I will go to you like the first snow. I will go to you.

I will go to you like the first snow

The night was a canvas of scattered stars over the Han River, where the cool breeze carried the faint sounds of the city in the distance. Chaeyoung and Mina, having just returned from a trip to Bali Indonesia, found themselves sitting on an old, worn bench by the river's edge. The world around them felt unusually quiet, mirroring the silence that had fallen between them since their arrival.


Mina looked out over the water, lost in thought, her gaze reflecting the twinkling lights that danced upon the waves. Chaeyoung turned slightly to look at her, the soft glow of the streetlamp casting shadows on her face. Breaking the heavy silence, Chaeyoung's voice was tender but carried a weight that immediately filled the air.


"You know how much I love you, right?" Chaeyoung murmured, her eyes still fixed on the dark waters.


Mina hummed in response, a noncommittal sound that seemed to float away with the wind.


Chaeyoung continued, her voice growing firmer, "I wanna grow old with you and have a family, Mina."


Again, Mina hummed, her expression unreadable, her eyes still on the horizon.


"But I think it's time to let you go," Chaeyoung added abruptly, her words cutting through the night air.


Mina turned sharply to Chaeyoung, shock registering on her face, but Chaeyoung’s eyes remained focused on the river, avoiding Mina's gaze.


"I tried to forgive you every night, but I can't," Chaeyoung confessed, her voice cracking as she spoke. Tears began to trace paths down her cheeks. "Every night, I followed you, to the same place, with the same person. I waited, hoping... just maybe, you would tell me and choose me, but I'm wrong."


A hollow chuckle escaped her as she wiped away her tears, "Every night, I felt like I was dying, seeing you with another man."


Finally, Chaeyoung turned to face Mina, her eyes red and swollen. "I thought this trip would save me, save us, because maybe... just maybe, I could forget all those nights, but..." Her words were stifled by her sobs, her whole body shaking with the effort to hold herself together.


"I pity myself for staying, Mina. I can't handle it anymore," she whispered, standing up from the bench but still not moving away, her gaze returning to the river. "I love you so much... I love you with my whole life, but it hurts too much."


With those final words, Chaeyoung slowly walked away, leaving Mina sitting alone on the bench, the silence around her now filled with the echo of heartbreak.


Before that poignant night at the Han River, Chaeyoung had carefully orchestrated a quiet intervention, knowing deep inside that it would be the night where everything would change. She messaged their closest friends, asking them to wait nearby, a silent plea for support she knew she would need. As Chaeyoung walked away from Mina, her steps faltered slightly, her heart breaking with each step she took.


Nayeon and Jeongyeon were waiting nearby, their presence a comforting embrace as they walked towards Chaeyoung. Without a word, they guided her to the car, where the ride home was filled with the heart-wrenching sounds of Chaeyoung's sobs. Momo and Sana, on the other hand, went to Mina, each group retreating into the night, enveloped in their own worlds of sorrow and confusion.


In the days that followed, Chaeyoung became a shadow of herself. She confined herself to her room, the walls of which were lined with memories of a love that was no more. Nayeon and Jeongyeon stayed by her side, trying in vain to coax her to eat more than a few bites, their worry deepening as each day passed with little change.


Months slipped by with agonizing slowness. Chaeyoung, now a pale echo of her vibrant self, rarely left her bed. One evening, as she aimlessly scrolled through her phone, her heart stopped for a moment. There, amidst the blur of social media updates, was the announcement of Mina's upcoming wedding. The news was like a dagger through her heart, and she broke down once more, her cries muffled by the loneliness of her room.


A year had passed since that fateful night, and the pain, though dulled by time, was a constant companion. Chaeyoung made a decision, one that was both painful and necessary. She would leave for Switzerland, to the home of her parents, seeking solace and perhaps, a chance to heal away from the memories that haunted every corner of her life in Korea.


The house she and Mina had shared for six years, once a sanctuary filled with love and dreams, now stood as a monument to her deepest heartache. Packing her belongings, Chaeyoung felt each item resonate with memories of a past that could no longer be her present.


As she closed the door for the last time, a tear slipped down her cheek, marking the end of a chapter and the painful beginning of another. The journey to Switzerland was not just a physical distance she needed to cover; it was a desperate hope that maybe, just maybe, distance could help mend a heart that felt irrevocably broken.


It had been three years since Chaeyoung had set foot in Korea, the land that held both the highest and lowest points of her life. Switzerland had become her refuge, a place where the mountains and lakes soothed her wounded heart. Her friends, the steadfast seven—Momo, Jihyo, Sana, Tzuyu, Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Dahyun—had made it a point to visit her once or twice each year, bringing with them the warmth and laughter that Chaeyoung had missed so dearly. Their visits were a balm to her soul, filling her home with love and careful avoidance of any mention of Mina.


The decision to avoid speaking of Mina wasn't formal but understood, a silent agreement among friends wanting to protect one of their own from further pain. They focused on making new memories, ones that were untainted by the past, helping Chaeyoung rebuild her life piece by piece.


Then, one bright spring morning, a message from Jihyo arrived, a simple yet significant request. Jihyo was getting married, and she wanted Chaeyoung to return to Korea for the celebration. Despite the whirlwind of emotions that the thought of returning stirred within her, Chaeyoung replied with an immediate yes. She knew it was time, time to face the past, not as the person who left it behind but as the one who had grown far beyond it.


Arriving in Korea felt surreal. As the plane descended, memories flooded back, but they no longer had the sharp edges of pain. "It's good to be back," she whispered to herself, a smile touching her lips as she felt a surprising peace settle over her.


Dahyun was waiting for her at the airport, her presence a comforting reminder of the unbreakable bonds of friendship. They drove to the house Chaeyoung had left behind, the very place that had witnessed her deepest despair. Stepping inside, Chaeyoung was enveloped by a sense of nostalgia, not just for the pain she had endured but for all the life moments the walls had seen.


The house was unchanged, as if it had been patiently waiting for her return. She wandered through the rooms, each corner evoking memories of laughter and tears, until she reached the room that had once been her sanctuary of sorrow. Surprisingly, it no longer felt like a prison. Instead, it felt like a room where she had fought a battle and emerged victorious.


Laying down on the bed, the same one where she had once cried herself to sleep night after night, Chaeyoung felt a profound fatigue wash over her. It wasn't the exhaustion of grief but the tiredness that comes after a long journey home. As she drifted off to sleep, there was no bitterness, only the gentle, forgiving whisper of the past letting her go.


This sleep was different—it was the sleep of someone who had come home not to revisit old ghosts but to celebrate how far she had come. For Chaeyoung, it was not just a return to a place but a reclaiming of the parts of herself she thought were lost forever.


The days leading up to Jihyo's wedding were a whirlwind of activity. Chaeyoung and her friends threw themselves into the preparations with gusto, from arranging the decorations to participating in the photoshoots. Amidst the hustle and bustle, Chaeyoung found herself unexpectedly reflective, especially during a quiet moment while they were tasting different wedding cakes.


As she sampled a particularly delicious vanilla bean cake, her eyes scanned the room. She couldn't help but notice the absence of Mina, another of Jihyo's close friends. Chaeyoung wasn't actively looking for her, but the curiosity was there—after all, Mina was supposed to be part of this celebration too.


Her train of thought was interrupted when Dahyun tapped her on the shoulder, bringing her back to the moment with a smile and a comment about choosing the cake. The rest of the preparations passed in a blur, and soon it was the day of the wedding.


At the venue, the atmosphere was festive and filled with joy. As Chaeyoung sat at the table with her friends, she noticed an empty seat and assumed it was reserved for Mina. Midway through the reception, during Jihyo's speech, a small commotion at the entrance caught everyone's attention.


"Myoui Mina, you are late! Wah. It’s your best friend's wedding and you are late!" Jihyo called out with a laugh, shaking her head but clearly amused. Mina, dressed in a striking red dress, mouthed an apology and made her way towards their table.


As Mina approached, the air seemed to thicken with anticipation. She greeted everyone warmly, hugging each friend in turn. When it came to Chaeyoung, there was a brief pause—a moment where the past and present collided.


"Hi," Mina said softly, embracing Chaeyoung.


Chaeyoung returned the hug, her heart pounding but her exterior calm. As they both sat down, there was a palpable sense of nervousness and awkwardness from the group, all of whom were acutely aware of their shared history.


The friends exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of concern and curiosity. They knew the depths of Chaeyoung’s suffering after her breakup with Mina, and seeing them together again stirred a complex web of emotions. However, observing Chaeyoung's composed demeanor, they slowly began to relax. It was clear that she had healed significantly, her presence strong and unflinching.


The evening progressed with laughter and dancing, and as Chaeyoung interacted with Mina, there was a newfound sense of closure and maturity between them. It wasn't the same as before, nor would it ever be, but it was a new chapter—perhaps one of friendship reborn from the ashes of their past.


After Jihyo finished greeting her guests and relatives, she made her way back to the table where her friends were gathered. Noticing Mina's late arrival, she playfully inquired, "So, why the grand entrance, Mina?"


Mina, slightly embarrassed, explained, "My flight from Japan got delayed, and to top it off, I forgot to confirm my hotel booking."


Nayeon chimed in, offering a solution, "You can stay at my place if you like."


Mina was considering the offer and began to suggest booking another hotel, but Chaeyoung, surprising herself and others, interjected, "You can stay at my house, Mina. I have three spare rooms, so it’s no trouble at all."


Tzuyu, who had been staying with Chaeyoung for a while, eagerly supported the idea, almost pleading, "Yes, stay with us at Chaeyoung’s! It’ll be fun."


After a moment of hesitation, Mina smiled and agreed, much to everyone's relief.


As the wedding party wore on, laughter and music filled the air. The hours slipped by, marked by the clinking of glasses and the joyous shouts of dancing guests. Chaeyoung and most of her friends appeared joyfully inebriated, reveling in the festive atmosphere.


Mina and Dahyun, who hadn't been drinking, alongside a sober Tzuyu, took it upon themselves to look after everyone. When the celebration finally wound down, Momo, Sana, and Nayeon, escorted by Jeongyeon, decided to head to Jeongyeon's place. Dahyun stayed behind to assist Jihyo with the post-wedding activities.


Tzuyu and Mina, taking care of Chaeyoung, guided her to her car and then to her home. Once there, they helped her into her room, ensuring she was comfortable and safe.


Tzuyu received a phone call from her mom, needing to step out, which left Mina alone with Chaeyoung. The room was quiet, save for the soft breathing of Chaeyoung, who had succumbed to sleep from the exhaustion and effects of alcohol.


Mina's movements were gentle and practiced as she removed Chaeyoung's heels and carefully ped her dress. She fetched a wet towel, delicately wiping down Chaeyoung's face and arms, a familiarity in her actions that spoke of a past intimacy. After dressing Chaeyoung in comfortable sleepwear, Mina paused at the door, looking back at Chaeyoung's peaceful face.


With a soft sigh, Mina left the room to arrange her things in the next room, her mind a whirl of emotions. Despite the years and the distance, caring for Chaeyoung still felt as natural as it had before. Tonight had unexpectedly thrown them back into a closeness they hadn't shared for years, and as Mina settled into her temporary room, she wondered what the next few days would bring.


The morning sun streamed through the windows as Chaeyoung stirred awake, her head throbbing with the remnants of last night's revelry. With a groan, she sat up, the events of the wedding slowly coming back to her. Slipping out of bed, she made her way downstairs, the scent of breakfast wafting through the house.


In the kitchen, Tzuyu and Mina were busy at the stove, a comforting domestic scene. Tzuyu, noticing Chaeyoung's pained expression, handed her a glass of water and some medicine for her hangover.


"Thanks, Tzuyu," Chaeyoung mumbled, gratefully accepting the remedy.


As they settled around the table for breakfast, the doorbell rang. Tzuyu excused herself to answer it, returning moments later with Jihyo in tow. Jihyo, still in her bridal glow, headed straight to the kitchen and joined them at the table without missing a beat.


"Why aren't you on your honeymoon?" Chaeyoung asked, her curiosity piqued.


Jihyo, helping herself to some toast, replied nonchalantly, "Ah, my husband had to fly out for an urgent work matter. It can't be helped, but it’s for our future, so it's okay."


While they chatted and enjoyed their breakfast, Jihyo pulled out her phone and dialed Jeongyeon. Soon, Dahyun's face also appeared on the screen, with Momo, Nayeon, and Sana visible in the background at Jeongyeon’s place.


"Hey, everyone! I've got news," Jihyo announced, her voice bubbling with excitement. "My husband and I have booked a trip to Bali Indonesia, for a week, and we’ve also secured a hotel there. Our flight is tomorrow morning."


The friends on the screen exchanged surprised and excited glances.


Jihyo continued, "I want you all to come too. Could you book your flights for the same day? We’ll make it a group honeymoon slash vacation!"


The response was a chorus of enthusiastic agreements and promises to prepare immediately.


"Count us in!" Chaeyoung said, a smile breaking through her earlier discomfort. Mina and Tzuyu nodded in agreement, the sudden plan sparking a wave of excitement through their tiredness.


The conversation shifted to logistics and planning, with everyone buzzing with the anticipation of another adventure, this time in the tropical paradise of Bali. It was a perfect distraction, a chance for all of them to step away from the routine and make new, joyful memories together.


As the call ended, Chaeyoung turned to Mina, a soft smile on her face. "Looks like we’re going to Bali," she said, the warmth in her voice reflecting a newfound ease between them.


Mina returned the smile, nodding. "It sounds like just what we need."


The kitchen filled with laughter and the clinking of plates as they finished their breakfast, the day ahead suddenly promising not just recovery from a hangover but the exciting rush of travel preparations. It was a spontaneous decision, but sometimes, those were the best kind.


The whirlwind of last-minute packing culminated at the airport, where the nine friends, reunited and buzzing with excitement, checked in for their flight to Bali. Jihyo, ever the social media enthusiast, gathered everyone for a group selfie. With a wide smile, she posted it online, the caption reading, "Complete. Najeongmosajihmidachaetzu is back," invoking the unique blend of their names that had become their group's unofficial title.


Upon arriving in Bali, the warm, tropical air greeted them with promises of relaxation and adventure. After a quick discussion, they decided to book an additional room to accommodate everyone comfortably. Jihyo, Tzuyu, Dahyun, and Mina shared one room, while Jeongyeon, Nayeon, Sana, Momo, and Chaeyoung settled into another.


Exhausted from the journey, the group agreed to rest for the remainder of the day and start their tours the following morning. As night fell, the room shared by Chaeyoung and her friends was soon filled with the soft, steady breathing of sleep. However, Chaeyoung found herself restless, her mind too active for sleep.


Seeking solace in the night, Chaeyoung quietly slipped out of the room and walked outside, the gentle sea breeze caressing her face. The tranquility of the resort under the moonlight offered a stark contrast to the turmoil within her. As she walked, her thoughts inadvertently drifted to the last time she was in Bali—ironically, the last trip she had taken with Mina before their painful breakup.


The memories were vivid, almost painfully so. The laughter, the shared glances, the subtle touches—it all came flooding back. Yet, as she allowed herself to reminisce, Chaeyoung realized something crucial: remembering the past no longer hurt in the same way. It was a part of her history, yes, but it didn't wield the same power over her emotions as it once had.


Feeling a sense of peace settling over her, Chaeyoung turned back towards the hotel. She was ready to rest, not just physically but emotionally too. The walk and the memories had offered her a quiet closure, a reaffirmation that she had indeed moved on.


Back in the room, as she settled into her bed, the sounds of her friends' peaceful slumbers enveloped her. Chaeyoung closed her eyes, a soft smile playing on her lips. The trip was not just about exploring Bali; it was also about exploring the depths of her own healing. And as she drifted off to sleep, she felt grateful for both.


Day 1: Discovering Ubud


The first rays of the Balinese sun found the group gathered around a table laden with local and international breakfast options. After fueling up with fresh fruits, Indonesian fried rice, and robust coffee, they set out for their first destination: the cultural heart of Bali, Ubud.


Their itinerary for the day included a visit to the sacred Monkey Forest, where playful macaques roamed freely among ancient temple ruins. Cameras clicked and laughter echoed as the monkeys occasionally outwitted the group, snatching away unguarded items.


Next, they explored the sprawling Ubud Market, browsing stalls filled with handcrafted goods, vibrant textiles, and intricate jewelry. Mina and Chaeyoung found themselves reminiscing over a shared love for unique earrings, a reminder of past trips together yet comfortably nestled in the present.


The day concluded with a tranquil walk through the Tegalalang Rice Terraces, where they admired the lush, green layers of the landscape, an iconic image of Bali’s natural beauty. The setting sun cast a golden glow, creating a perfect backdrop for group photos and quiet reflections.


Day 2: The Beauty of Beaches and Temples


On their second day, the friends headed south to explore Bali’s famous beaches. Starting at Kuta Beach, they enjoyed the lively scene, with some trying out surfing under the guidance of local instructors. Laughter filled the air as Dahyun and Tzuyu playfully competed to catch the biggest wave.


Later, they visited the majestic Uluwatu Temple, perched on a cliff overlooking the Indian Ocean. They arrived just in time for the Kecak fire dance at sunset, a mesmerizing performance that captivated everyone with its intensity and the dramatic ocean backdrop.


Day 3: Nusa Dua and Water Sports


The third day was dedicated to water sports at Nusa Dua, known for its crystal-clear waters and wide array of activities. Jihyo and Jeongyeon tried jet skiing, while Momo and Sana opted for a more relaxed snorkeling session, exploring the vibrant underwater world.


The highlight was a group parasailing adventure, where they soared above the ocean, sharing exhilarating moments. The thrill of seeing Bali from such heights brought an exhilarating sense of freedom and togetherness.


Day 4: Northern Bali’s Hidden Gems


On the fourth day, they ventured north to explore the less-traveled roads of Bali. Their first stop was the serene Lovina Beach, famous for its dolphin-watching tours. Early in the morning, they embarked on a boat trip, and the sight of dolphins playfully swimming near them was a joyful experience.


Continuing their journey, they visited the Banjar Hot Springs, where they relaxed in the warm, sulfuric waters surrounded by lush gardens. It was a healing experience, soothing their tired muscles and providing a moment of tranquility.


Each evening, they returned to their hotel, tired yet fulfilled, sharing meals and stories of the day’s adventures. The experiences brought them closer, weaving new memories into the fabric of their friendship, a testament to the healing power of time and shared joy.


On the fifth day of their stay in Bali, the group decided to throw a beach party near their hotel. They set up a large tent right on the sand, under which they prepared a feast of grilled delicacies, surrounded by an abundance of snacks and an endless supply of booze. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the sea, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement and laughter.


Everyone gathered around, drinks in hand, reminiscing and sharing stories from their lives. The evening was filled with light-hearted banter until Momo, driven by curiosity, turned the conversation in a serious direction.


"Mina, I've always wondered," Momo began hesitantly, her question slicing through the mirth like a knife. "Why didn’t you show up at your own wedding? The one your parents arranged with that businessman?"


The group fell silent instantly, the sound of the waves crashing softly in the background the only noise. Chaeyoung's face stiffened, her eyes locked on Mina, waiting for an answer.


Taking a deep breath, Mina looked around at her friends' anxious faces. "I couldn’t do it," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "I couldn’t marry someone I didn’t love. Not just any someone, but someone my parents chose over... over someone I truly cared about."


Mina paused, glancing at Chaeyoung, indicating her without saying her name. "I was meeting him secretly because my parents were strictly against my relationship with Chaeyoung. I was terrified they’d disown me."


The confession hung heavy in the air. "I know it was wrong to not be honest with Chaeyoung and all of you. After Chaeyoung and I broke up, I moved back to Japan to try and start over. I even tried to love the man they chose for me, but I couldn’t."


As Mina's words tapered off, Chaeyoung, who had been silently sipping her beer, stood abruptly. "I need  to go to the bathroom." she muttered, her voice shaky, before heading towards the bathroom.


Inside the cramped space, Chaeyoung leaned against the cool tile wall, her tears uncontrollable as they streamed down her face. Memories, sharp and painful, flooded back. She had thought she was over Mina, that she had moved past the hurt, but the wounds were as raw as ever. Alone, with only the echo of her sobs for company, Chaeyoung realized the healing she thought she had achieved was nothing but a façade.


Outside, the party continued under the starlit sky, unaware of the storm of emotions unraveling just a few feet away.


After a lengthy absence, Chaeyoung returned to the beachside party. She had managed to wash away any visible signs of her tears, but her emotions were still raw and tumultuous. The festive music played on, and her friends were lost in the joy of dancing, oblivious to the storm raging inside her. Feeling unable to join them, Chaeyoung found solace in the solitude of sitting on the cool sand, watching from afar.


Nayeon, noticing her friend's distant demeanor, sat down beside her, sharing the quiet moment. The moon cast a soft glow, illuminating their faces as they watched their friends dancing and laughing. Breaking the silence, Nayeon spoke softly, a tone of concern lacing her voice.


"Chaeyoung, I know it's hard... but you should know, Mina suffered a lot after you two parted ways," Nayeon began, her eyes on the dancing figures. "The man she was almost forced to marry was not kind to her. He was abusive."


Chaeyoung clenched her fist in the sand, her heart aching, yet she remained silent, her eyes fixed on Mina who seemed to be enjoying the moment with her friends, an image hard to reconcile with what Nayeon was revealing.


Nayeon continued, her voice growing more somber. "I was visiting her often in Japan. She... she was diagnosed with depression, Chaeyoung. It was really bad. One night, I heard something from her room, a thud that I'll never forget. I found her... Mina was hanging from the ceiling. Thank God I got there in time to cut the rope."


Chaeyoung's breath hitched, tears gathering in her eyes as the gravity of Mina's suffering dawned upon her. A single tear rolled down her cheek, reflecting the moonlight.


Nayeon reached out, taking Chaeyoung's hands in hers. "She still loves you, Chaeyoung. Not a day goes by that she doesn't ask about you. She hasn’t reached out because she's ashamed of herself and hasn't forgiven herself for everything that happened between you."


The revelation overwhelmed Chaeyoung, and she leaned her head against Nayeon, allowing herself to cry freely. The pain of the past mingled with the shock of the present, making her heart feel both heavy and hollow. As Nayeon held her, the sounds of the party seemed to fade into the background, leaving only the rhythmic, soothing crash of the waves and the comforting presence of a friend in a moment of deep vulnerability.


On their final day in Bali, the group decided to stay close to the hotel, spending their time gathering souvenirs and local delicacies to take back to Korea. Amid the casual bustle of their last-minute shopping, Chaeyoung found herself frequently glancing at Mina, feeling a pull to speak to her but lacking the courage to initiate anything.


As the evening wore on, they all returned to the hotel with plans to turn in early in preparation for their morning flight. However, sleep eluded Chaeyoung, her mind replaying the revelations and emotional exchanges from the night before. Seeking solace, she slipped out to the beach once more, letting the cool night breeze and the rhythmic sound of the waves calm her restless thoughts.


On her way back to the hotel, a solitary figure caught her eye. It was Mina, standing at the edge of the beach, gazing out into the vast, dark sea. Moved by an impulse, Chaeyoung requested two towels from the lobby before approaching her.


Quietly coming up beside Mina, Chaeyoung draped one of the towels around her shoulders. Mina jumped slightly, surprised but visibly relieved when she saw it was Chaeyoung.


"What are you doing out here?" Chaeyoung asked, her voice soft but carrying a warmth that filled the cool night air.


"I couldn't sleep," Mina confessed, her eyes still fixed on the horizon. "Too many thoughts."


"Me too," Chaeyoung admitted, standing beside her and following her gaze into the darkness.


They stood in silence for a moment before Mina finally spoke, her voice trembling slightly. "I know it's too late to say this, but I'm sorry. Just sorry for everything."


Chaeyoung took a deep breath, her sigh mixing with the ocean breeze. "I forgave you a long time ago, Mina. I think you need to forgive yourself too."


Tears began to well up in Mina's eyes as she reached up to wipe them away. After a pause, she excused herself, turning to leave, but Chaeyoung reached out and gently grasped her hand, pulling her into a warm embrace. Mina yielded to the hug, her body shaking as she cried, while Chaeyoung softly rubbed her back.


In that moment, under the starlit sky with the sound of waves as their witness, Chaeyoung felt a profound sense of closure envelop them. It was the ending and the beginning they both needed—forgiveness, understanding, and the mutual recognition of their shared past, finally allowing them to move forward, whether together or apart.


After their transformative trip to Bali, the group found themselves back at the airport in Korea, waiting for their flight home. There was a noticeable shift in the dynamic between Mina and Chaeyoung; they were now engaging openly, sharing laughs and stories much to the delight of their friends. This change did not go unnoticed, and it spread a wave of happiness among the group, pleased to see the tension between the two dissolve into something warmer and more familiar.


Once they landed and made their way back to Chaeyoung's house, the joyous reunion continued with an impromptu gathering. The home was filled with the sounds of clinking glasses and cheerful conversations, celebrating their return.


As days turned into weeks, everyone could see that Chaeyoung and Mina's relationship was gradually blossoming again. They were no longer just former lovers trying to mend a friendship, but were inching closer, blurring the lines with their affectionate gestures and shared smiles. Tzuyu, who was staying with Chaeyoung, observed these changes closely, noting how the two interacted with an ease that spoke of deep familiarity and burgeoning fondness.


The group, ever observant, couldn't help but question if this was the reigniting of an old flame. "Are you two getting back together?" they would ask, half teasing, half serious, only to be met with dismissive laughs and assurances of, "We're just friends, we just missed each other, that’s all."


But beneath the surface, both Mina and Chaeyoung were grappling with their own whirlpool of emotions. Mina found herself questioning whether Chaeyoung still harbored deeper feelings for her, and what their renewed closeness meant. Chaeyoung, on the other hand, was fighting an internal battle, torn between the joy of having Mina back in her life and the fear of possibly reopening old wounds. She cherished their current harmony but feared that stepping beyond the boundaries of friendship might lead to a repeat of past pains.


Their interactions, so naturally tender and intimate, made it difficult for them to maintain the facade of just friendship. As they navigated this familiar yet uncharted territory, both women were caught in a cycle of doubt and longing, each step forward shadowed by past hurts yet illuminated by the hope of what could be. This dance of closeness, a blend of comfort and caution, played out in the warmth of Chaeyoung's home, leaving the future of their relationship as uncertain and tantalizing as ever.

With only five days left before Mina's departure back to Japan, the air between her and Chaeyoung was thick with unspoken words and unresolved feelings. Mina, mustering all her courage, invited Chaeyoung out for a quiet dinner, a pretext for the conversation she knew they needed to have. After sharing a meal filled with laughter and lingering looks, they found themselves walking along the tranquil banks of the Han River, the city lights reflecting softly on the water's surface.


Under the serene night sky, Mina finally voiced the question that had been haunting her. "Chaeyoung, what are we now?" Her voice was steady, but her heart raced with vulnerability.


Chaeyoung paused, her eyes tracing the gentle flow of the river. "I don't know," she admitted, her voice tinged with a mix of fear and affection. "I'm scared, Mina. I'm happy when I'm with you, but I'm also scared."


She continued, her words slow and thoughtful. "I've built walls around myself for so long, I don't know if I'm ready to let them down again."


Mina nodded, her expression understanding. "I get it," she said softly. "Let's just stay the same until I leave for Japan. Let's not rush or push things."


As they stood side by side, Mina rested her head on Chaeyoung's shoulder, a familiar comfort in the chill of the evening. "After I leave Korea, I'll try to let you go," Mina whispered, her voice barely audible above the whisper of the river. "I need to free myself from this, from us, so I can heal."


Holding Chaeyoung's hand while still leaning on her, Mina looked up, her eyes earnest and filled with a tender sadness. "You deserve genuine happiness, Chaeyoung, and maybe it's not with me." Her voice cracked as she added, "I love you, Chaeyoung, and that's never faded. I love you as much as I did the first time I told you, during the first snow we met. And if reincarnation is real, I will find you again, just like that first snow."


Tears streamed down Chaeyoung's cheeks as she held Mina close, cherishing the weight of her words and the warmth of her presence. The next few days passed in a blur, their actions belying the imminent farewell, still intertwined like a couple deeply in love until the very end.


On the day of Mina's departure, the group gathered at the airport, the mood somber and heavy. As they said their goodbyes, Mina gave each friend a hug, saving Chaeyoung for last. Their embrace was long and filled with a silent exchange of love and regret. As Mina finally turned to leave, disappearing into the crowd, Chaeyoung's composure shattered, her tears flowing freely. Her friends quickly gathered around her, offering a group hug, a circle of support as she mourned the departure not just of a lover but of a profound piece of her heart.


Two years had elapsed since Mina vanished from their lives without a trace, leaving behind only memories and unanswered questions. Despite an exhaustive search, Chaeyoung and her friends were unable to locate her, neither in Japan nor through any other channels. The enigma of her disappearance only deepened the ache in Chaeyoung's heart, the pain mingled with regrets and unresolved emotions.


Three months after Mina left Korea, unable to bear the silence any longer, Chaeyoung and her friends flew to Japan in hopes of finding some clue to her whereabouts. They visited Mina's last known address, only to find it deserted, with no sign of Mina or her family. Before leaving, Chaeyoung slipped a note under the front door, a message filled with words of concern and a plea for any sign that Mina was okay.


A year passed, and the silence remained unbroken. Life had to move forward, and for Chaeyoung, it meant returning to Switzerland to be with her parents who needed her support. Even amidst the responsibilities and new routines, her mind often wandered back to Mina, to their last conversations, and to the myriad 'what ifs' that haunted her.


Now, two years since that painful farewell, as the first snow of the season began to blanket the quaint town of Grindelwald, Chaeyoung found herself in a small café, a comforting sanctuary against the cold. She sat near a window, coffee in hand, gazing out at the gently falling snow. Each flake stirred a memory, a soft echo of the first snowfall they had shared, the one Mina had referenced in her heartfelt confession.


The serene beauty of the snow-covered landscape was stark against the turmoil within. Chaeyoung's thoughts were a whirlwind of regret and longing. She regretted not confessing her true feelings that night at the Han River, regretted not stopping Mina from leaving, from disappearing into a life where Chaeyoung had no place.


As she watched the snowflakes drift and dance, Chaeyoung couldn't help but think of Mina. Where was she now? Was she watching the snowfall too, in some distant place, thinking of her as well? The weight of not knowing, of possibly never knowing, pressed coldly against her chest.


Her coffee grew cold as the hours slipped by, each minute stretching longer than the last, each filled with the quiet hope that somewhere, somehow, Mina was still out there, maybe even longing to reach out just as much as Chaeyoung was longing to hear from her.


Lost in her memories amidst the snowflakes, Chaeyoung was startled when someone took the seat opposite her. Lifting her eyes, she met the gaze of the last person she expected but the one she had hoped to see the most. It was Mina, looking back at her with an expression mixed with nervousness and longing. Overwhelmed by a torrent of emotions, Chaeyoung acted on impulse and embraced her tightly, her heart pounding with relief and disbelief.


After a moment that seemed to stretch into eternity, they settled down in their seats. Chaeyoung, still reeling from the shock, asked the question that had been burning in her for so long. "Mina, where have you been? How are you?"


Mina smiled softly, her eyes reflecting a peace that hadn’t been there before. "It’s a long story, Chaeyoung. I needed time to heal, to find myself again without the weight of the past holding me down."


As they walked home through the snowy streets of Grindelwald, Chaeyoung, holding Mina’s hand, asked another burning question, "How did you find me here?"


"I found the note you left at my old house," Mina replied. "I kept it with me always. I knew about your address from the day you all came to Japan, but I had to be sure I was ready, healed enough to not just return to your life but to be a part of it positively."


Mina paused, her voice softening. "I've been here in Switzerland for a month, waiting for the snow. Waiting for the right moment to come to you like I promised."


Unable to contain her emotions any longer, Chaeyoung leaned forward and kissed Mina, pouring all her pent-up feelings into that single act. "I’m sorry, Mina—"


But Mina cut her off with a kiss of her own, gentle yet full of conviction. "I told you, I will always go to you like the first snow. I love you."


"I love you," Chaeyoung echoed, her voice thick with emotion. They hugged each other tightly, the world around them fading away to nothing but the two of them.


Just then, laughter and the click of a camera broke through their bubble. Surprised, they turned to see their friends approaching, grinning and snapping photos. Chaeyoung, still in a daze, asked, "What are you all doing here in Switzerland?"


With smiles and a touch of mischief, one of them replied, "It was all Mina's plan. She wanted us to be here to see this moment."


The revelation brought a new wave of tears and laughter. The group enveloped Mina and Chaeyoung in a joyful group hug, celebrating not just the reunion but the healing and love that had brought them back together. Under the soft fall of snow, surrounded by friends, Chaeyoung and Mina found their new beginning, their hearts finally at peace with the past and each other.


Years after their heartfelt reunion in Grindelwald, Chaeyoung and Mina's lives had flourished in ways neither could have ever imagined. They had chosen to make Switzerland their permanent home, drawn by its serene landscapes and the privacy it offered, away from the chaos of their earlier lives. Nestled in a cozy house in the Swiss Alps, they built a life filled with love, warmth, and laughter.


The bond between them, strengthened by trials and time apart, blossomed into a deep, enduring commitment. Their wedding was a picturesque affair, set against the backdrop of the majestic mountains, surrounded by close friends and family who had supported them through thick and thin. It was a celebration of love's triumph over every obstacle, a fitting start to their married life.


A couple of years into their marriage, the family grew with the arrival of twins—a boy and a girl. The children brought new joy and a delightful busyness to their home. Mina took to motherhood with a grace that amazed Chaeyoung, while Chaeyoung herself discovered depths of patience and love she never knew she had.


Life in Switzerland proved to be everything they had hoped for. The slower pace allowed them to spend quality time as a family, whether it was taking long walks in the forests, teaching the twins how to ski, or simply enjoying quiet evenings by the fireplace, the children's laughter echoing through the house.


Chaeyoung and Mina shared all the duties of parenting equally, their partnership seamless. Mina, who had once struggled to find her place in the world, now thrived as both a mother and a freelance graphic designer, her work allowing her the flexibility to be present at home. Chaeyoung, on the other hand, continued her passion for art, opening a small gallery in the nearest town, which quickly became a local favorite. Her art was inspired by their story, by the landscapes around them, and by the family they had created together.


As the twins grew, they showed a delightful mix of their parents' traits. The boy had Mina's thoughtful nature and love for books, while the girl shared Chaeyoung's exuberance and creativity. Together, the family explored the rich culture and natural beauty of Switzerland, often taking trips to different parts of Europe, creating memories that would last a lifetime.


Chaeyoung and Mina often reflected on their journey together—the challenges they had overcome and the love that had carried them through. They were grateful for every moment, every hardship that had led them to this point. In the quiet, snowy evenings of Grindelwald, as they watched their children play, they knew they had found more than just each other; they had found a life filled with peace, happiness, and contentment.


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