Missing a puzzle (I swear it's you)

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A/N: I'm so sorry for being mia but things happened irl and i got super busy... I'm back and hopefully you haven't forgotten my little story! I hope everyone is doing well :)

Song is Jasmine from DPR LIVE


Winter always had this way about her, like an unbreakable wall—stoic, unyielding, impossible to breach but lately her emotional armor has taken a hit.

Letting herself feel so deeply after such a long time was both paralyzing and intoxicating. faces with Karina at the back of the bar definitely brought back some very familiar feelings and she knew there was no way she'd be able to hold them back this time.

Falling for the actress was always like slipping into a habit she didn’t realize she was forming until it was too late. Their connection had a way of falling into place so easily, so naturally, but Winter once vowed to herself that she’d stop before she got in too deep.

Yet here she was again, caught in the same pattern she’d sworn to break countless times before.

Karina, after all, was a mix of everything that could throw her off balance, the kind of person who could be as charming as she was mercurial.

Now she sat on the bed, caught between the pale moonlight streaming through the window and the warm, yellow glow of the bedside lamp. The soft rustle of leaves outside mixed with the cool breeze slipping through the cracked window sent a small shiver up her spine.

Her mind buzzed with thoughts she didn't want to entertain, but couldn’t quite shake. Was this really happening again? How many more times would Karina reel her in, only to let her down?

She couldn't say for sure if this time would be any different, but having been in this spot more times than she cared to admit, her mind instinctively veered towards doubt. She was almost certain—90% sure, really—that this would lead to yet another disappointment. But Karina had a way of being her own special kind of weakness—her green kryptonite. And if she’s being honest? She knew she’d cave. Again.

Winter’s fingers absentmindedly traced the hard surface of the cast on her injured leg, feeling every bump and curve. The dull ache made her wince slightly but she couldn’t tear her eyes away from Karina. The sight of her moving about the room, bathed in that soft light held her captive, making the pain feel almost insignificant.

The actress was packing her things into a large, open suitcase on the floor. The soft rustle of fabric and the quiet clink of zippers mostly filled the silence.

They somehow managed to slip out of Somi's party undetected and whether anyone saw them together was anyone's guess. Taemin, the ultimate wingman and chauffeur extraordinaire drove them back to the apartment—or more accurately Ning and Aeri’s apartment, which also became her place and once upon a time, Karina's.

She wasn’t ready for this to become just another reminder of an ex-situationship—not yet, anyway.

There was so much left unsaid, starting with that unexpected L word Karina so casually dropped in a drunken text, followed by a string of sweet messages, and that shocking blue heart emoji—a first. Then there was the kiss to talk about, and maybe they needed to dissect the past few years too because they hadn’t done nearly enough of that. And there were these lingering feelings that twisted like a knot in Winter’s chest that wasn’t going away anytime soon.

A gust of wind stirred the curtains, sending a shiver through the room. Winter wrapped her arms around herself, bracing against the sudden chill. "Maybe you should stop packing," she blurted out, her voice cracking slightly.

Karina looked up, "What’s that?"

"Girls? You done?" Taemin's voice called out from outside. They both whipped their heads toward the door where the voice came from, then exchanged a knowing glance.

Just before they arrived, a series of events played out.

After meeting in the back restroom of Lingo (where they kind of talked but mostly made out) Karina snuck out through the alley, past some drunks too far gone to notice anything.

Taemin trailed behind discreetly, wondering where she was sneaking off to (eyes narrowing with suspicion especially since he saw Winter head in the same direction.)

“We kissed. Again,” she confessed. She knew she couldn’t keep this to herself anymore and frankly, she was tired of lying to him—the one person who always stuck around no matter what.

He wasn’t against them, not at all, but the timing was off. Karina was at the peak of her career, finally shedding the "nepo baby" title and winning South Korea over, while Winter was drowning in controversy back there. The last thing either of them needed was more drama.

It wasn’t like he’d suddenly become some big shot. No, he’d been there from the beginning, always in Karina’s corner back when everyone else saw her as just another "entitled progeny." He understood how this industry worked—how everything hinged on perfect timing, even when it came to bad publicity. The biggest concern was that if the Yus or Kims found out about their little romance, it could stir up a serious mess. Karina might even end up confined to her hotel for the rest of the filming days, which he definitely didn’t want to deal with while trying to enjoy this amazing island.

And if he was being honest, he always had a soft spot for these two.

"Jesus," he rubbed his temples in frustration. Once again he was stuck playing the responsible adult, the one everyone turned to when things went sideways. He had more than enough of their knotty relationship drama—this mess has been dragging on since college. If it were up to him he’d just tell them to ride off into the sunset and be done with it. But reality had bills to pay, and with Mrs. Yu calling the shots he was the only one with any sense around here. Those two should be grateful he was even cleaning up after them.

Karina crossed the room in a few quick strides, then sank to her knees in front of her. "You should take your meds and get some rest.” she said with that unmistakable undertone of concern that always made Winter’s chest tighten just a little.

“Jisoo’s gonna look for me and mom’s calling me first thing tomorrow so I can’t stay but I promise I’ll be here for breakfast. We’re filming at three in the morning later and a little break at like six am—”

“You don’t need to run down your whole schedule for me,” Winter cut in.

Karina pushed herself up from the floor, sitting beside her; close but not quite touching. "I'll be here tomorrow morning. Just so you know."

“Please come home,” Winter said softly. She’s not the type to beg or be the one to make the first move—she’s more of a ‘wait and see’ kind of person but tonight? She’s breaking all her own rules and making a play for it.

Not that Karina’s been subtle either—she’s been dialing up the affection too. Maybe the stars are finally aligning, Winter mused. Maybe this is their moment to get it right.

Karina nodded, holding Winter’s gaze as their hands found each other, “I’ll do my best. Sorry our hotel jailbreak didn’t go as planned.”

But even as they sat there almost intimately close, she could feel that creeping doubt. Her mind was stuck on repeat, cycling through Karina’s familiar promises—“I’ll give it a shot,” “I’ll try to be there,” and “I’ll work around my crazy schedule.” It felt like déjà vu, as if they were trapped in the same old loop where things seemed great until Karina disappeared again, leaving her to wonder if it was just commitment issues or something else entirely.

Winter swallowed hard, struggling to keep her voice steady. “Forget packing. You’re coming back anyway.” She tightened their intertwined fingers.

Karina nodded, returning the squeeze with a soft, “You’re right… you’re right.”

Things were unpredictable back then, sure, but when Karina was on, she was really on—like nothing else mattered. Winter could shove aside all the times she didn’t show up. That was the real problem. One sweet smile from Karina, and Winter was right back at it, trailing after her like a puppy in love.

Winter's gaze remained fixed on her, unwavering and intense, eyes traced every detail of that beautiful face—the curve of her lips, the tiny mole just below her lower lip, the way her hair framed her face perfectly, and the subtle rise and fall of her chest with each breath. She never thought they’d be this close again. Every glance was a study in longing, “We should talk.”

A faint knock on the door and Taemin’s muffled voice shattered the moment. “Jisoo’s looking for you and your mom’s been blowing up my phone, by the way. We got to go. Sorry to interrupt, girls. You still have tomorrow.”

Winter’s thoughts were miles away, though. She knew postponing this conversation until tomorrow wasn’t an option. The uncertainty gnawed at her, and her mind spun through a whirlwind of worst-case scenarios.

What if Karina suddenly hit her head and had an epiphany that their relationship (which hadn't even begun) was doomed to fail?

Or what if Karina woke up tomorrow afflicted by a sudden and severe case of ‘Family First-itis’?

Ning coined the term years ago, perfectly capturing Karina’s infamous tendency to let her family's opinions override everything else—including whatever fragile connection they have. Winter could almost see it now—Karina looking sorry, reciting family obligations like a well-rehearsed script.

But words were different this time.

“I know I screwed up, and I probably don’t deserve even a second of your time, but you should know—I’m not over us. Not even a little.” Karina leaned in, her forehead gently touching Winter’s, their noses almost brushing. The soft glow of the bedside lamp wrapped them in a warm, golden light. “You’re the only one who really understands me."

The softness of Karina’s lips so close to her own, coupled with the sincere intensity in those words made Winter’s heart race. “You have to understand… it’s really hard for me to trust you right now. You need to show me that you mean what you say.”

Karina gave a deliberate nod. “I have no idea what’s been happening in your life these past few years, and yeah, I’m sure you’ve heard some rumors but none of those people ever mattered to me. I thought I moved past this but the truth is, it’s still you. It’s always been you.” She reached out, gently taking Winter’s arm pulling her close and planted a deep, lingering kiss on her lips.

Winter immediately softened, her arms sliding around Karina’s shoulders with an instinctive warmth. She could try to be tough with words, but whenever they touched, all her defenses crumbled.

It’s always been you too.

…was what she wanted to say but all that came out was a soft, "Maybe you could stay," as she drew back just enough to catch her breath but Karina's fingers, tangled in her hair, yanked her back with a force that was both gentle and assertive, as if reclaiming something that belonged to her.

"I would if I could." Karina murmured between kisses, her fingers delicately tracing down Winter's face. She ran her fingertips along the smooth curve of her cheekbone, slope of her jaw, and the tender line of her neck. She nearly forgot how comforting and soft that skin felt.

"I love you." Karina added, her voice laced with quiet happiness. “It's taken me a while, but I'm sure of it now.” She smiled softly, her eyes searching for Winter's. "I don’t expect you to say it back, and that’s okay. I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t want to, but I just wanted you to know how I feel."

Winter thought back to when she first started to catch on to her feelings, when everything about Karina suddenly became impossible to ignore. No matter how much she tried to push it down, no amount of denial could stop the inevitable moment from crashing in.

She was about to slip out one night when the skies opened up and a storm rolled in, trapping them at Karina's place for another day. With the actress’s cooking skills being about as advanced as her empty shelves, Winter had no choice but to take over in the kitchen.

She peeked into the fridge with a mix of disbelief and exasperation.

“A bunch of carrots and a packet of tomato sauce that’s about to expire? How do you live like this? And seriously, cut back on the soda, Rina.” Despite the scraps, she managed to whip up something hearty.

Winter wasn’t typically one to take charge though she certainly could if needed—she was smart enough for that. It was unusual for her to feel such a strong urge to take care of someone, to handle things for them. By the end of the day she found herself questioning this new feeling and why she was so content with it.

If she weren’t plagued by doubts, she would have returned that love confession without hesitation.

“You’ll have to earn those three words.” She said firmly.

A few more knocks at the door interrupted them, nearly breaking the moment but they continued to ignore it.

"I will." Karina assured softly. "If being seen together tonight sparks rumors, I’m not losing sleep over it."

“You might want to,” Winter shot back. “South Korea practically rolls out the red carpet for you and they clearly can’t stand me. Plus, you’ve got that TV series coming up and your mom—”

“Ladies, if I have to knock one more time!” Taemin’s voice pierced through their bubble. They exchanged a knowing look and softly laughed.

"I should go before he loses his cool," Karina said, rising from her seat and planting a swift kiss on Winter’s cheek. “I promise we’ll talk tomorrow. And don’t forget to take your meds... you rascal.”

Winter grinned, one eyebrow arching in mock offense. “Rascal? Really?”

“Yes, really,” Karina said, moving toward the door. “The one thing that’s never changed is your stubbornness.”

As the door clicked shut, Winter's breath escaped in a soft sigh, her chest already aching with absence but feeling a flicker of hope.

A smile spread across her face.

This time, maybe things will be different.




The sound of heavy rain startled her from sleep, the cold splash of droplets seeping into the room through a slightly open window. She groaned, struggling to her feet and leaning on her crutch as she hobbled over to shut it.

She noticed where she was—Karina's room. A smile tugged at her lips as her eyes landed on the half-packed suitcase abandoned in the corner.

Taking a warm shower did wonders for her worries, as they always did. There was something almost enchanting about standing under the hot spray that just melted her stress away.

She then spent an unusually long time deciding what to wear, something that never troubled her before. Why was it different now? The rain outside drummed steadily, and with her injury, there was no chance of going out or hiking anytime soon. Yet the thought of Karina's visit stirred up unexpected nerves.

Frustrated, she finally gave up and threw on an underwear and a white bathrobe before flopping onto the bed. Maybe after a bit more time lying there like a lifeless blob, she’d find the motivation to deal with the whole outfit dilemma again.

Grabbing her phone, she dove into her notifications. Ning and Aeri had been bombarding her with snapshots from their getaway to the Uchinaga residences, where they were enjoying traditional Japanese food in the middle of the countryside.

“Wish you were here, ! But hope you’re feeling better 😜😘”

She couldn't help but smile widely at the endless stream of pictures, Ning and Aeri in increasingly ridiculous poses. Just as she was about to scroll past them, a new message from Karina popped up.

rina: morning 🌞

rina: baby i miss u 😞

She had to bite her lip to suppress the widest grin that was about to break out.

winter: slept in ur room 🙂

winter: good morning baby ⛅

She was clearly failing the emoji game—totally forgot the kissy face one but then again maybe that would’ve been too bold, especially after she’d made it clear she wasn’t ready to return those three little words just yet.

Have some dignity, she reminded herself but then she remembered how they were intensely faces last night and figured maybe dignity can take a rain check.

It's tough not to fall for someone like Karina (ridiculously attractive, charming, funny, and incredibly smart) but she's trying to hold off on confessing her feelings until she knows this was something real.

rina: i miss sleeping in my room

rina: but i miss u the most, did i mention that already 💙

Winter's face broke into a goofy grin as she rolled onto the bed, her phone still tightly gripped in her hand. She could hardly believe what was happening—it felt like she was in some ki

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Im so sorry for being mia, a lot has happened in my life but im back 💖


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14 streak #1
Chapter 6: Oh, you mentioned Russia? I live in Russia. I would love to meet and give Karina and Winter a tour.
cleofierayne 130 streak #2
Chapter 11: Myghaddd these twooooo hopefully Karina will make this right now she said the L word. I know she's still hesitant because of the feud between their families and defying her mom but we know how much they're into each other and those years apart, proves that no matter how they said they have moved on, is purely gaslight and denial.

Pleaseee this is the time for them and I can feel it. 🥺😭 I can't wait for them to reveal how much they've longed each other to their families especially their moms.
jushshhh 52 streak #3
Chapter 11: i cant see the pictures 😔
Chapter 10: are you even alive?
Chapter 10: UPDATE WHEN??????
Chapter 10: GIRL
Winrina1st #7
Chapter 9: CAN WE PLEASE COME TOGETHER N MASS REPORT @.karinayudefender???
No_looksies #8
Chapter 10: I love this story so much you have no idea.. I am so glad that Rina and winter are getting closer... Please be more honest with your feelings guys
plutoooooo #9
so goooooood! I love this fic too much🥺🥺🥺🥺