Chapter Twenty-Two

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The arms of their home folded in the comfort of their hearts amidst the chaos.




7:29 am




Another morning of another week of August; second, and the drizzle of heavy rain continued to pour down the Seoul, as the gray clouds were casting a shadow emerged with a light, but the daylight was yet to be in the sight, and the familiar penthouse of theirs had a calm silence beneath the loud pitter-patter in the balcony. 


A soft footfall of the head-woman of the house descending the staircase in her silk nightgown as her curls swung behind her back softly beneath her steps in the kitchen as within a few minutes, her pace forwarded to the balcony with her mug filled with water; the habit she was adapting since last week of having water the first thing in the morning because of her darling husband being her supposed nutritionist. 


“It's raining heavily.”


Iseul's mumble; soft, and devoid of any displeasure as her eyes gazed at the sight of rain drizzling down in the endearment, and grazing the rim of her mug between her lips, Iseul strolled to the balcony as she halted before the railing to hold the cold metal drenched in the drops of rain, and with a soft breeze brushing past her to her strands, sent a shudder to her system yet pleasant as her eyes closed to inhale the fresh smell of soil with a subtle but soft smile of pleasant on her lips. 


The rain had become a good sight to gaze at. 


Her eyes stared downwards to the buzzing Seoul, awakening to the world, and their world will start in a few moments of living in their own realm of a calm; home was tranquility because of their closure, crossing the line of any hesitation, blooming with the love that had welcomed them inside the walls of their home, and hearts but the world outside was still in the pending chaos of known yet unknown of the loud havoc they had yet to come across. 


Yet a belief was residing in their hearts; no matter what, and which havoc of chaos awaited them, they were in this together; this time, with a certainty and a lifetime. 


Even if they had to fight for it. 


An aloud thunder; her eyes stared up at the gray sky and with a sudden curiosity of the feels of the drops, Iseul let her left palm out to squint her eyes at the pitter-patter drops of rain on her skin in a sudden amazement as her eyes glowed, and a pleasant feeling beat in her heart to turn her hand as her eyes stared at the silver ring of their wedding in a shine, and in a dewy drops of rain yet beautiful as with a tilt of her head, a warm smile curled her lips. 


Unaware of the head-man of the house descending the stairs from their room in his casuals; his silver hair damp from the shower as his eyes roamed around towards the kitchen for his wife for how his steps followed there but no sight of her yet attentive to the sound of rain; pouring himself the water with a disturbed frown, he was outside immediately and a soften of his eyes the moment he got a glimpse of her by the balcony as his footfalls emerged with the sound of rain while sipping his water. 


A tilt of his head as Baekhyun was approaching her with a discerning glint, and found her drinking water had his lips curve upwards in a soft smile at her actions; she was listening to him at last for being attentive to her health, and Iseul felt his presence around her but before she could react, he had already engulfed her in his arm from behind around her waist, along with his left palm threading into the back of her left one through her fingers under the light of rain, soaking their interlocked hands, shining their sacred rings in the dew, together. 


His lips kissed her scarred temple and her cheekbone softly to her heart's content for how her eyes closed in the relish of his solace as he placed his chin on her shoulder right after. 


“Enjoying the rain, sweetheart?” 


“I don't know; I just wanted to feel it.”


Iseul shrugged, continuing to drink water to glance at his own mug with a follow up of his action of bringing it up to drink, and realized his damp hair, changed clothes, to the scent of his aftershave as she frowned. “You already showered?” 


Baekhyun leaned back with a tilt of his head at her curious expression; oh, how innocently beautiful, and his one eyebrow raised with a familiar flirtatious smirk. “You wanted a show, sweetheart?” 


Iseul tilted her head; not surprised by his antics but was enthralled completely as her forehead creased yet not admitting it. “Is there anything to show, darling?” 


That damn sass of hers; he'd be screwed soon. 


A smug yet flirtatious smirk curling his lips in a tempting manner as he leaned closer; his nose nudging hers in a playful manner to the closeness of their lips as her breath hitched with a glance at his lips for how he mirrored her actions in a warm sear to his words beneath his octave tone against her lips. 


“Enough to distract you, princess.” 


Baekhyun felt their laced fingers tightening from her side to the twist of her lips; damn, as he gulped, and Iseul turned away for his disturbance to stare ahead of them. 


“I'll pass the distraction, Silver head.”


He made a face. “Boring as ever.”


“Good for you.”


Iseul retorted, yet Baekhyun felt her leaning completely into him; her back resting on his chest and he was standing like her pillar to lean his head against hers gently as a silence beneath the pour engulfed them; a comfortable one, and a calming one, for how the world is always aloud yet it was hushed by being in each other's embraces as their eyes stared at the drizzle in the backdrop of the light, and their hands were having another play of their laced fingers in the dewy manner. 


The rain hadn't been the best for them but right now it was becoming better. 


“I hope the exhibition doesn't get canceled.” Iseul mumbled, gulping her water and Baekhyun leaned away to glance at her with a tilt of his head as if she felt his stare with a flutter yet pleasing to her heart, her words continued to utter. “I have arranged things already; talked to Ms. Lucia, and the journalist and I don't want it to go to waste.”


“It's indoor, right?” 


“Yes.” Iseul hummed. “How did you get her out of the shares,” A confusion yet curiosity in her eyes as she tilted her head to glance at her husband to find him already staring at her with a patience and Baekhyun shrugged, having a gulp of water yet her eyes couldn't help but stare at him in a daze. “It's not applicable unless we make it; she happens to be greedy and clever to think about the loss of T&T, hence, I hired another person to buy her shares and that woman thought it to be beneficial to comply as I expected,” He trailed off, raising his one eyebrow. “Money is attractive.”




“And no one is as smart as my wife.”


His compliment, and her heart pleased to nod with a smile yet couldn't ignore his genius brain working tremendously to feel proud of being his wife as her eyes gazed at him with a pride. “That's my darling.”


His heart thumped; her darling, oh yes, he was hers completely as he grinned happily before watching her turning ahead as her eyes glowed in a sudden tremendous glint. “I can't wait to expose Song Hong-Ju in front of the people; she should know that she messed with the wrong woman.”


Her eyes sharp beneath her calm tone with a smugness; he immensely adored his wife softly, yet intensely as a smile graced his lips because of how excited she appeared at the moment for putting the people on their places for wronging her had been his favorite thing to see, and admire her to the fullest; proud to be her husband in every manner. 


“You're staring, darling.”


“I'm admiring you, sweetheart.”


“For the destruction I'm about to pull?” 


She trailed off, pulling the rim back to her lips with a glance at her husband to find him already staring at her in the most beautiful manner as her actions halted for a mere second beneath her heartbeat, and Baekhyun twirled her around gently as in the flow their arms bent over upwards in a dancing manner because of their laced fingers until Iseul found herself facing him; her back against the railing while their hands in the air between them as their eyes met in a soft manner. 


“Don't you know it has been my favorite sight, sweetheart?” Baekhyun brought their hands closer to him; his lips kissing her ring finger over the silver ring softly and Iseul felt her heartbeat in a calm rhythm to the flutter of his actions as her cheeks warmed in the blush to curl her lips in a beautiful smile for how her eyes stared at her man in an adoration. “You've got unexpected reasons to admire things about me, darling.”


“Like you laughing at unexpected things.”


Iseul gave him a look. “Clowns are funny.”


Baekhyun frowned in confusion before Iseul observed his expression changing of going to the innocent child in confusion to the realization with a playful yet adoring smile until the realization hit him hard to narrow his eyes at her but it just made her laugh; the most unexpected thing to laugh at, but how melodic, and beautiful music it was to his ears, and to his rhythmic heartbeat as his eyes stared at her lovingly to the relief of seeing her laugh, and swore to never let it disappear ever again. 


Without any expectation of a mood or anything, Iseul found him leaning in to press his lips on her forehead softly as her soft giggles halted to close her eyes at the relish of his warmth with her lips still in a grace of her smile for how his smile was intact against her skin; it was becoming her favorite thing. 


He was her favorite now. 


The rain was slowing down in the drops now. 


Yet the pair stood closer for how they were once apart in the same rain; their mugs were placed together on the table of the balcony behind the empty couch and Iseul felt his hand beside her on the railing, reaching out to tuck away her curls behind her back pressed between the railing so it wouldn't hurt her scalp as she stared at him in a lost manner of admiration with a flow of her tilted head to the side of her shoulder that he was looking over downwards for Baekhyun to feel it strongly enough to meet her eyes with a flutter of his heart. 


Their eyes bored deeply; closely and breathtakingly. 


“Are you looking at yourself in my eyes, darling?” Iseul tilted her head with a playful smile; the familiar words of his, the familiarity breathing theirs from a long time, and a beautiful smile curled his lips for her enchantment as he leaned closer enough to almost brush their noses as his head tilted, still boring his eyes into hers in a glow of their affection. “I don't have to; all I see is only myself in your eyes from the beginning, sweetheart.”


He was right; it has only been him from the time she wasn't aware, and from the time she had been aware of it; always him. 


“You haven't dried your hair again.”


His fingers threaded through her curls as he brought it to his lips with a soft kiss. “I like it when you do it for me.”


“If I'm busy,” She gave him a look. “Are you going to get yourself sick?” 


“Won't you take care of me?” His forehead creased, and a squint of her eyes. “I'm not going to stay up all night with you for this.”


In a moment, Iseul found an instant switch up of a glow in his eyes; intense, and flirtatious as leaning closer, his cheek brushed through hers softly yet in a warm manner for her eyes to close as his warmth fanned against her neck, to her ear and his lips brushed her earlobe to gulp at his uttered words afterwards in a whisper. 


“We can have different reasons to stay up all night, sweetheart.”


A skip of her heart, warm, and with a soft kiss on her jawbone, Baekhyun leaned back to enthrall himself by the crimson shade of her apple cheeks for how his heart had cartwheel as Iseul met his eyes silently yet found herself being admired, and adored by his unwavering affectionate gaze; the one making her feel loved, and beautiful as her hand reached out to caress away the strands from his forehead for Baekhyun to close his eyes in her solace. 


“One can dream big.”


“You're a mood killer, sweetheart.”


Iseul hummed. “I appreciate it.”


“It was not a compliment,” Baekhyun halted his words abruptly with a yelp of her flick on his forehead as he glared at her. “Either you're taking care of me or beating the out of me, sweetheart.”


Iseul glared back. “Either you're complimenting me or stressing me out with your ridiculous plays, darling.”


“Annoying you is joyous.” He winked, with a playful grin and she gave him a lip-tight smile with a nod. “Paying back is mine.”


“That's adoring.”


“Don't make me push you off the railing.”


“How scary.”


“As it should be.”


Iseul crossed her arms to turn away from him only for Baekhyun to tilt his head as he neared his face towards her for her to round her eyes at his actions as her forehead creased in a question for him to hum. “Are you really not going to tell me how you impressed Lucia?” He paused, standing before her and she shrugged with a frown. “I told you, she was impressed by my professionalism; she was indeed hard to get into the talks but I am stubborn.”


“I agree.” 


Iseul's eyes sharpened. “Shut up.”


“Make me.”


Baekhyun found himself being grabbed by his neckline to almost being pushed off the railing as he gasped, dramatically yet in a fright of his height fear as Iseul found him engulfing her in his arms as he narrowed his eyes at her. “Stop torturing me!” 


Her eyes glowed. “You're scared?” 


“I'm not.”


“Shall we check, darling?” 


“Shut up, sweetheart.”


Iseul couldn't help but giggle; Baekhyun only glared at her for this yet his heart rhythmic where she twirled their figures so he was leaning against the railing and she was leaning on him for how he held her safely with one hand on her waist, and another hand was on the railing; Iseul let her arms around his neck in a stretch behind his nape so he wouldn't have to look down but her. 


“Don't worry, I won't let you fall.” She assured him with a smile and his heart swelled because her words held so much meaning behind in a protective manner; she was going to protect him at every cost as his eyes warmed, to tighten his hold on her until she spoke. “Ms. Lucia told me one thing about you.”


Baekhyun was attentive. “What?” 


“You loved horses in Spain.” Iseul's eyes softened as a reminder of theirs crossed her mind. “I remember you telling me once how you learned to ride horses but bicycle,” A smile curled her lips softly and Baekhyun was silent; a bit taken aback. “You remember?” 


Iseul gave him a look. “Why wouldn't I?” 


“Yeah,” He mumbled, as his eyes softened, and warmed at her words yet again where she felt his eyes glowing in an excitement of his words. “I do love horses; I had one called Philip in Spain, and I was seventeen when I started learning,” He trailed off, in a mumble of his frown with his puckered lips as if remembering coherently and his fingers drummed on her waist where Iseul stared at him with a patient, and a soft smile as she was attentive to his long rambles of an excitement for how he had buried inside. “You know I'm a really quick learner and I learned to ride horses more quickly than others.”


A proud flaunt of his like a child as he draped his other arm around her, completely forgetting his height fear as the warmth crawled him in the excitement to feel her fingers brushing the curve of his neck with her thumb caressing his skin. 


“Philip was like a friend; he would listen to me and I could talk to him without any judgment.”


Iseul heard him; her heart swelling at his words of unpleasantness to realize how hard it must have been living there, silent, listening to dreadful words, and unable to talk to anyone because he couldn't find them trustable as her eyes moistened to caress the back of his head softly; in a manner of a gesture of being proud of him for holding so much strongly and Baekhyun met her eyes with an understandable sense of her feelings towards him; empathic yet feeling his pain. 


“Am I talking too much?” 


“No,” Iseul held the side of his face with a caress of his cheek; a smile on her lips. “Even if you do, I'll listen to you, always and you never have to fear being judged with me,” She paused, as her forehead creased. “Unless it's a clowning of yours, darling.”


Baekhyun tilted his head with a look but instantly smiled softly; her words of warmth swelled his heart in the most endearing manner as he leaned into her touch to find her leaning in as he bent over for her to press her lips on his cheek softly and his eyes closed in the relish of her warmth with a smile. 


“I'll do the same for you, sweetheart.”


“You have been doing it already,” Iseul leaned back and Baekhyun listened to her. “You know I used to talk a lot and dad used to be my personal diary but I didn't find any reasons to be loud anymore after everything yet nowadays I realized that I have been talking a lot again with you, and because of you,” She paused, her eyes emotional for her lost habit being finding back into her life as if every lost thing was blooming back into her life like her own self and her eyes met his softly with a smile. “In fact, that time in the library of me asking for help from you was dad coaxing me to get help from you.”


Baekhyun's eyes rounded. “Seriously?” 


“I was adamant on the refusal,” Iseul shrugged with a sass and Baekhyun rolled his eyes as she let out a chuckle. “But dad asked me to befriend you and ask for help if it's beneficial so there's nothing wrong with it.”


“So I was likable already to your father?” 


“Not that easily.”


“I still had a chance, princess.”


“Why the formality?” 


“I'm being respectful.”


“You can still be respectful by accepting my parents and my mom as your own too if you're comfortable with it.” Her words were soft, inviting of a warm home and his eyes emotional. “As my wife says.”


“I'm realizing this,” Iseul stared at him for a moment and Baekhyun raised his one eyebrow as her eyes softened in an amazement. “You have become like the old version of mine.”


Baekhyun blinked a couple of times; taken aback, and definitely surprised because he never realized that he really was once a grumpy boy back then who had met this sunshine of his, standing before her right now, and how joyous she was around him that had brought his own buried joyous person out yet again after the miseries to the founded solace, he was smiling like a whole person, and she was letting loose her cold persona like before to another realization of theirs being unimaginable for them to be married now. 


A smile curled his lips as he pulled her closer to nudge his nose with hers. “I got the best influence on me.”


“Except the annoyance.”


Baekhyun bumped their foreheads together in a gentle thud. “You're mean.” Yet Iseul felt him kissing her nose as a tickle went through her to giggle unexpectedly for him to smile as her arm hugged his shoulder to place her head on the left side of his chest beneath his pacing heartbeat as he leaned his head against hers, melting in each other's arms without any fear and their palms pressed together to the slow feel of each other's warm skins entwined as his fingers laced through hers until her admiration for his hands had her question. “How come your hands are pretty, darling?” 


“You're complimenting me, sweetheart.”


“You're not answering me.”


“I think I got it from my mother.” He mumbled, and she hummed. “Would you mind telling me how your parents met?” 


Baekhyun went silent for a moment; Iseul leaned back to stare at him in an understanding warm gaze as he met her eyes to find an assurance as if telling him that he didn't have to force his way to pour out something he found hard to talk, but it was Iseul, and Baekhyun was going to be fine in her shield of every hardship. 


“They met here in Seoul.” He spoke; gulping as he remembered the time he was ten, his parents used to tell him their meetings and the love they shared together as a warm smile curled his lips to the moist eyes of his but felt her thumb caressing his skin to stare into her warm ones; encouraging. “Mom had been here for her trip from her university and dad had gone to Namsan tower with his own friends after his university and they both met there; chatted.”


“She knew the Korean language?” 


“It's a part of the teachings in Spain.” He eased her curiosity; the damn adorable one, and his heart swelled of being attentive to him. “Mom had gone back but their conversations continued for a while through letters,” He paused, as he found a beautiful yet soft glow of this gesture in her eyes as he smiled in the adoration of hers. “Things went serious; mom was almost getting married to José for how my grandfather arranged it but mom had always been brave and fearless and so was my father who reached there to get the blessings.”


“It wasn't easy though,” He gulped, and sighed. “Mom was a royalty that dad came to know through their letters; he was too involved in the feelings to back away,” He trailed off, tilting his head with a look of pride. “Mom had promised to leave the royalty completely behind after marrying dad because that's how it was supposed to be; following the royal rules, and they got married with the blessings but mom barely kept any relation with them,” He paused, with a frown. “Though, my grandfather did come to meet me here when I was twelve.”


“Mom and dad really loved each other.”


Baekhyun mumbled, with a warmth yet a yearn of theirs as his heart welled up to meet her eyes in a moist as a warm smile curled her lips. 


“Your parents' love is really beautiful, Hyun.” Iseul stated, ever so softly and in an admiration as her hand slid from his neck to the left side of his chest beneath his pacing heartbeat. “No wonder you're strong and brave like your parents; you're a good person grown up with love and are able to give it to the fullest.”


“It's only yours, Iseul.”


“I dare you do otherwise, darling.” Iseul warned, and Baekhyun chuckled with a twirl of her so her back was against his chest while their hands still interlocked as he buried his face into her hair for her enchanting fragrance; his eyes closed, and let her solace be his comfort for how he felt a swell of his welling up heart to feel her caressing his jawline. “I feel like I have been fooled by my parents.”


“You can be fooled?” 


“Shut up.” Iseul slightly slapped his skin. “I just always saw dad and mom in a respectful way; they weren't in the love kind of relationship and I always thought that this was the way to love,” Her heart in a squeeze of unpleasantness as the realization to the disclosure of their reality that time played in her mind to feel his hand on her waist caressing softly. “Maybe that's why I don't know how to convey it yet.”


His lips on her scarred temple. “You're good.”


“You're buttering up.”


“I'll teach you, sweetheart.” A soft kiss on her scar and her eyes closed with a smile until his hand on her waist squeezed lightly yet in a searing manner as her breath hitched, to feel his fingers sliding in the slowest manner of a sensuality to her stomach as his fingers threaded through the knot of her nightgown in a playful play to feel his lips in a smirk against her skin; chilling. “However it is.”


Baekhyun felt a jab of hers. “I'll pass, darling.”


Iseul was already pacing in the living room while holding their mugs but the more she thought about it, the more aggravating it felt as a scoff left her lips. “Unbelievable; how could I be so foolishly naive?” 


The next moment she felt him behind her; Baekhyun had his arm around her neck with a quick kiss on her cheek beneath a chuckle of her words as she sounded so innocently adorable but his sweetheart wife definitely got this in the twisted manner as her one sharp gaze had him flinch. 


“You're laughing? You admit I'm a fool?” 




Yet Iseul found him snatching the mugs from her hold as his broad y back was in her sight towards the kitchen and her eyes glared at him. 




Baekhyun never flinched so hard before; the ‘darling’ was frightening him right now. 


“Let's make scrambled eggs, sweetheart.”


“Sure,” Her arms behind her back; her eyes sharpened. “Let's scrambled you with the eggs, darling.”


“Basically, you're in the mood of having me.” 




The eggs in his hold dropped on the floor and he just knew that he had created another havoc in the disguise of his wife. 












11:21 am




The rain had halted for now; the gray clouds still intact in the sky as if contrasting with the happenings about to happen in a while of putting another chaos down by the pair. 


The pair, getting ready for it in their room; unchanged chaos was still happening here. 


“I can't find my watch, sweetheart.”


“It's in the vanity drawer, darling.”


Iseul sighed, deeply; her man of a husband really doesn't listen to her as she stared her reflection in the mirror while seated on the chair before the vanity, doing her makeup, still in her silk robe changed after the shower, her hair in a loose bun behind her nape for now and Baekhyun was almost ready yet not since he was fumbling around in his suit which was yet not worn completely to his wife's dismay. 


“This is what you get for not listening to me.”


“You're still telling me.”


“My mind has gone in a gutter because of you.”


“Marriage effects.”


Before Iseul could have retorted; her husband was in her sight as his figure dominated in their room from the wardrobe section as putting his cropped black blazer on the bed, he was standing behind her seated figure in his black button down, tucked in his high-waist pants as her eyes gazed at him in the midst of her makeup session in a complete mesmerize; the three buttons open, as he seemed to be adjusting his cuffs to his silver hair falling over his forehead for her admiration as her heart fluttered the moment he bent over by her side to grab the hairbrush to comb his hair along with his watch from the drawer. 


Goodness; this man was too handsome to be out in the sight. 


Somehow the wife wanted to be the only one to have this magnificent sight of her husband only to herself; suddenly Iseul was realizing, has she been this possessive for her husband? 


Right now it seems to be agreeable. 


Baekhyun, feeling his wife's unwavering gaze, and swirling in the warmth of it entirely, had met her lost, yet admiring gaze through the mirror as he clasped his watch for Iseul to avoid it immediately with the continuation of her blush; was it even necessary because her cheeks already heated up with the embarrassment of her actions, and being caught in them, as a sneaky glance at him only to blush further for him already staring at her. 


That damn smirk on his lips only made it deeper as he tilted his head down to fasten his cuff. “You're staring, sweetheart.”


“You're delusional, darling.”


Iseul twisted her lips to hide the shy smile curling her lips as putting down her blush kit, she adjusted her strands and Baekhyun hummed, softly yet in a teasing manner had rhythm to her heartbeat as she met his eyes hinting a tease with a smile. 


“Are you fancying me, sweetheart?”


A shy smile curled her lips unable to hide it; his heart gushed in the most soft manner to find her shrugging teasingly. “What if I do, darling?” 


“Are you ever going to say it loudly?” His head slanted and her lips in an upside-down curve; sassy yet teasing. “Who knows?” 


Baekhyun stared at her in an incredulous manner of her actions; so damn teasing yet so hot, as he chuckled it away with a of his lips and Iseul bit her lip softly beneath her pleasant smile of their moment. 


“Can I suggest a shade?” 


Iseul found his eyes in a sparkle towards her lipstick shades as with a nod from her in an anticipation, Baekhyun leaned over to check through the numerous shades as one of them turned out to her bladed one as he gave her a look only for her to shrug until he neared the scarlet one in her sight with his tremendous smile for Iseul to tilt her head in confusion yet took it from him as Baekhyun stood straight to watch her applying it on her rosy lips in the tempting manner for his beating heart; damn, so gorgeous. 


“How is it?” 




He uttered, almost immediately in a whisper of an enthrall and gulped harshly as she was on her feet with a twirl of her figure as both of them stood closer but her eyes had a sudden assertiveness as he towered her figure at her closer steps yet was being intimidated by his wife as without tearing her eyes off from his intensely, her fingertips slide to his chest, to the open buttons of his as his system flinched tremendously at her skin contacting his bare in a sudden chill until she fastening the third button of his shirt. 


“Aren't you too perfect for your own good, darling?” 


Her voice in a whisper; suggestive, damn it. 


His entire body thrilled in a warmth as his hands fisted; her touch was urging and unbearable to hold back and her drowning eyes in a warm glow of her actions appeared too beautiful to turn away as he cleared his throat to slid his hands either side of her waist with a closer pull so she was leaning against him. 


His own eyes warmed; her heartbeat paced. 


“What do you have to say about yourself?” His voice deep as his hand squeezed her waist softly but warming as his eyes glanced at her parted scarlet lips in a temptation. “Aren't you too gorgeous for destruction, sweetheart?”


Her head tilted; her eyes glowed in a tremendous sass with that y smirk. “That's the plan, darling.”


Baekhyun felt her slipping from his hold with that beauteous expression as her back towards the wardrobe section was in his sight; his system in a malfunction with the realization of her destruction for the world.


He felt like he was included in it too. 


Beauty with brains; damn, that's his wife. 


Soon enough, Baekhyun found himself in the living room, ready completely in the all black attire as he raised his arm to check the time while his other hand holding his phone against his ear as he conversed with Kang-min; they had another schedule of meeting his father, and the owner of Yunha department store after the exhibition for the dinner as the painting ‘Ballerina’ from Lucia had been bought by Iseul already that he was still surprised yet impressively proud of his wife for her smartness, and as per Iseul's known fact about Song Hong-Ju, that woman already had a forge one ready to exhibit today. 


He did feel annoyed; Lucia was his cousin and her works being disgraced like this had angered him while knowing his wife had been handling this betrayal treatment of her employees from the beginning had fueled him deeper; had an urge to burn them all. 


Baekhyun didn't have to tag along but in no way he was going to be home and miss his favorite sight of watching his wife putting people in their places. 


He was just excited for the entertainment; his wife had already given him a look at his actions after he had let his excitement known to her. 


“You're not coming to meet your father, Lee?” 


“I'll pass the awkwardness, man.”


“I'll pass his awkwardness to you as well.”




Baekhyun had to chuckle in a humor of teasing his friend; something newly surprising nowadays but was happy in this, until, the sound of clicking heels from upstairs had taken his attention as in a mere second, his gaze followed the sound beneath the sudden rhythm of his heartbeat and it skipped a beat, because the reason of it was descending the staircase. 


Jeon Iseul; his wife appeared breathtakingly beautiful and Byun Baekhyun was unable to breathe in the captivation of her beauty again. 


His lost in her eyes stared from down to up in the slow manner; taking every part of her beauty in a relish, as he couldn't even listen to Kang-min's nonsense to trace her dress of a black one; matching his, an A-line below her knees with full sleeves, donning to her curves around her waist, to the surplice neckline ornamenting her collarbones to find a thin necklace of a silver around her neck, accentuated with the earrings until his breath seems to be caught in his throat the moment he met her magnificent glowing eyes; already looking at him in a daze as she descended towards him like a queen. 


His lips parted to take a deep breath in an enthralling manner


 A phrase; there's beauty in destruction. 


He was living one right now; the most beautiful one and in the disguise of his wife. 


Iseul had felt her heartbeat quickening; his gaze unwavering to her existence and she was used to it yet her breath seems to be hard to catch up for how deeply his gaze pierced into her soul, admiring her, and though Iseul had known herself being beautiful yet his eyes; the depth of his enchanting gaze had rose her in a certain confidence of her beauty as her cheeks heated up yet remained unfazed; tried to as her hands locked behind her back holding her purse to stand before him. 


“You're staring, darling.”


“I am,” He breathed out, gulping as he traced her entirely again, “Trying to breathe, sweetheart.”


Iseul tilted her head, stepping closer to him, with a boldness glowing in her eyes with a sass as a smirk curled those tempting red lips, unable for him to breathe again, as Iseul noticed his actions with a warmth. 


“Eyes on me when we're talking, darling.”


Damn it; he just wanted them to ditch everything and let this moment take over. 


The familiar lines hit him harder; his eyes met hers in a warmth, and teasing, as he tilted his head for how she found a glow of heat in his eyes and his face leaned closer as their nose almost brushed slightly with a tease for how he held her waist in a certain intimidation. 


“You're really planning a destruction with your gorgeousness, sweetheart.”


“I don't bluff, do I, darling?” 


“Never.” He mumbled, tracing the back of his forefinger to the corner of her red lips; so damn beautiful, as her lips parted at the feel of his touch for him to smirk. “Don't give me a reason to be the reason for the other destruction in my head, princess.”


Her heart thumped. “Why is that?” 


“Because I'm madly fancying you, Iseul.” His voice deep; chilling as his eyes glowed in a heat yet an intimidation to the words of his confession in a pleasant warmth beneath her thumping heart and his thumb caressed her chin softly. “I'd merely be holding back myself from poking the eyes of the men if they even glanced at you with bad intentions; I'm unaware of the man I'd become if it happens, sweetheart.”


A gulp of hers yet amazed. “You sound jealous.”


“Sound?” A deep chuckle of his in a tremendous rhythm of her heart as he met her eyes intensely enough, “When it comes to you, I am,” He trailed off, tracing the back of his fingers in a soft brush to her hair placed on her front as his eyes glowed in an admiration. “Because the world's most beautiful woman with incredible brains is my wife.”


Iseul hummed, feeling pleasant at the compliment, to his words as there wasn't a doubt about their relationship yet his sudden burn of jealousy appeared so damn hot, and Baekhyun found her fingertips running down the line of his ed chest as his system chilled; the damn eyes of hers in an intensity. 


“Keyword,” She uttered; her forehead creased in an assurance yet sensual. “Your wife, darling.”


With a teasing smile, Iseul paced away to the entrance where Baekhyun was standing still; adapting to her words beneath her assurance yet in a tease had his system warm in a giddiness until he heard her saying, “By the way,” He found her stopping just before the front door as she met his eyes over her shoulder with a soft impressive stare. “You look cool, Hyun.”


That Hyun from was going to screw him someday; he wasn't even displeased about it. 


His heart thumped; he had seen her admiring him sneakily to say complimenting words in her oblivious state sometimes because she was always so damn teasing to admit it yet right now she complimented him; he couldn't help but blush, damn it. 


“Are we shy, darling?” 


Her eyes were tremendously beautiful in a tease; so hot and he was not going to give in just like that. “Can I take it as your fancy for me, sweetheart?”


Iseul's lips in an upside-down curve with a tilt of her head to smile playfully. “Nah.”


Iseul bit her lip softly and Baekhyun found her outside as he his lips before letting out an amused chuckle; damn, he should have kissed her breathlessly. 


“Aren't you coming?” 


“Yes, ma'am.”


With a skipping steps of his giddiness, he followed his wife in a pleasant smile as their hands clasped together to be out of their home. 


The bubble of their pleasant home was within the walls; outside they had chaos to fight. 


And not just this one. 














1:30 pm 




The gray clouds were intact in the sky; darkening and shadowing without the hue of daylight yet, where the unfamiliar building stood tall in a chaos of people hovering outside, and inside for a show of tycoons beneath the greedy facade of their smiles. 


Shining but in the dark of their hidden lies. 


Among the facade, the surviving pair in the dark world of lies had stepped into the ground, together, as their figures in a lock of their interlocked hands ascended the few steps of the marble stairs in a sync of their steps; their backs in a sight to behold for the people staring at them in an awe yet envy of their authoritative demeanor; a power. 




“Yes, sweetheart.”


Baekhyun glanced at his wife, looking absolutely gorgeous, and Iseul met his eyes already staring at him in a deep stare of intent, and a curiosity but both enhanced one thing; he didn't want to take his eyes off her, and her heart thumped in a pleasantness as their pace continued towards the entrance door. 


“Keep your eyes on me affectionately the entire time; they'd try to capture anything that would come to their benefit, and we don't want it.” 


Iseul stated; the materialistic people she has encountered in her years of business industry was loathing, and today they were making an appearance of both as business partners, and life partners after their marriage in an occasion outside of their office walls; there was a chaos going to be blown inside from them, and Iseul wanted nothing to ruin it in any way; Baekhyun seemed to understand her words because he'd been in the same industry but it was evident that in this country things were rather more corrupted as how greedy the people have been around them. 


The entire world around them had been. 


“You never have to tell me that, princess.”


Iseul felt his hand unclasping from her hand as their steps halted to feel it draping around her waist with a closer pull to his side as her heart thumped, and Baekhyun tilted his head, with a closer lean of his face so his lips brushed the shell of her ear softly yet chilling. “You're the only woman my eyes are always looking at,” He trailed off, squeezing her waist gently for her breath uneven to gulp yet leaning into his touch. “Follow your every single action, and you never have to question my affection,” He paused, leaning back to meet her eyes in the most loveliest gaze of a beautiful smile. “That's the only unchangeable emotion I will always have for you, Iseul.”


Another confession; Indirect but so achingly tugging her heartstrings for this man. 


This man with a beautiful smile and heart was her husband; she never felt so blessed. 


Her lips curved in an upside-down. “Not bad, darling.”


“I know, sweetheart.” He nodded, his heart swelling at the adoring gaze of hers for him, and caressing her waist softly to palm the small of her back gently before a smug smirk curled those tempting lips as his one eyebrow raised for the combustion of her system. “Shall we have a good show, Mrs. Byun?” 


A smirk curled her scarlet lips; so damn y of her. “We shall, Mr. Byun.”


And carrying the demeanor of power; they had entered the realm of chaos. 


The insights of the particular room was buzzing with tycoons; the fake smiles, the fake compliments hiding a dark jealousy where the married pair had entered enough to get attention of the people inside; the journalists, as demeanor of a dominance enhanced their figures together in a shine over the lurking darkness around them. 


“Mr. Jung's sister.”


Iseul mumbled, audible enough for Baekhyun to follow her gaze towards the particular woman roaming around the paintings hanging over the walls, and the woman happened to be Jung Hae-Jin's big sister, and a journalist, surprisingly without any corruption as Iseul lets her any kind of tabloid handled by her because she updates only fact, and today too, Iseul was going to give her a fact article to write which the woman was aware of already as locking gaze with her, she greeted both Iseul and Baekhyun. 


“Target is coming towards us.” Baekhyun mumbled, as he glanced at Song Hong-Ju for a mere second to look at his wife, controlling her anger to the pending snaps of her in that neutral yet sharp expression; damn, so magnificent, but immediately pulled her closer by her waist to whisper. “Don't snap at her the first thing of the talk, sweetheart.”


“I don't.”




“Shut up.”


Baekhyun held back his grin until his eyes glinted cold, and devoid of any emotions the moment that unlikable woman stood before them with a fake smile of a greeting and Iseul tilted her head with a nod of greeting her back; holding back her snaps for ogling at her husband right now. 


“I thought you wouldn't come, Mrs. Jeon.”


“How can I not?” Iseul's eyes held a smugness; her gaze piercing her soul for the woman to flinch slightly. “It's your show after all, and I had to witness the best of it, Ms. Song.”


“My sudden withdrawal from the shares must have surprised you, Mr. Byun.” 


“Not really.”


Her face paled and Iseul held back her smile; that's her husband. 


“I hope you continue to enjoy it; let me know if you are interested in purchasing one because no matter how rivals battle, business is business.”


“Don't worry.” A smirk of her scarlet lips. “I'll make sure you will have my highest purchase, Ms. Song.”


Song Hong-Ju had felt strange but knowing Iseul's always sharp demeanor had her shrug it off unknown of the chaos flooding her entirety that she had started in the rivalry but was going to put into an end by Jeon Iseul being her entire end of every rivalry. 


“You almost snapped at her.” Baekhyun spoke after the woman had gone to greet others yet his tone had no ounce of annoyance because he was enjoying the entertainment and Iseul shrugged as her arms crossed. “She's not a good person to be respected either.”


“Dang it.”


Iseul frowned. “What?” 


“I forgot to bring popcorn.”


“Goodness,” Iseul rolled her eyes and Baekhyun shrugged, holding her waist until he heard her as they began to stroll to the different paintings on the walls slowly. “How do you even like that bland thing?”


“Like you enjoy your sugarless coffee.”


“It's awakening.”


“It's bitter.”


“You're too sugary.”


“You're too sugarless.”


“Isn't that why you're in my life to make it less sugarless, darling?” An indirect, and unexpected confession of hers with that beautiful glow of adoration and his heart hammered, halting to beating rapidly as a warmth swelled in his heart to stare at her in pure affection. “You can't just flirt with me out of nowhere, sweetheart.”


“I can do whatever I want, Silver head.”


A sneaky smile shared but had been captured in the lenses already; the eyes of evil continued to be jealous but they were stronger than it. 


“She really did as I expected her to.”


Iseul stared at the painting; ‘Ballerina’ the exact reflection of Lucia Alvarado's painting was in the highlights of the glowing colors with her pen name with her calligraphy by the end of the corner of the painting labeled as hers, except, it wasn't hers, but a forgery of her painting being painted by a famous artist, anonymous to the world but known to Iseul, and soon to the world now. 


“This is getting personal.”


Baekhyun shoved his hand into his pocket; his other hand still on the small of her back as his eyes stared at work done by his cousin, had seen it on her social media, but was being shown in the forgery under her name somehow angered him, as his observing eyes glinted in a pure annoyance to the displeasing woman. 


“We'll take care of it soon, darling.”


Baekhyun turned to his wife; her stare of determination towards the painting yet the art of the entire universe was breathing beside him in the most beautiful manner as his eyes glowed in an affection to the small lift of the corner of his lips. “I have got no worries for it,” He trailed off, as Iseul, feeling her husband's gaze with a fluttering contentment of her heart, turned to meet his eyes; deep and soft, and affectionately proud as his one eyebrow raised and thumb caressed her back. “My wife is capable of being the best of everything.”


God, this man; this unbelievably gorgeous man of hers was going to be the death of her. 


His every little compliment had started to become her favorite; fluttering and so much rising in her heart that it gave her a sense of confidence to be able to achieve anything that her heart desired yet her heart seemed to be desiring only his happiness and safety. 


“You're fancying me, sweetheart.”


Iseul rolled her eyes away with a threatening playful curve of her lips. “Maybe.”


Baekhyun noticed it with a soft bite of his bottom lip; a smile hard to ignore, and those scarlet lips hard to resist, to the entire art of beauty of hers hard to get enough of, damn this goddess in a disguise of his Iseul, where he leaned in closer enough for Iseul to feel his lips over her the shell of her ear to the warmth of his fanning breath in a tickle while his nose tracing her temple softly in a inhale of her scent; the eyes around them seemed to be assuming a serious discussion, but only the pair were aware of their little happenings around each other. 


“Shall we have another date after, princess?” 


“I'll think about it, darling.”


This gorgeous tease of his wife. 


“On second thought,” 


Iseul felt his fingers sliding to the curve of her waist in a sensual brush to the possessive hold as her insides churn in a warm pool beneath her rhythmic heartbeat as her hand on the handle of her purse tightened, yet finding the pleasant into his touch had her lean in, until he pulled her closer in a protective manner so his parted lips pressed against her scarred temple yet his deep voice chilling. “I should just kiss you right here.”


Iseul's heart thumped. “What?” 


“Or would you rather have me poke the eyes of the men staring at the woman of mine?” 


Never imagined jealousy would sound this hot; her husband was making it hotter. 


Iseul held back her smile; bit her bottom lip softly to lean away with a tilt of her head to him and her chest warmed at the intense yet warmly intimidating gaze boring into hers deeply and Baekhyun tilted his head; a read of her eyes to find an enchantment of his actions as if she was enjoying this, until he found that y smirk on her scarlet lips. 


“I don't mind you doing both, darling.”


Indeed, she was into destruction; damn, he was blown away in her enchantment. 


A casual, sassy shrug of her one shoulder; a sly smirk, and she was turning away to the next painting where he was staring at her with a pure affection, and captivation of her flirtatious actions; damn, he was tempted to kiss her now. 


A smirk curled his lips as he couldn't help but trace her entire existence proudly and tilted his head away to hide his threatening smile for how she was doing the same thing as he stood beside her, staring at the painting together; his hand immediately stretching to brush his fingers through the side of her palm in a feathery graze to feel her curling her fingers through his in a lock to the tranquil clasp of their intimacy amidst the chaos around them. 


Stronger. Warmer. Theirs. 


An hour crossed in a blink; the spacious room of a hall had been in a gather of people for the paintings auction, as the chairs in the center were arranged under the respective names where ahead of was standing a host to announce the placement, and bets on the paintings and among the others were seated the married pair together in the front of an unchanged demeanor of dominance, waiting for the folded lie in an unfold of the truth in a chaos. 


For every purpose they were brought together. 


“It's been updated.”


Baekhyun mumbled, audible enough for Iseul to glance at his phone screen on his lap where their interlocked hands were placed; an article of a Spanish journalist regarding Lucia Alvarado's painting being sold to Jeon Iseul, for how Baekhyun had briefed this idea to let it be more precise and a fact no one would be able to deny since the conversation of businesswoman and the artist had happened throughout the conversation, and emails, and online documents, where Iseul, believing in his admiring brains had gone for his idea without questions; none needed, in fact. 


“Now we have the most anticipated, and magnificent art of the day by the artist, Lucia Alvarado; Ballerina.”


A few claps echoed, and the pair stared ahead at the displaying painting hidden in a forgery, and Song Hong-Ju was showing her proud smile to her evil actions. 


“Let's have a countdown to our entertainment, sweetheart.” 


Iseul heard her husband in a whisper to her side with a hint of excitement, and undeniably, she was as excited as him as with a nod beneath her smirk towards her man whose heart thumped ever so in a rhythm of her subtle actions had Baekhyun tightened his hold around her hand as within a countdown of three beneath his audible voice, and eyes ever so intrusive and sharp like his wife, the anticipated moment snapped in the sound of a screeching chair of the journalist. 


“Is this really artist Lucia Alvarado's work?” 


The question echoed, and the smile from Song Hong-Ju wavered ever so brutally that Iseul felt like laughing out aloud along with her husband; how entertaining. 


“Of course,” The host managed to utter despite the faint beginning of murmurs echoing in the room to politely smile at the journalist not before sharing a nervous glance with Song Hong-Ju. “It is an art of artist Lucia Alvarado.”


“How come this article says that the ‘Ballerina’ work has been sold to someone else?” 


The murmurs echoed loudly; eyes in judgment towards Song Hong-Ju, who had stood up with a clear and obvious expression of a fright to be caught in her actions, and nervous of being humiliated in the name of her actions, and Iseul tilted her head, watching her sharply with a thought of how this woman wanted exactly the same thing to happen to her in the name of humiliation but as Iseul hadn't given anyone that right, was now watching her living her own laid cards in her reverse with a cooling and joyous feeling in her heart. 


“The article must be fake.”


“It was posted just a few minutes ago from the journalist from his forum.”


“I have got her work right here from her; are you trying to imply that this is fake?” 


Song Hong-Ju threw her question in a pure anger and frustration of the risk she had endangered herself into as her pale drained face roamed around the tycoons staring at her in the judgment of she was afraid until her eyes met hers; Jeon Iseul, beside her husband, the woman had an aura of a calm yet her eyes sharp, threatening and peering into her soul as if she had caught her for Hong-Ju to feel threatened and chilled. 


“The article implies that Lucia Alvarado has sold it to someone else herself and it's not you, Ms. Hong, so how come you're presenting her work?”


“That's because it's her work; if not me then who did she sell this work to?!”


“Jeon Iseul.”


The crowd went in a hush; the judgemental eyes towards Hong-Ju snapped to the front row towards the seated woman with her man in an aura of power along with Song Hong-Ju, who's eyes widened in a shock yet Iseul remained unfazed but tremendous thrill ran through her system at her pale face. 


A of his thumb felt like a boosting confidence beneath his words. “Time to shine, Jeon Iseul.”


Iseul glanced at Baekhyun to find him already staring at her; a pride and a calm belief towards her as if he already knew she was going to shine the moment, and with a subtle but confident nod to her husband, Iseul had stood up to face the eyes of the curious and greedy judgmental people while Baekhyun leaned back with his crossed thighs of his folded arms; a smirk already curling his lips because his wife was going to shine in the most exquisite manner for his eyes to behold, and his chest rising in a pride for her. 


He missed having popcorn though. 


“That's right, I'm the owner of the painting ‘Ballerina’.” Iseul stood in the spotlight for the people with her hands behind her back; her aura in the dark shone in an authority as she stood before Song Hong-Ju, looking pale, and staring at her with a flinch of being intimidated, as she gulped. “It's not possible.”


“If you can forge an artwork,” Iseul uttered; her eyes sharp yet sassy. “Why can't I purchase an original one, Ms. Hong?” 


“I did not forge any work.”


“Like the way you didn't hire my employee as a spy in my own company?” 


Another card of Iseul's laid on the ground, and the murmurs erupted in the loudness yet the woman had her deep threatening eyes towards the pale drained woman; frightened, caught in her evil actions as Hong-Ju blinked a couple of times with her jaw hardening at her. 


“You really thought I wouldn't find out your cowardly actions, Song Hong-Ju?” Iseul's eyes glaring as she stepped closer to her enough to flinch the woman, “You should've thought twice whom you were messing with before doing this thing,” She paused, with her head tilted while her jawline clenched, “I'm Jeon Iseul; that alone should have flinched you but if not, now it will,” A smirk of sass on her scarlet lips. “I'm going to purchase the most expensive art of yours,” A slight pause for her eyes glinted in a sassy glow of satisfaction. “Your downfall, Song Hong-Ju.”


Song Hong-Ju glared back. “You can't.”


“Actually,” Iseul's forehead creased in a sass as she stepped back. “I already did, perra.” () 


A confusion fell into the eyes of the woman for the unknown word; to the people mostly but was known by the man, happened to be her husband, and the one teaching her as a silent chuckle left Baekhyun's lips in a humor and a proud of his wife smirk; damn this gorgeously hot woman of his, and he was this incredible woman's husband. 


How fortunately blissful. 


Another article popped up; the anonymous artist declared she had painted the exact work of Lucia Alvarado's as per Song Hong-Ju's order and the journalist had begun her questions along with others, including the people, and Song Hong-Ju stood still in the nervous and frightened state unable to answer them. 


“You shouldn't have done this, Jeon Iseul.”


“I just paid you back, Song Hong-Ju, for what you started,” Iseul's eyes sassy. “Business is business after all.”


The next moment Iseul felt the familiar and warm hand of her husband wounding around her waist in a hold as she turned to the side to meet Baekhyun's prideful eyes in a pure affection for her where Iseul turned to find Hong-Ju giving her a glare of jealousy and death for she didn't give a penny of it, as with a nod of her sassy smirk. 


“Have a good day if you can afford now, Ms. Song.”


They turned around together but Song Hong-Ju had attempted to grab Iseul's arm in an anger but before she could, Baekhyun had looked over his shoulder with a sense of it as their steps halted and Hong-Ju met his death glare in a chilling flinch of her life and his jaw clenched for Iseul to glance at him as he uttered his words; a threat in a broad daylight. 


“Keep your hands and eyes,” He trailed off with a blazing glance to the men before looking back at her deadly. “To yourself if you don't want to lose them.”


Baekhyun paid no heed if he was threatening a woman or not; whoever would try to harm his wife will be getting worse than his threats. 


Iseul's heart thumped in a warm and pleasantness of his protectiveness for how he had been shielding her with his arm for the closer pull to his side and it wasn't that she couldn't do it herself but this time someone was here to do it for her made her feel loved and blessed to have him; Baekhyun met her eyes in an immediate soften, and warm, and loving for her heart's content because this man was soft only for her rose her more, and without any delays, their steps strolled out of the crowd turning into the chaos behind them. 


An exchange of their soft and prideful smiles; the chaos had been aloud behind them yet their eyes held a calm of each other's presences. 













4:17 pm 




The familiar car of theirs drove down the road of Seoul under the gray clouds threatening to pour yet it would drizzle on the pair with a hue of daylight for how they had been apart from it, and now would be healing under the light of rain behind the daylight. 


The car had halted by the Han river again. 


Iseul, who had been chatting nonstop with an excitement of the happenings turning around in the most wonderful manner had halted her words abruptly, a frown of confusion, and her eyes glanced at Baekhyun in perplexity for how he had been silently listening to her throughout the ride from the exhibition that could be twenty minutes approx, to watch him unbuckling his seatbelt in a swift, and the next second, he met her eyes in a deep intensity. 




Her words again seemed to be silencing down by his quick action of reaching out to curl his fingers behind her nape with a gentle pull towards him for how he leaned forward, and the next thing he had clashed his lips against hers as his head slanted, and her eyes closed immediately at the pace of his mouth deepening the kiss; hot, and somehow intense as her breath uneven into his mouth beneath the quicken of her heartbeat to crumble her one hand into his collar to let her other palm hold the curve of his neck with a caress of her thumb to his jawline. 


Along with every heartwarming actions; his kisses were becoming her favorites now. 


Craving. Wanting. Yet unable to get enough. 


He seemed to be having the same feeling; his hand holding her thigh had slide up in the most sensual manner for her to hum in the delight of the feeling and for him to curl his fingers through her nape to her hair in a gentle pull to get more of her while feeling him unbuckling her seatbelt with a quick slide of his hand behind her back in a pull, and his kiss turned into a breathless intensity yet unable to pull away. 


Chilling. Warming. Urging. Needing. 


He kissed her like she was his salvation for the breath he couldn't seem to have. 


His thumb caressing the skin behind her ear for her to slide her fingers to his nape with a deep dug of her nails marking in the crescent shape and for him to groan into sent a warm thrill into her system as her eyes squeezed into the haste of their intensity for how he had his frown deepened into it; together. 


With a soft bite to her bottom lip, Baekhyun leaned back for Iseul to press her forehead against his; their breathes uneven, fanning on each other's inches closer lips, in a slight mess of their intensity, burning yet desiring for more, as his eyes opened to stare at the gorgeous mess of his in the utmost beauteous manner with the unstoppable temptation for her as he ran his thumb over her scarlet bottom lip in a slight smudge; damn beautiful. 


“I have been dying to kiss you, sweetheart.”


His words so searing as she gulped in a tempting thrill to hum softly. “I'm aware, darling.”


A deep chuckle of his against her lips in a tease of his lips. “Yet you torture me?” Baekhyun paused as he felt her scarlet lips leaning in to graze his warm ones in a teasing manner with a tempting smirk of sass. “I feel joyous over it.”


“My torturous woman,” His deep words followed by his parted warm lips against hers in another pool of fluttering deep kiss, “My beautiful wife,” He uttered between his kisses as her chest warmed to let her palm slide down to the left side of his chest beneath his pacing heartbeat as his warm lips deep into hers until he leaned back to caress her jawline as their eyes met in a warmth yet a glow of a pride glinting in his eyes for her with a beautiful smile; her favorite smile. “I'm so proud of you, Jeon Iseul.”


Oh, how long has it been since Iseul heard these words for her? 


The words she used to yearn to hear it from her mother; the words her father used to say to her, the words even Ji-eun says to warm her heart yet hearing it from Baekhyun, seeped a profound warmth into her beating heart for how his eyes held a shine; a love, and a happiness for her, and with her, for the one she had been yearning unknowingly was breathing in the existence of him, and her heart welled up beneath the sudden blissful feeling.


Baekhyun seemed to be understanding her feelings; the eyes he could read had a glistening emotion for his heart to squeeze, and in the next second, Iseul found herself being pulled in a hug of his strong arms as he caressed the back of her head, and back gently for her to fold her arms around his neck tightly and bury her face into his shoulder as her teary eyes closed to melt in his embrace with a sigh of relief; home. 


“I will keep reminding you how proud I am of you for your bravery and for your every endurance and how beautifully you shine, Iseul.”


Iseul felt like crying; endurance had been the only thing she had been familiar with, painful it was, but realizing that how bravely she had been holding it from him had swelled her heart as she gulped, tightening her arms around him, to want shrink herself into Baekhyun's warmth for the rest of her life. 


“Did I curse right?” 


“We gotta work a bit on the accent, princess.”


Baekhyun felt a hard jab of hers on his back as he yelped, and Iseul leaned back with a squint of her eyes at him yet had to smile at his done stare at her but his lips in a smudge of her shade by the corner had left both of humor and a heat of their intense session and Baekhyun raised his one eyebrow at her action though he was adoring her smile until he found her grabbing a tissue to find her wiping his lips with it as he frowned, and she showed the tissue in a faint shade of red. 


A tremendous smirk of his lips. “Enchanting.”


A roll of her eyes. “My foot.”


“Shut up, sweetheart.” 


“Make me, darling.”


Iseul's eyes sharp again as she wiped her own lips; Baekhyun's glowed in a mischief at her lips she was familiar with as a tilt of his head with a flirtatious smirk of his tempting lips. 


“That's my favorite thing to do, princess.”


Goodness, this sly darling of hers. 


He leaned forward only for her to press her forefinger on his lips. “No more.”


“I'm always wanting more of you, baby.” 


His words of shiver against her skin beneath the heated gaze intensely into hers as he kissed her forefinger; her lips parted, yet not forgetting to the new endearment of a name for her in a sudden warmth, and with an urge to have his lips on her instead of her finger erupted, where giving in to her desires, she had grabbed his nape with a pull towards him, and crashed her lips against his smiling ones in a deep kiss of their intensity. 


Touching. Pleasing. Searing. 


“Gosh,” He groaned, followed by a sigh of relief in as he caressed her jawline to tilt her head for a more lean, “I love kissing you so much, sweetheart.”


So does she; damn, wholeheartedly. 


His heart gushed more at the movement of her lips smiling; oh, his another favorite thing for her unlocked, she loved compliments, and he was going to shower her lots, and she felt his hand gripping her thigh in a hold of sear to the slide up sensually as a gasp of rapture muffled into his mouth for him to hum in the delight, until his fingers slide up to her hip, to the curve of her waist in a hold of his digging fingers in a heated desire where her own fingers curl his hair behind his nape at the pleasure of his touch; she loved this. 




The sacred word; their feelings in the endearment of this word but somehow the word didn't do justice to their emotions for one and another. 


“Aren't we going to be late for work?”


“We're not going to work, sweetheart.”


Iseul leaned back to rest her forehead against his; breathing heavily, and warm where Baekhyun nuzzled his nose through hers softly before leaning back to look at her; blown away again by the crimson cheeks of hers in the gorgeous blush, so beautiful, as his thumb caressed the warmth of her skin in an adoration of his eyes to bore his eyes into hers; the magnificent eyes of hers in a glow of their moment, and a happiness for his heart's contentment. 


“Let's have a date.”


Iseul blinked, her thumb lining his jawline to the sparkle of his brown eyes boring deeply into hers. “Right now?” 


“Next year.”


Iseul grabbed his face in a hold to the sharpness of her eyes. “Don't get cheeky with me, darling.”


He only nuzzled his nose through her warm cheek with a tender kiss. “Don't ask obvious questions, sweetheart.”






Iseul pushed him away with a glare with a slap on his chest, hard, and Baekhyun flinched, narrowing his eyes at her yet was enchanted by her, as he ran his fingers through her hair as in fixing it for her with an adoring smile, while she let him and continued to fix her messed up self in a blushing warmth to feel his strong and loving gaze on her pleasantly, before looking outside the windscreen to the gray clouds in the empty area where they had been. 


“We're on a beach area.”


“The other side was crowded.”


Iseul gave him a look. “You did it on purpose.”


“Absolutely.” Baekhyun stated, almost immediately as his eyes glowed flirtatiously and placed his hand on her thigh with a caress of his thumb. “I wouldn't let the best opportunity of kissing my wife out of my hands like a foolish man, sweetheart.”


This man was driving her crazy now. 


“You're crazy, Byun Baekhyun.”


“Only for you, Jeon Iseul.”


His eyes soft, and affectionately passionate for his words and her cheeks heated up to look away with a deep sigh as a smile of blush was curling her lips and a smile curled his lips at her sneaky yet adorable action to trace the back of his fingers through her warm crimson cheek softly beneath his teasing words. 


“Are we blushing, baby?” 


“What's with the new name now?” Iseul met his eyes in a pleasant warmth and Baekhyun shrugged, tucking her hair behind her ear softly. “All of my endearments are only for you,” He trailed off, tangling his fingers through her strands to bring it to his lips with a soft kiss. “I just say and do whatever my heart calls it for you, Iseul.”


Iseul's mind swirled with different emotions of warmth; pleasant, and affectionately adoring for this man along with his way of showering her with his passionate yet gentle affection as her hand reached to palm his cheek to caress his skin for how he leaned into her touch with a smile and her own lips curled in a warm smile. 


“And my heart only calls for you, Baekhyun.”


Baekhyun's heart stopped for a second to pace in a rapid; his eyes rounding and heart warming at the words of her confession as his eyes burned in a glisten of bliss and so pleasing to listen to her words, and eyes staring at him in the affection of her beautiful smile as he kissed her palm, the inner corner of her wrist in the reciprocation of her confession. 


“Let's get out now.”


His eyes rolled in the most dramatic manner. 


“You're a mood killer.”


Her answer? His favorite melodic giggle of hers. 


The next moment, Iseul found him rounding to her side and let him open the door for her as he held out his hand for her and for her to clasp it firmly before stepping out for how he held his other hand in the air above her head; her heart fluttered again, as their eyes met in a soft glance of a smile until Baekhyun insisted on going somewhere quickly around here for her to get confused but let him be as the next minute, he was jogging away with a quick turn of his head over his shoulder wi

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93 streak #1
Chapter 28: Although I don't like discussing bout vicious people still,.....Mr. Lee you better be prepared for whatever you have done to come back and bite you in your ! Hope you all bad people rot in hell! No one disturbs the life of our fav couple!
Missed reading this story so much. Always grateful to you for writing such beautiful updates✨ Lucky to find this charm ⭐
93 streak #2
Chapter 28: The rollar coaster of emotions which I had in this update was so intense. Like Baekhyun and Iseul's dynamic is so different and fresh. It has the fluff moments which I love to read slowly to act out all those beautiful moments that just melts my heart in a puddle. Can't leave out the angst part too cause IT'S THE PLOT!!! that had me crying so bad that I couldn't even read properly while looking at my screen. Their love is so so beautiful also they are so precious. Also our kangmin and jieun couple is as adorable as they can be. Makes me wish to have relationships like them. God forbid if I ever come across such people, I won't let them go😂
Chapter 28: Your updates are always worth the wait, so thank you so much for this one. I cried my heart out because of how beautifully written this chapter is, and it is extra special because of this month <3 The emotions and love are truly felt through the screen with how you wrote baekhyun’s caring nature towards iseul and iseul only, and iseul, having to deal with such misfortunes… the vulnerability in this chapter is so comforting, and yes, thank you for always choosing life over the loneliness and darkness, as baekhyun told iseul. at their time, she would never have seen the future she’s living with baekhyun now, and that says a lot for us too. we don’t know the beauty the future holds for us, so let’s hold on a little longer 🤍

Thank you for the update again, and just know that your story is one I always wait for; your hard work does not go unnoticed !
Bbhlix #4
Chapter 28: mightttt read it again today thoooooo , it's so gooddd
Bbhlix #5
Chapter 11: now I want a baby you know 🙂🙂🫢
Bbhlix #6
Chapter 11: i live from their affection omgggggg
Bbhlix #7
Chapter 11: anywayssss the chapter was sooooo goodddd as always , and trust me it's sooo far from boring!!!!
Bbhlix #8
Chapter 11: bruhhhhhhh, you can't rise so much tension and then stop it there omgggggggg 😭😭😭😭😭
Bbhlix #9
I miss thisssss, I hope u'll update it soonnnn 😭🥺
Chapter 27: Ohmagod!how fluff and adorable this chapter is.I hope they can soon find the culprit and bring justice of their parent becos I can't see their pain anymore.