasn’t inside, apparently the lady who kidnapped us is a scientist who goes by the name Lady Hana. We need to find a secure place to do research and see if we can find her in any of Seoul’s laboratory databases. Wonwoo, are you able to sense anything about her?”


The omnilegent was quiet for a moment seeming to stare off into space for several moments before responding. “There are a few documents written for a Lee Hana under Korean Labs located here in Seoul. Apparently the name she requested on her ID for the company was Lady Hana. The only thing is the documents say that she is working on something super confidential in a secret location, which doesn’t really help us. However, the documents also give the name of her top bodyguard Park Hyungbin, it also gives his home address.”


“So…” Jun smirked, “we’re paying this guy a visit?”


“That’s about all we can do at this point.” Jihoon sighed, he was sat on the ground, Mingyu’s head was leaned against his shoulder and the older was running his hand through the rappers hair. “But I refuse to split up again. We could’ve lost Mingyu too, we’re lucky the men didn’t take him.”


“I’m with Jihoon-hyung.” Chan spoke up, “It seems like we’re stronger together anyway. At this point splitting up could hurt us more than if we’re just caught together.”


Everyone agreed and it was decided that they would all be paying a visit to this Park Hyungbin’s home.


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Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something nice to read and I gotta say that they plot seems kinda intriguing. But before I started reading this story, I just wanted to know that it's alright with you if I read one chapter at a time and leave a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^