Last twilight

K-drama or BL one shots

Day didnt know just how unhappy his love was, he noticed when Mhonk was turned away from him in bed. He hesitated before reaching for the other.

"Mhonk, what's wrong?" Day was quiet but loud enough 

"It's you still love me?"

"Of course! Why is that even a question?"

"Recently it's felt like you haven't, and I might be crazy for asking but I just feel like you've been distant.."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Day leaned in for a kiss, but nothing, no kiss.

"I'm gonna go shower." Mhonk got up leaving Day on the bed by himself.

Day waited for the other to come back, he smiled when the bedroom door opened.

"Hey, I'm hungry can we get food? Like go out?"

"Like a date?"

"Yes like a date."

"Alright, let's get ready."

They got to the breakfast spot and sat down, Mhonk smiled just a bit.

"Same as always?" Mhonk put the menu down

"Of course." Day reached for the others hand, "I love you.."

"I love you too.." Mhonk sat next to the other hugging him close

"I'm sorry, I really am.."

"But why were you distant?"

"My friends have been asking me when we're gonna get married, I'm not sure if I want to?"

"You don't have to, no one is going to force you."

Their food was given to them

" want to! I know you do."

"I still won't force you to marry me."

"But, what if you ask?"

"How about this, you tell me when your ready, then I ask?"


"Now eat."

The pair fell silent, Day thought it was fixed, but Mhonk still wasn't convinced the other loves him as much as he claims. A few days later Mhonk became distant, he only helped when he was asked to.

"Something is wrong, what is it."

"Nothing. Why are you claiming that."

"Your just distant."

"Oh so you can be but I can't?!"

"I apologized! And I explained myself."

"Ugh! I just can't right now."

"What does that mean?"

"Im calling your brother, then I'm going to stay at a friends house."

"Mhonk! You can't leave."

Once Day's brother shows up Mhonk leaves, it was around a week before he came back. Both of them were a mess for that week, barely eating, barely sleeping. A lot of crying, Day called for Mhonk whenever the door opened. One day, it was him.

"Mhonk? Is that you?"

"Yes is."

"Oh..I'm so sorry!"

Mhonk hugged him and hugged tight, "I missed you!" The tears started, "I love you so so much!"

They shared a kiss before laughing a bit, Mhonk felt good, Day was happy.

"I'm sorry I left.." Mhonk wiped the others face

"It's my fault, please if something is ever bothering you, talk to me.."




im sorry this was short, I'm swamped rn, do the Google form or pm me to request

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59 streak #1
Chapter 1: I like this. They were so sweet during the ending and were able to talk about their feelings.

Thank you so much for writing this!