
“If it’s you then it’s worth it.”

Jimin swore that the mere mention of the younger girl no longer had an effect on her. While it had worked the first few times, she couldn’t deny the empty feeling in her heart when she realized that she couldn’t talk to Minjeong just like how she used to. Jimin hated it. The feeling of lying in bed, her gaze fixed on the ceiling as she was unable to think of anything else except for Kim Minjeong. “I’ve moved on already.” The words felt empty. Jimin's attempts at convincing herself of her emotional detachment from Minjeong grew increasingly hollow with each passing day. She told herself she had moved on, but the truth was, she couldn't escape the haunting memories of their time together.


The mere mention of Minjeong’s name was enough to send Jimin down the abyss as all she could ever think about was the puppy-like features of the younger girl. How her eyes sparkled when they walked hand in hand while looking at guitars. With how tightly Minjeong was holding her hand, Jimin could only capture the moment with her eyes. Even if she could take a photo, her camera could never show just how beautiful Minjeong was. Remembering those memories felt like a stab in the heart, but instead of the weapon being pulled out immediately, Jimin was left there with the weapon still in her heart, leaving her to bleed out slowly.


It became a relentless cycle of longing and despair. She couldn't escape the memories as they haunted her in every waking moment. The mere mention of Minjeong's name was like a cruel trigger, sending her spiraling down a dark abyss of grief. She found herself revisiting the old places they used to go together. The places that they once both shared as their haven. Each visit was a painful reminder of the happiness she had once known and the happiness that now seemed forever out of reach. The coffee shop where they used to share laughter, the park where they had picnics, and the music store where they'd strum guitars together had all become monuments to a love lost. It pained Jimin to know that even the staff at the places they’d been to continued to ask how Minjeong was doing. Jimin herself didn’t know how Minjeong was doing. Could she even ask it herself? Of course, she couldn’t.


Jimin would often clutch her phone, fingers trembling as she fought the urge to send a message. But she knew better. Minjeong had moved on, and reaching out would only lead to more heartache. Jimin was trapped in a one-sided love, a love that was slowly draining the life out of her. In the end, her thumb would scroll up as she read through their old messages.


my minjeong






hehehe i wanted to ask when will you be available? (ㅅ´ ˘ `)


do you want to go somewhere again baby?


yes!! theres this new cat cafe that opened and i know how much you love cats so i figured we could go there ৻(  •̀ ᗜ •́  ৻)


hahaha thats such a cute idea minjeongie

im available tomorrow, what about you?


im always available for you my jiminie


youre such a sweet talker baby


im nottttt (⇀‸↼‶)




hmph (♯`∧´)


Jimin chuckled at how they used to talk, her smile soon fading as her lips quivered. Soon after her vision started to blur as she felt warm and salty tears on her cheeks. She sniffled as she wiped her tears with her thumb. Why did she think it was a good idea to go through their old conversation? Jimin's heartache was amplified by those cherished memories she revisited time and time again. The messages between her and Minjeong became bittersweet memories of a love that once blossomed but had now withered away. Each emoji, each playful nickname, and each sweet exchange felt like a dagger to her soul. She couldn't help but read their words with a heavy heart, reminiscing about the times when Minjeong's affection was still hers to hold. She longed for the days when they made plans together, when their love felt like the most natural thing in the world.


“Do you think if there was another universe, would you and I still be together?” Minjeong asked as she took a quick bite of Jimin’s sandwich. It was one of their traditions to go on a picnic date every weekend. “Where did that question come from, baby?” Jimin asked as she wiped the corners of Minjeong’s lips that had sauce from her sandwich. Minjeong shrugged. “I don’t know either, but aren’t you curious if the Jimin from another universe and the Minjeong from that universe end up together just like us two?” Her eyes sparkled at her own thought, Jimin melted at the sight. “I’m pretty sure they are together,” she whispered, intertwining their hands. “Just like us two.” She smiled before leaning close to Minjeong’s face. “Really?” Minjeong noticed how close Jimin had gotten, but she didn't move away. Instead, she glanced down at Jimin’s lips. “Really.” Jimin nodded her head before closing the gap between them.


The kiss was slow and tender, just like the sun that was setting. Jimin’s hold on Minjeong’s hand tightened as she pulled her girlfriend closer. Pulling away, she rests her forehead against Minjeong’s forehead. “I love you, Kim Minjeong.” Everything about the situation felt like a dream that she wished to forever stay in. “I love you too, Yu Jimin.” Minjeong was perfect. The date was perfect. Everything was perfect. There was nothing more Jimin could ask for.


As the tears fell onto her phone screen, smudging the text messages, Jimin whispered to herself, “I wish I could go back.” But she knew that time only moved in one direction, carrying her further away from the happiness she had once known.


The world outside her window continued to turn, seasons changed, and life moved forward, but for Jimin, time stood still. She was trapped in a relentless loop of memories and longing, unable to escape the prison of her own heart. The words, “I've moved on already,” had become a cruel joke, a bitter lie she told herself to keep the pain at bay; it was a lie that had long lost its power to soothe her wounded heart.


“Jimin, do you really love me?” Minjeong’s voice broke as she stood in front of the older girl. Taken aback by Minjeong’s sudden question she hesitantly walked towards her girlfriend whose tears were already leaving her beautiful features. Jimin knew that now wasn’t the time to admire her girlfriend but even in the midst of hurting, Minjeong still looked beautiful to Jimin. “I love you, Minjeong-ah. More than you imagine.” When she was finally in front of Minjeong, she carefully grabbed both Minjeong’s hands. Pecking each hand before rubbing them with her thumbs. “Your thoughts may betray you and convince you that I don’t hold such feelings for you but know that my heart right here,” grabbing Minjeong’s right hand she places it directly as to where Minjeong could feel Jimin’s heart beat. “Will always be an indicator of how much I love you. Minjeong-ah, is my heart beating fast right now?”


Nodding her head slowly, Jimin smiled. “That’s how much of an effect you have on me, my love.” She admits as she pulls Minjeong in her arms, hugging her tightly. “If you ever find yourself doubting my feelings for you, come to me and I won’t hesitate to prove them to you.” Jimin whispered. “I’m sorry.” Minjeong apologized and Jimin clicked her tongue. “You shouldn’t be apologizing for feeling this way, Minjeongie. What you feel is valid and I’m willing to remind you that what I feel for you will always and forever remain true.”


Closing her eyes, she clutched her phone to her chest, holding onto it as if it were a lifeline connecting her to the past. The phone buzzed with notifications from friends, invitations to social gatherings, but she couldn't bring herself to respond. The world outside had become a distant blur, overshadowed by the vivid recollections of her time with Minjeong. And so, Jimin lay there, alone in the darkness, tears soaking her pillow, with the knowledge that she had become a prisoner of her own emotions. The weapon of love remained embedded in her heart, and she continued to bleed, not just from the wound but from the memories that refused to fade. The past had become her inescapable torment, and she couldn't help but wonder if the pain would ever let her go.


As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Jimin's once-vibrant spirit faded. She withdrew from her friends and family, unable to explain the depths of her pain. Sleepless nights became her norm, and her once-healthy appetite had withered away. Her reflection in the mirror showed a ghostly figure, a hollow shell of the person she used to be.


The weapon of heartache remained lodged deep within her. It wasn't a swift, merciful blow but a slow, torturous agony that gnawed at her soul. She felt like a prisoner in her own emotions, unable to escape the relentless torment of her unrequited love.


Jimin continued to exist, not truly living but merely surviving. The world moved on around her, but she remained trapped in the shadows of the past, unable to let go of a love that had become her own personal hell. The words, “I've moved on already.” Had become a cruel joke, a bitter lie she told herself to keep the pain at bay, it was a lie that had long lost its power to soothe her wounded heart.


Late at night, when the world fell silent and the darkness swallowed her room, Jimin's thoughts once again betrayed her. The soft, warm laughter they had shared echoed in her mind, a cruel reminder of the happiness she had once known. It was like a phantom pain, an ache in her chest that wouldn't subside.


Jimin's friends could see through her facade, the mask of indifference she wore. They saw the tears hidden behind her smile, the sadness lurking in her eyes. They urged her to move on, to find someone new, but Jimin couldn't imagine anyone taking Minjeong's place in her heart. It had been a love so deep and genuine that even the thought of replacing it felt like a betrayal.


Unable to escape the memories that bound her to Minjeong, she couldn't escape the way her heart still fluttered at the sight of Minjeong's name on her phone, only to plummet when she remembered they were no longer talking.


Staring outside her window, she took notice of how the moon was hidden by the cloudy sky; she knew that it was soon going to rain. As soon as she saw raindrops tap gently on her window, Jimin finally admitted the truth to herself. She wasn't over Minjeong; she was simply pretending to be. The pain of their separation had etched itself into the very core of her being, and she realized that she might never truly heal.


And so, Jimin lay in her darkened room, tears mixing with the rain outside. She whispered into the void, “I miss you, Minjeong,” knowing that the emptiness in her heart would be a constant companion, a reminder of a love lost and a wound that would never completely heal.


“Let’s end things, Jimin.” If the rain wasn’t enough to make Jimin feel cold, Minjeong’s words truly did the work. “W-what?” Gone was her tendency to be careful around Minjeong as she speed walked towards the younger girl. “What makes you say that, my love?” She asked, Minjeong kept her eyes trained on the ground, avoiding Jimin’s concerned gaze. “You deserve better.” Minjeong whispered; if Jimin stood farther, Minjeong’s words would have easily been muffled by the rain, but with how close they were, her words were clear to Jimin. “Why do you think so?” Jimin's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to comprehend the weight of Minjeong's words. The raindrops continued to fall, creating a soft, rhythmic backdrop to the emotional turmoil unfolding before them. She reached out, gently lifting Minjeong's chin to make their gazes meet.


Their eyes locked, and Jimin could see the turmoil in Minjeong's expression. Her voice was barely more than a whisper as she explained, “Jimin, you're incredible. You're kind, thoughtful, and you've given me more love than I ever thought I deserved. But I can't keep holding you back.”


Tears welled up in Jimin's eyes as she processed the gravity of what Minjeong was saying. She loved Minjeong deeply, and the thought of ending their relationship was agonizing. But she knew that love wasn't always enough to sustain a healthy partnership. “Minjeong, if there's something we need to work on, we can do it together.” She pleaded, holding Minjeong’s hands. “We can grow and change as a couple.” 


Minjeong's gaze remained downcast, her voice trembling with emotion. “It's not about you, Jimin.” She explains. “It's about me. I know that it’s a excuse but I need to figure out who I am, what I want, without relying on someone else, without relying on you. I've lost myself in this relationship, and it's not fair to you.”


Jimin felt a lump in , and her grip on Minjeong's hands loosened. She took a step back, giving Minjeong some space to breathe. “I understand what you're saying, but it hurts so much to think about life without you. Is there no other way we can work through this?”


Minjeong took a deep breath, finally lifting her gaze to meet Jimin's. Her eyes were filled with a mixture of sadness and determination. “Jimin, I don't want to see you hurt. I don't want to hurt you anymore. Maybe one day, when I've figured myself out, we can find our way back to each other. But for now, we both need some time apart.”


Jimin nodded slowly, tears streaming down her cheeks. She knew that Minjeong's decision came from a place of love, even if it felt like a dagger to her heart. “I'll give you the space you need, Minjeong. But please remember that I'll always love you, no matter what.”


They stood there in the rain, both drenched and emotionally drained, but with an unspoken understanding between them. The decision to end their relationship was painful, but perhaps it was the necessary step for both of them to find their own paths and, just maybe, reunite stronger in the future.


It never happened, but it didn’t mean Jimin stopped waiting. She waited and waited until the time was right again.


However, Jimin knew her limitations.


She was bound to burn herself too much to a point where it would leave nasty scars, but it never fazed her. If this was the price for loving Minjeong, then so be it. If it was for Minjeong, then it’s worth it.


But then one day, fate intervened, as Jimin entered a local cafe. In the midst of the bustling place, her eyes happened to lock instantly with none other than Minjeong’s. It was a chance encounter, but it felt like destiny had brought them together. Their eyes met, and for a moment, time stood still. The emotions they had buried deep within their hearts resurfaced, and the air was thick with unspoken words.


Minjeong was the first to break the silence, her voice trembling with uncertainty. “Jimin, I... I've missed you.” Her eyes glistened with unshed tears, mirroring the longing in Jimin's heart.


Jimin smiled softly, her own eyes welling up with emotion. “I've missed you too, Minjeong.” Jimin admitted. She didn’t have the heart to act coldly towards the younger girl as she understood what led to their first break up months ago. Jimin took notice that Minjeong had shorter hair that had blonde highlights. 

As always, Minjeong was breathtaking.


“You finally dyed parts of your hair,” Jimin commented. Minjeong blushed as she unconsciously played with her hair. “Don’t worry, it suits you. Anything suits you.” Jimin could already sense Minjeong’s doubts so she had to quickly reassure the younger girl. Some things just never seemed to change. “I thought of you when I dyed my hair,” Minjeong admitted. “You told me before how you wanted to dye your hair and how we both made a promise to get our hair dyed together. I’m sorry if I broke that promise.” Minjeong felt guilty that Jimin couldn’t help but chuckle. “There you go again, apologizing for something that shouldn’t have been a big deal. I really do mean it when I tell you that you look absolutely beautiful with your new look.”


Minjeong's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink, and she couldn't help but smile at Jimin's words. It felt like no time had passed at all, as if they were back to the days when they could simply be themselves around each other without fear or reservation.


“I've missed this.” Minjeong admitted, her voice filled with sincerity. “Our easy conversations, the way we can just be ourselves around each other.”


Jimin nodded in agreement, her heart swelling with a mixture of joy and nostalgia. “Me too, Minjeong. Me too.”


They spent the next few hours catching up, sipping on coffee, and sharing stories of the time they had spent apart. It was as if they were rekindling an old flame, their connection reawakening with every shared laugh and meaningful glance.


As the day turned into evening, and the cafe began to empty out, Jimin couldn't help but feel a sense of hope stirring within her. Maybe this was the second chance, the opportunity to rebuild what they had once lost.


Before they parted ways, Minjeong hesitated for a moment, her fingers tracing patterns on the tabletop. “Jimin,” she began, her voice a mixture of hope and uncertainty, “do you think we could try again? I mean, us. Our relationship.” Jimin looked into Minjeong's eyes, seeing the vulnerability and sincerity in her gaze. She took a deep breath, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and excitement. “Minjeong, I never stopped loving you.” she confessed, her voice soft but resolute. 


“If you're willing to try again, then so am I. But this time, let's take it slow, learn from our past, and build something even stronger.”


A radiant smile spread across Minjeong's face, and she nodded eagerly. “I'd like that, Jimin. I'd really like that.”


They left the cafe hand in hand, the promise of a new beginning hanging in the air. The rain had stopped, and the world seemed to glisten with fresh possibilities. As they walked down the street together, Jimin couldn't help but feel that maybe, just maybe, fate had indeed brought them back together for a reason.

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