SECRET : Third Ending
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Minjeong stayed outside the hospital room, staring at her Uncle Kim who had been unconscious for two weeks now. His hands were otherwise cuffed to the bed as he was under police’s control. Minjeong felt helpless watching the old man like that. He had unfinished business with her. He couldn’t die yet! 

Minjeong heaved a big sigh as she recalled the incident in the office yesterday. The other uncle and aunt were suddenly there giving her the LOD. She couldn’t do anything other than obliged. Even the Kim’s mansion was confiscated and put under the police’s surveillance.

Mr. Kim didn’t do anything to ensure Minjeong will get everything if he passed. And now, Minjeong was left jobless. Her only solution is to go back, working with her family and she absolutely hate that. Minjeong was only glad that the police couldn’t link the kidnapping to her. She made sure she covered her trace although she was the one who gave the idea and plan to Mr. Kim.

“Don’t worry, uncle. I will pay the revenge for you.” Minjeong snickered secretly and left the prison hospital.


“Separate room will be nice.” Sooyeon said as they were getting ready to go home.

Jaeyoung were already sent to the car by the chauffeur while Yoong helped Sooyeon with Jaeyeon who didn’t want anyone but her.

“We can’t. Jaeyoung might suspect it. We have separate rooms before, when Jaeyeon was throwing tantrums all night that one month and Jaeyoung was really bothered. He failed his test and acted up.” Yoong lied.

Sooyeon couldn’t believe her ears.

“Are you bluffing me?”

“Why would I?” Yoong put up a poker face.

Sooyeon glared at Yoong and walked out the room, with Yoong following her.

“And Sooyeon, we need to go to the police station later.” 

“For?” Sooyeon looked at Yoong.

She did not think she would be any help. She didn’t remember anything.

“To show you some evidence. I know you can’t remember the assailant but once you look at the footage, you would be able to recognise the man. He was the one who attacked you.”

“Juwon…” Sooyeon uttered and Yoong stopped his track.

“Yes! It’s Juwon! You remember?!” Yoong was frantically concerned.

Sooyeon bit her lips and shook her head.

“The name pop up in my head when you said attacker…Juwon. That’s all.” Sooyeon was solemn.

Yoong automatically pulled Sooyeon nearer to him when all of sudden a group of nurses ran at them. Sooyeon stayed still as the nurses passed them to get to a room for an emergency care. Yoong sighed at the nurses and looked at Sooyeon.

“That’s okay. We’ll go to the police station tomorrow, okay?” Yoong was attentive and Sooyeon nodded before she pried away from Yoong and walked away.


Sooyeon took a deep breath as she was suddenly nervous. She felt worried and scared that the kids would make her overwhelmed. She was also worried if the kids don’t like her. Last night, when Jaeyoung and Jaeyeon were sleeping, Sooyeon turned to Yoong, hoping he was asleep but he was still awake, staring at her with his soft eyes. They looked at each other silently.

“Ready for tomorrow?” Yoong had his right hand under his head, his left hand beside Sooyeon, as she turned to him.

“I’m not sure.”


“You know what I want to do? I want to run away from all of this.” Sooyeon confessed but Yoong wasn’t alarmed as he had a hunch.

“I can see it in your eyes…” Yoong said instead.

“…” Sooyeon looked away.

“But you are worried that the kids would despise you if you disappeared for a long time…” Yoong had read Sooyeon’s mind.

Sooyeon looked at Yoong again.

“Just take it slow and be honest with them and yourself. You have me. If you feel somewhat uncomfortable, tell me.” Yoong whispered to Sooyeon while eyeing Jaeyoung who was sleeping beside Jaeyeon.

Sooyeon’s eyes glued on Yoong. Yoong beamed at Sooyeon.

“You should sleep.” Yoong turned to look at Sooyeon as well.

The two adults stared at each other until they fell asleep. And when Sooyeon woke up, she saw Yoong changing Jaeyeon’s diaper and gave the baby some snacks. Sooyeon admitted that Yoong looked very responsible but that’s what a father should do anyway.


Sooyeon hugged Jaehyun and the twins altogether. She kissed their cheeks countlessly while Yoong watched in bliss. In his mind, Sooyeon has returned. The way she acted with the kids looked like she was back to her old self.

“I miss you, mommy.” Jaehyun cried while Sooyeon hugged the twin.

“I miss you too, Jae.” Sooyeon kissed Jaehyun’s head swiftly.

“Next time, let me stay with you.” Jaehyun cried.

“You got school, dear.” Sooyeon hugged Jaehyun while the twins hanged on her back.

“I don’t care. I want to stay with mommy.” Jaehyun cried out loud.

Yoong’s forehead crumbled watching Jaehyun’s action. Sooyeon was touch.

“Jaehyun-ah, don’t cry. Mommy’s home.” Sooyeon cajoled the boy while Jaeyoung and the twins laughed at him. 

Sooyeon hugged the crying boy and rubbed his back, calming him down.


Sooyeon let Yoong opened the door for her, the door to their room. She bit her inner lip as she found the room was much more spacious than she imagined.

“Our room.” Yoong said and Sooyeon stepped in.

She looked at the vanity table full of skincare products. She eyed each one, asking herself whether she was really using them. She looked at the portrait of her and Yoong hugging in front of beautiful hills. Yoong noticed.

“Hawaii. Our honeymoon after we had Jaeyoung.”

Yoong gazed at Sooyeon when she shook her head.

“I don’t remember anything…”

“That’s okay…you have all the time to remember again…but if you don’t-“

“If I don’t?” Sooyeon looked at Yoong.

“Let’s create new memories together.” Yoong said, his voice was solemn.

Sooyeon shrugged and sat down on the bed.

“Do I have to?”

“What do you mean?” Yoong was taken aback.

“I mean maybe this is a blessing in disguise. I have the chance to relive my life again and so do you.”


“Listen, I thought of this last night-“

“Sooyeon, no. Please.” Yoong chimed in and begged.

Sooyeon took a deep breath.

“Sooyeon, please. I know, I know what you’re thinking but I’m begging with my entirety, please don’t do this, at least not for me, but for the kids, don’t take us away from them.”

“…” Sooyeon was speechless.

“I know you’re thinking this is a mistake that you can fix but Sooyeon, the kids are not going to be able to understand this.” Yoong knelt down at Sooyeon’s legs and she moved away a bit.

“They deserve a family. They are so attached to you, to me, would you be able to break that?  Would you be able to sleep at night while their lives are ruined?”

“How about my life? I don’t know you, Yoong. I’m sorry but I can’t remember anything and I don’t think I want to…” Sooyeon cried.

“Love…” Yoong was out of words.

“Please Yoong, are you happy to see me like this? I’m miserable. Plus, I’m older than you, time is ticking down on me, you would need younger-“

“Stop it! Stop! Memory loss or not, you always have to talk about that! Why? Am I not capable to love you just because you are older?!” Yoong was suddenly berserk.

Sooyeon was scared but she stood her stance.

“I don’t care about your age or your look! I love you! Sincerely! You are all I need! I don’t need anything else and in case you don’t remember, I already told you many times before, I love you more than anything, more than the kids. I even asked you to abort Jaeyeon because of the possible complications you might have with him. I don’t care about anything else other than you!” Yoong held Sooyeon’s hands and cried at her lap, looking up to her.

Sooyeon felt somewhat overwhelmed by the sudden confession. 

“I can’t live without you, Sooyeon. And you can’t too. A week is enough without knowing what happened to you, I won’t be able to go through if you leave me like this.”

“But I don’t know you…” Sooyeon said while crying.

Yoong was crying as well. His forehead was on Sooyeon hands which he held dearly. He whimpered.

“At least, regain back your memory and then you can leave. That way, I’ll know it’s really you, and not the memory loss.” Yoong’s eyes gazed at the woman he loved the most.

Sooyeon looked away as Yoong put his head on her lap again and cried.


Sooyeon fed Jaeyeon the porridge and once in a while she glanced at Yoong who was joking around the kids, urging them to eat their early dinner. He asked her to eat earlier but she wasn’t hungry so she fed Jaeyeon first.

“Dear, dinner?” Yoong called and Sooyeon looked at the man. 

And he was right when he said Jaeyoung would be observing them. In the corner of her eyes, she could see Jaeyoung watching them.

“Sure.” Sooyeon nodded and Yoong served her the wagyu bibimbap.

Sooyeon was certain this family eats well. The husband is a millionaire. Of course they are.

“Come, Jaeyeon.” Yoong took the baby and  Sooyeon let him be.

“Delicious mommy!” The twins said and Sooyeon nodded while smiling at them.

“Then, you want some more?” Sooyeon asked as the twins have finished their bowl of bibimbap.

“More!” They both said and before Sooyeon could give her portion to them, Yoong placed some more in their bowl.

“You should eat.” Yoong said to Sooyeon and she heaved a sigh.

“But I’m not hungry. Anyone wants mommy’s?” Sooyeon showed the bibimbap bowl.

“Mommy, you only took a spoon of rice. Eat, mommy.” Jaehyun was concerned and Sooyeon was somewhat embarrassed.

“I can help you.” Jaehyun went to Sooyeon and fed Sooyeon.

Sooyeon was taken aback but she ate anyway and Jaehyun laughed while he prepared another spoon to feed his mother. Yoong chuckled as all the kids stood and lined up to feed Sooyeon.

“Daddy, you too.” Jaehyun said and Yoong went to Sooyeon.

He noticed she was full. She never ate much anyway. 

“Can daddy finish this for mommy?” Yoong said instead.

Yoong could see Sooyeon smiling and he ate the rest of the bibimbap whilst his kids shouted for him to stop. Sooyeon laughed eventually and thanked Yoong in her heart.


Sooyeon laughed out loud as the kids tried to hug her as they lied down on the comforter in front of the television. Yoong who was holding Jaeyeon enjoyed watching the kids making Sooyeon laughed as they tried kissing her cheeks and hugged her.

“That’s enough, now. Mommy needs her rest. Lie down.” Yoong said and made his way to the sofa beside the comforter.

He sat down with Jaeyeon still hugging him.

“Guys, let’s give daddy this spot beside mommy. Daddy misses mommy too.” Jaeyoung said, supporting himself with his small crutch. Both Yoong and Sooyeon looked at each other.

“Yeah. Daddy! Come! Come!” The twins shouted.

Yoong nodded, not wanting to delay. He lied down on the right side of Sooyeon, Jaeyeon moved into Sooyeon’s arms on the left. Jaeyoung ordered Jaehyun to sleep beside Yoong. Sohye beside Jaeyeon and Sohyun beside Sohye. Jaeyoung himself slept beside Sohye.

“Good arrangement.” Jaeyoung said. 

He was proud of himself.

“Then, you don’t want to hug mommy tonight?” Sooyeon tried to fish Jaeyoung.

“I already last night? I want to share you, mommy.” Jaeyoung got up and limped to Sooyeon, standing near her head before he bowed down and kissed Sooyeon’s forehead.

“Awww…” Yoong said while chuckling.

“Daddy, you should kiss mommy too.” 

Jaeyoung said and Yoong glanced at Sooyeon. He leaned when she gave a subtle green light. Yoong kissed Sooyeon’s forehead.

“Hug mommy too.” Jaehyun added as he lifted Yoong’s arm and put it on Sooyeon’s waist.

Sooyeon played it cool, smiling although she was screaming on the inside. Yoong smiled and pulled Sooyeon closer as he hugged her waist.

“Now, sleep.” Jaeyoung said.

Yoong took the chance to hug Sooyeon like he used to. He put his face in her hair and breathe in her scent. It was calming for him. Sooyeon wasn’t all uncomfortable. She felt somewhat arroused but she put her hand on Yoong’s wrist and signalled him to lift his hand.

“Just for awhile. Until they all sleep.” Yoong whispered in Sooyeon’s hair and Sooyeon heaved a sigh before she put her focus on Jaeyeon.

10 minutes later, all have fallen asleep, except for Yoong and Sooyeon. Sooyeon stayed still as Yoong

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1214 streak #1
Chapter 21: Oh thank you authy for the epilogue ☺️☺️☺️
Chapter 20: Beautiful ending, they finally grow old together in peace
Thx for the story author
Cant wait to read ur next stories ❤️
jjsooyoung #3
Chapter 20: really enjoyed this story especially each long chapter 😁 good job author.
PS I'm looking forward to your next story 🤭
1214 streak #4
Chapter 19: Awww that was indeed a happy ending for Yoong Sooyeon and their s family, also for Jessica and Yul, and lol Their youngest teasing his father... And for Minjeong that's karma whatever you throw at others will always come back at you....
Chapter 19: The ending for her and jessica was heart warming
Yoong end up look more older cos busy with work hahaha
Nice one author, u do good job here for continuing their story again in separated story ❤️❤️
Chapter 18: Minjeong gonna get the payback of what she had done
jjsooyoung #7
Chapter 18: Yes yoong send back the cruse to minjeong 😤
jjsooyoung #8
Chapter 17: I'm curious about what Soyeon has to sacrifice to get the curse off 🤔
Chapter 17: Black magic fight now 🔥🔥🔥