Chapter 2 :Teacher-nim

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Moon Byulyi delivered books to the main library of SNU the week after her first visit. As she pushed her trolley full of boxes, she stumbled into diligent Miss Strawberry, fully focused on her studies. Strangely, the beautiful student was alone once again. She was spinning a pen distractedly as she studied.

Her black hair was parted in the middle, framing her soft, feminine face.

She sighed when she noticed the dressing of Miss Strawberry. Was that a little too solemn for her personality? She wore a light-blue dress shirt, with frills covering the buttons. It was tucked into a solid, black skirt that reached her knees, exposing her toned legs. She looked like the office workers she that she met during lunch hours.

Perhaps, Miss Strawberry just wanted to look like hardworking student, not like the other party goers in the university. She probably stood out from the crowd from her modest dressing. Absently, the student pushed up her rectangle-shaped spectacles up the bridge of her nose, peering at her book. Her brows were furrowed in concentration, the very picture of a diligent student.

“I’ve never seen a college student work this hard,” muttered Byulyi to herself. Most of the university students she knew loved partying.

The purple-haired alpha could not help smiling when she noticed that Miss Strawberry was tapping her foot to the beat of a music that she was listening. Byulyi smacked her face when she realised that she was so entranced by the sight that she had forgotten about her work.

The delivery driver completed her task quickly and returned to the same spot swiftly.

Ah, Miss Strawberry was still studying so industriously.

She approached her, pushing the squeaky trolley towards her. Somehow, her heart started to race, thrilled at the idea of speaking to her again. When the delivery driver was finally before the student, the purple-haired woman waited for a moment, hoping that Miss Strawberry would lift her head to look at her.

The corners of Byulyi’s cherry-shaped lips lifted in a faint smile. Once again, she waved her hands in front of the bespectacled woman’s eyes and caught her attention.

The eyes of Miss Strawberry widened as she raised her head to meet her gaze. Her generous, pink lips curled to form a sweet smile when the student recognised her at first glance. She removed her earphones from her ears automatically.

“Hello Miss, I’m lost. Do you know the way to the main library?” Byulyi grinned, lopsidedly.

Miss Strawberry threw her head backwards and laughed.

Dolphin-like shriek filled the space and Byulyi’s gaze softened visibly.


“Are you sure that you still need directions, Miss Moon?” She asked playfully, her eyes curved into twinkling crescents. She glanced at the empty trolley pointedly.

Byulyi sat near her, examining the textbook that the student had been working on. “Miss, is this music?” She could only read the two bars of score on the page and nothing else.

The student’s eyes widened slightly, pushing the thick book towards Byulyi so that the latter could have a better look.

At such proximity, all Byulyi could breathe in was her unique, refreshing strawberry scent. She cleared and took a good look at the page. She could sound the words out but she wouldn’t have an idea what she was reading.

“Miss Moon, did you have some formal training as a musician?” She asked, her hazel eyes gleamed bright with interest.

Byulyi coughed, averting her gaze. “No, I used to fill in for a friend in a band, that’s all.” She scratched the side of her nose idly.

“In university?” Miss Strawberry asked, curious.

The purple-haired alpha cleared again. “No, in a bar.” Suddenly, a fleeting wave of discomfort surged through her. They might be around the same age but they were from two different worlds. The way the beautiful student carried herself so elegantly could only originated from training since a young age.

The eyes of Miss Strawberry widened visibly. “Wow, Miss Moon must be a professional then!”

The purple-haired alpha nodded hesitantly, laughing awkwardly. “Not a quite professional, just a fill-in.” She flexed her bicep. “That’s what any alumni of the University of Hard Knocks would do.”

The student shrieked in dolphin-like laughter again, clapping her thighs. Unwittingly, Byulyi smiled at her, entranced by her unique, musical laughter. She got comfortable and sat next to the student.

The purple-haired alpha studied the brown-haired student openly. “Miss, you’re not what I expected. I thought that you’re probably studying business or accounting.” She rubbed her nape awkwardly.

The student’s face fell at once, averting her gaze. “No, Miss Moon. You’re right. I major in business. Vocals is my minor.”

Byulyi ignored that despondent tone. “That’s very impressive, Miss,” remarked the purple-haired alpha, completely fascinated. “Vocals and not music? I bet Miss must sing very well.” She had heard from the two young girls in her crew that prospective students must be able to pass a very stringent audition just to study that subject.

The student cocked her head, surprised by the sincere awe. Blood rushed to colour her plump cheeks pink. “I…I can hold a tune.”

“Miss, you’re far too modest,” smiled Byulyi roguishly, propping her face with a hand with careless elegance. Her gaze flirted to her watch and she sighed. “Ah, what a waste, Miss. I wouldn’t be able to hear your angelic voice. I’ve got to finish my deliveries.”

The bespectacled woman’s face fell. “Oh.” There was a flash of reluctance in her eyes. She tucked an errant lock of black hair behind her ear coyly. “I’ll need to leave for class too.”

“Miss,” began Byulyi, getting her full attention. “I really enjoyed chatting with you.” There was only sincerity in her bright blue eyes. She stood up, brushing the dust from her trousers absently. “Good luck to your studies.” The delivery driver was going to part on that note when she was struck by the desire to express her concerns. “Please do something fun besides studying.” She scratched the side of her nose. “There are no do-overs in life.”

The student’s eyes widened slightly.

Ah, she might have stepped over a line.

Byulyi’s cheeks turned red. She dashed for her empty trolley, ready to make her getaway.

“Wait, Miss Moon!” The student called suddenly.

When Byulyi turned her head, she only saw a determined gleam in that student’s eyes. “I’m…I’m Kim Yongsun.”

“Kim Yongsun,” muttered Byulyi to herself as if testing how her name sounded. Face of a teacher? “Suits you perfectly, Yongsun-ssi. Especially with your spectacles.” She pretended to raise something on the bridge of her nose.

Yongsun laughed, dolphin-like shrieks filling the air. She had never met another person who was so effortlessly greasy and meant nothing sinister.

Byulyi’s lips curled to form a nose-scrunched smile as her gaze softened. When the shorter woman finally composed herself, Byulyi flashed another smile. “See you around, Teacher-nim.”

Suddenly, Yongsun grabbed her arm, halting her. Electricity seemed to jolt from that simple touch. The bespectacled student released her at once when their gaze met and clung. “I’m sorry!” Yongsun bowed deeply, a blush rose from her chest to colour her cheeks.

The purple-haired woman smiled faintly. “It’s fine, Teacher-nim.” Gold danced in her blue eyes. “You don’t need to apologise.”

Yongsun summoned all her courage, her hands balled into fists. “Miss Moon, may I know your name?”

For a moment, Byulyi was mesmerised by the beautiful student’s boldness. The way her hazel eyes sparkled captivated her and almost left her breathless.

The purple-haired woman rubbed her nape, smiling faintly. “I’ll answer you if we meet again, Teacher-nim.”

Yongsun pouted adorably. “That’s unfair, Miss Moon.”

Byulyi chuckled huskily. “No, it’s very fair, Teacher-nim. On our first meeting, I told you my surname but you never told me how to address you. I’ll let you know my name the next time we meet.”

The bespectacled student nodded, albeit reluctantly.

“Oh crap! I really need to go!” Byulyi carried the trolley and ran off, without casting a second glance behind her. Damn, now, she was truly late.

Byulyi had to put her driving skills to the test to finish her deliveries for the day. As she returned to the warehouse, her mind drifted to the beautiful, bespectacled girl in SNU. The student was such a refreshing breath of air in her monochrome life. Her spectacles could not hide those beautiful, expressive eyes. And she had a courage that she did not expect from a lady from a well-off family.

The purple-haired woman’s gaze softened unwittingly.

She bit her bottom lip when she remembered that faint, sweet fragrance of strawberry that filled her lungs whenever the student was nearby.

Wait, did Yongsun even know that she was broadcasting her interest in such a primal way? The brows of the purple-haired alpha furrowed. That would be very dangerous for the sweet-looking college student.

A part of her wanted to race to SNU swiftly to remind Yongsun to be careful. However, she repressed that desire, scrubbing her face with a hand. No, she ought to stay away from Yongsun since she was the very wolf that would prey on such innocence. And she remembered her promise to her.

How foolish of her!

Why did she promised that she would share her name the next time they meet?

She slammed her hand against the steering wheel. The delivery driver sighed finally. “I’ll leave it to fate. If I do meet Yongsun again…”


A week later, Byulyi was assigned to deliver more books to the main library of SNU. With bated breath, she entered the now familiar carpark and parked the van skilfully. She studied her appearance openly, checking from different angles to make sure that she looked perfect.

Byulyi patted her bangs nervously for the last time before she stepped out to get her job done. She had mixed feelings about meeting Yongsun. The college student was a little too innocent, a rose carefully raised in a greenhouse.

However, she could not help looking forward to the possibility…

The purple-haired alpha had dressed up for the possible meeting. She ran her hand down her white, almost sheer polo T-shirt, deciding if she ought to button the collar up. After several moments of contemplation, she decided to leave it completely buttoned. She took out the keys and stepped out of the van.

She dusted her faint grey sweatpants absently.

Only the discerning eye would notice that Byulyi’s entire wardrobe was from Thom Brown. The sweatpants and polo shirt featured their trademark four-white bars subtly. The purple-haired alpha loaded her trolley with boxes of books and made her way to the main library again.

Byulyi expelled a breath that she did not know she was holding when she spotted that familiar silhouette at the same table.

It was truly fate.

When a breeze caressed her long, purple hair, the diligent student raised her head and met her gaze almost instinctively. Instantly, Yongsun’s eyes curved into twinkling crescents as she waved at her cheerfully.

The purple-haired alpha could not help mirroring her smile, her nose scrunched cutely as Indian dimples deepened.

Yongsun’s smile widened, cute little indents appearing under her generous lips. She closed her book, rose to her feet and walked towards her.

Byulyi inhaled sharply.

The pretty college student looked a little more dolled up, her make-up accentuating her delicate, feminine features. Her long, brown hair was parted in the middle, framing her face in soft waves. She exchanged her business attire for something a little more casual, a blue-and-green striped shirt matched with pale jeans.

Byulyi’s cheeks turned crimson when Yongsun finally stood in front of her.  “Are you lost, Miss Moon?” Yongsun’s smile widened even more, her eyes bright with mischief as she hid her hands behind her back. “I heard that it is quite tricky to find the main library.”

The purple-haired woman snorted in laughter, shaking her head lightly. “What if I’m, Teacher-nim? Are you offering to be my guide?” The delivery driver’s gaze softened when Yongsun closed the distance between them, placed her hands on the handle and started pushing t

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0 points #1
Chapter 3: awwww yong opening up and meeting the 2young girls is so sweet! I love this dynamic for moonsun and hope they get to keep getting ti know each other in this sweet way 😊😊
Skye1234 #2
Chapter 4: Thank you for the update.
_moongalaxy #3
Chapter 3: auwwwww🥺❤🙈yong fall for the 2 young girls charms😆👏🏻
glad that byul introduced yong to them and they befriended each other🥺🙈❤
and 2 young girls got another unnie😆👏🏻and byul got 2 young girls as her eyes and ears at SNU😆
let's go byul!! let's end the FWB thingy!! fighting!!!
Chapter 3: Damn! Sth is wrong with that nam. I feel so bad for Yongsun, she has no control of her life. I hope with Byulyi and the two girls, her life will be better.

I'm pretty sure it's difficult to cut ties with Krystal given her wonky behaviours when Byul chased her out.
_moomoo_nim #5
Chapter 2: yeah don't need to give a look at that peasant!!!
_moongalaxy #6
Chapter 2: what the heck?! well like byul thought a well-bred like yong ofc have an arranged married too😌
but...i can imagine the way yong laugh that dolphin shriek🤣👏🏻
glad that byul always knew how to make yong feel free🥰
_moomoo_nim #7
Chapter 27: sorry if I'm late 😭but let me tell you this,it is so refreshing to see you try different genres of stories ,always love them . we get to know more about cars and races🔥also loved this chapter so much can't wait for more ❤️❤️
Chapter 2: I wonder if it’s arranged marring because she seems so nonchalant.

They are so cute! All the teasings and a little flirting.
greenjade21 #9
Chapter 1: Nice first chapter. My interest piqued more on the moonsuns encounter! A thing to look forward to! Really nice start, like it! Good luck.
Ichig02101 #10
Chapter 1: Oh! I love it already 😁