Chapter 03

You, Jimin.
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Chapter 03:


It was her second lecture for the day and Winter has tried her best to focus on what her professors were discussing. However, she always found herself drifting from last night's event. she can feel her head throb whenever she remembers that moment, the moment in which she couldn't understand how she was able to let her demons win by giving into what Karina wanted to happen.


She frowned, although it was true that she's had a long time crush on the girl, it was still against her principles to kiss a drunk person.


'Especially if it was also my first kiss with a girl' she groaned internally. It's not like she doesn't like it, heck, she would honestly do it if they were both sober, she just didn't like the circumstances in which it happened.


Before she knows it, her block-mates were already closing their books and packing their bags. She didn't even noticed when did her professor leave but she was glad that she didn't get in trouble for day dreaming in the middle of her lectures.


Winter also closed her book and started to pack her stuff when she felt a vibration in her pocket. She carefully fished out her phone and found a text message from an unknown number. She raised a brow out of curiosity and opened the message:


Unknown: Hi, it's me, Karina. I asked Aeri for your number. I hope you don't mind. :) I just wanted to say I'm sorry about last night.


She read, her expression falling to a frown. 'Is she regretting it now?' She thought to herself, immediately thinking that Karina was apologizing for the kiss. So she continued reading the message:


Unknown: I normally don't get drunk, but I'm not sure what was in the blue drinks we had last night that took away my sobriety, so I'm sorry you had to take care of me. This is the first time it happened, I swear.


'So she's not apologizing about the kiss?' She pondered.


Unknown: anyway, yeah sorry and thank you for taking care of me. :)


Winter frowned, "Should I bring it up?" She asked no one. "Does she even remember?" She started talking to herself. Her curiosity was starting to get the better of her so she started typing a reply, not forgetting to save Karina's number in the process.


Winter: Hey, nice to know you're alive.


She joked. Hoping it was a good way to continue the conversation.


Winter: Does your head hurt? Are you feeling better?


She asked, sincerely concerned about the girl's well being considering how awful it is to wake up with a hangover.


It didn't take long before she received a response:


Karina: Hiiiii, yes I'm alive and kicking. :) I'm really sorry about last night. :(


Winter pondered for a moment.


Winter: do you remember everything that's happened? Or.. are you the type to have black outs when drunk?


She carefully asked.


Karina: I remember all of it Minjeong. And no, I don't regret what I did if that's what you want to know.


Winter felt chills when she read how Karina called her by her actual name and it didn't get any better when the girl admitted that what happened last night was in Karina's full consent. This however still doesn't diminish the fact that she doesn't know what to say next, if she's being honest, this was the first time she would actually be involved in such confrontations.


It must've felt so long for Karina to wait for a response and not get any so she sent her another message.


Karina: do you regret it?


And just like that, Winter's finger flew back to her keypad.


Winter: No.


She answered in all honesty, because she really doesn't regret it, especially now that she learned that Karina was aware of what she initiated last night and has admitted that she doesn't regret it too. It sparked something in Winter that made her a little bolder.


Winter: You seem to have a lot of experience though.


Karina: Experience?


Winter: Kissing.


Karina: Are you saying that I'm a good kisser? ;)


Winter could tell that if Karina was standing in front of her right now, she'd be boasting a smirk at her.


Winter: I'm saying you have a lot of experience.


Karina: Same thing!

Karina: You're not so bad yourself ;)


Winter: Really? Because you're the first girl I kissed.


Karina: ! For real?


Winter: Yes, do I look like a womanizer to you?


Karina: No, I just.. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin your first girl kiss..


Winter chuckled, 'you mean made it better?' She thought. She was not gonna say that to Karina as she knows it would just add a boost to her already growing ego.


Winter: It's okay. My first guy kiss was an accident. Had that not happened, you would've been my first. Haha


She confessed, trying to lighten up the mood.


Karina: My first kiss was accidental too, but you can tell people that I'm your first then. ;)


Winter: now you want to be my first kiss?


Karina: only if you want me too.


"Stupid Yoo Jimin" Winter hissed, Karina is flirting with her again.


Winter: Aren't you late for class?


She changed the topic.


Karina: Nope, I only have afternoon to evening sched today. Are you at school?


Winter: Yes, currently walking to my 3rd lecture.


Karina: Oh okay, I'll leave you alone now. Thank you again MJ. See you soon. xoxo


Winter: See you around, Jimin.



Aeri carefully placed her bag on the table as she sat next to Ningning, they're currently at the uni's lounge area wherein Winter was tutoring Ryujin about a science homework.


"Are you going to Yunjin's party?" Ningning interrupted the quiet atmosphere.


"When is this again?" Ryujin looked up from the her notes.


"This Friday. Zuha's lending their rest house. They invited a lot of people apparently." Aeri was the one to answer.


"I'll have to ask Yeji first, if she's coming then I'll go. If not I'll have to pass." Ryujin proudly grins.


Winter rolled her eyes, "Such a good friend you are."


"You're coming right? It's Yunjin's birthday." Ningning asked, her question directed at the girl sitting next to Ryuijn.


Wintered pondered for a moment, "I'm not sure, I might just hand her a gift when I see her. I'm not really fond of big crowds." She frowned.


"But we'll be there! You won't have to mingle with people you don't know. It'll be just us in one table." Ningning assured but Winter rolled her eyes.


"Yeah right, as if you'll stay put in a sea of people you and Aeri knows." She glared at her two friends. "Then this girl will most likely be stuck around Yeji." She pointed at Ryujin.


"No, I promise, I'll stay next to you!" Ningning tried to convince her. "Right Aeri?" She nudged the girl next to her who nodded instantly.


"Right, we won't leave you alone."


Winter scoffed, knowing damn well that she won't be able to say 'No' to her friends. She just hopes that they really wouldn't leave her alone like they're promising.



Winter sighed, slumping down on her seat. All the promises Ningning and Aeri told her were lies because right now she was sitting alone near the pool on one of the two curved outdoor rattan sofa that were facing each other with a round table in between that bears their drinks


As soon as they stepped in the house, they were welcomed by Zuha and the birthday girl Yunjin. Winter manager to give her friend a hug and passed her the gift. The entrance was a bit empty as it was just the receiving area of the house but once they passed the hallway, they were welcome by loud booming music and a crowd of people who were already having the time of their lives.


Winter managed to drop her 'Hi and Hellos' along the way to the few people she knows. She managed to bump into Chaewon who was dancing with Eunchae in the living room, then Lia with Yuna and Chaeryong in the kitchen counter while she was getting her drinks.


After that, she headed to the table Aeri got them near the pool and now here she is all alone, because apparently, the two persons she's with found out that a common friend of theirs who came from the US is back in town and they were both excited to see her.


"I shouldn't have come" she mumbled to herself. She picked up her drink and chugged it. She then fished out her phone to text the only person she hoped could accompany her and unfortunately all hopes went down the drain when she received a response to the message she just sent.


Ryujin: Sorry

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Chapter 3: still waiting for chapter 4...
Hiccups_ #2
Chapter 2: I'm a little bit scared for Winter...
Chapter 3: Thanks for the update☺
Chapter 3: waiting for this chapter so long. Finally, I can have a good night~~
Thank you, author-nim.
Chapter 2: Yes you are so dead... 😶
That was bold of Minjeong to say that to Karina, I just hope she'll think about it.
It's cute how everyone is protective of Minjeong, knowing Karina. It's like has a protection squad... 😁
I'm excited on how this story will go...
Fluff? Angst? Both? 🤔
Chapter 1: That part where ILYSB was playing and it seems like they are the only ones there, just looking at each other and dancing, I can imagine it clearly. Love the description!
I think you have a good start in this chapter, like a little glimpse of the characters' personalities.
Same with you, I enjoying Jiminjeong/Winrina Fics!
whykidleader_ #7
Chapter 2: This is going to be so good. I like your storytelling style, simple but yet entertaining to readers to get engaged on the story buildups. Really looking forward to your next updates. I wish I can write like this too 🥺
Chapter 2: I loved this story😍 I can't wait for more chapters❤❤❤❤❤
Chapter 2: oouf all the best winter, let's hope you'll still be able to stay afloat once karina starts dragging u down with her 😬
uvoppuvoij #10
Chapter 2: the second chapter is really good, i love the buildup and how we can already see how things can really start to fall apart, poor minjeong's gonna have a tough time from here on out isn't she?