Let Me Carry You Home

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They couldn't be more different and Kim Taeyeon knows that, but the light in all of their eyes was dimmed and a smile nowhere to be found. As she brings them together, she hopes that they can save each other's lives.


Kim Taeyeon, a school counsellor, brings together five girls in an unconventional way. They visit her often, sometimes by their own wish, sometimes forcefully, battling life as they go along their way. 


"That’s how Taeyeon ends up with all five of them in her small office after school on Tuesday. They each look more than uncomfortable around one another, they all knew of one another.

Bae Joohyun, the not so perfect girl.

Kang Seulgi, the star who fell from the sky.

Son Seungwan, the girl who lived.

Park Sooyoung, the neighborhood .

Kim Yerim, the queer.

“I’m really glad you all decided to give this a try, I have a feeling this might be very beneficial to all of you.”

They didn’t seem to think so, but Taeyeon had hope that these girls could help one another. Little did they all know, the greatest friendship of all time would be formed in this very room."

Hello, this is my second story and by far my most favorite. This story actually means a lot to me personally (it is like my baby) so I hope people could take something back after reading this. This story is actually the continuation of an amazing fanfic (the above quotation is also from the same fanfic): https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1535755/carry-you

You do not need to read it compulsorily but I would recommend you do cause it is amazing and please support the author as well! The premise is just that Taeyeon is a school counselor and she makes an arrangement so these five girls could meet regularly and hopefully form a bond. They come to Taeyeon for some counseling due to different issues they face. They are high school students and there is no romantic relationships between them in this story! 

Some things to note before getting into this, HEAVY TRIGGER WARNING (addiction, ual assault, career ending injuries, death, homophobia). Please, please do not get into this if any of these topics might get to you.


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1788 streak #1
Chapter 4: Oh at least they getting know each other,
1788 streak #2
This sounds interesting, discussing many dark themes.
baechu546 #3
omggg waiting for this i know it'll be great especially if it's carry you sequel 💔
omg i remember reading carry you 💔🥺