Hospitalized πŸ₯

Happy three brothers πŸ¦‹
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After his long nap, the man woke up to hear a familiar whimper and that small sobbing he knew pretty well, he sat up and looked at Jeonghan on the other bed lying while crying trying not to wake his hyung.

Seungcheol felt his forehead and felt the intense fever.

His Heart dropped, where is Mingyu?! And why didn't he wake him up?!Β 
It's almost sunset.

" Shh Jeonghan, you'll be fine."

It looks like he's having a strong headache too seeing him crying weakly, the headache was unbearable.

Seungcheol picked up his brother and walked out, seeing Mingyu sleeping on the sofa, which explains why he didn't check on Jeonghan.

And apparently, their uncle was out for the night as he said he was meeting some old friend.

Seungcheol placed Jeonghan on the kitchen table, while he searched for his medicine, the boy was too weak that he laid down panting and suffering.

Seungcheol shook the medicine with water before he fed the boy, heart aching to see Jeonghan like this.

Jeonghan coughed and wiped his tears.

" H-h-hyung Jeonghan sick."

The man's heart hurt, he hugged the boy and his hair gently.

" You will be fine Jeonghan, Hyung promises you."

He picked him up towards the living room where Mingyu snoring, laid him down and covered him with the blanket, went to bring an ice pack and fever temperature.

Jeonghan lying panting a little and he looked at his other hyung snoring.

Cheol came back and checked on the boy's temperature.

It's 39 degrees.

This is bad.

He placed an ice pack on his forehead and the boy looked at his hyung weakly.

" J-Jeonghan wants to w-watch tv."

Seungcheol chuckled, he's so cute.

" Aigoo, okay Hannie."Β 
He opened the TV on the anime channel and while he was lying, Jeonghan started to watch admiringly from the huge screen and Mingyu stirred there.

He snapped and sat up.

When did he sleep?!

" Oh my god, sorry Hyung I'm supposed to watch over him."

Seungcheol sat close.

" It's fine gyu, you must be tired too I'm sorry."

Mingyu got close to Jeonghan to feel his fever.

" Hyung is it bad ?!"

He asked the elder one.

" Yeah, I'm taking him to the hospital if it didn't drop."

He said looking at his brother watching TV quietly while hugging his teddy tight.

" Hyung, does uncle know about Jeonghan's illness?!"

Seungcheol shook his head.

" He just knew that he's not growing mentally, I didn't tell him about the tumor."

Mingyu bite his lips.

" I think we need to tell him Hyung."

Seungcheol felt like he should do that too.

" He will resist to buy for the surgery."

The surgery cost more than they thought.

" But Hyung, Jeonghan's not stable, I'm afraid if we are late h-he---." Mingyu was afraid to say the word.

Seungcheol wiped his brother's tears.

" He won't Mingyu, he'll be fine don't be scared."

He hugged him and Jeonghan looked at him while squeezing his teddy plushie.

The boy fell asleep because of his fever.


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